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Global EV Outlook 2019

5. Challenges and solutions for EV deployment

With growing adoption of shared (and potentially autonomous) mobility, the importance of policies designed to more directly incentivise the use of EVs over conventional vehicles will grow. Countries and cities have a wide range of policy options at their disposal. These include, inter alia, fuel taxes, zero-emissions zones, road pricing, high occupancy vehicle and transit lane access, incentives for electric mobility services. National, regional, and municipal governments around the world are implementing a range of policies to encourage general EV adoption and use (Hardman et al.,(2017). Country and city specific objectives, constraints and contexts will continue to shape the design of appropriate policy mixes for each jurisdiction. Researchers and policy makers are exploring alternative policy frameworks that could be effective in promoting electrification of shared and, eventually, autonomous fleets (Jenn, 2018b). California’s SB-1014 “California Clean Miles Standard and Incentive Program: zero-emissions vehicles” approved in September 2018 aims to establish annual emissions reduction targets for TNCs (per passengermile). London’s Ultra-Low Emissions Zone encourages all road users, including fleets, to switch to EVs. Supporting the roll-out of charging infrastructure will continue to be crucial to further EV adoption and use, including fast-charging infrastructure in densely populated urban areas and a robust charging network to support a transition to all-electric vehicle fleets. Cities where taxi and bus fleets are already making the transition to electric vehicles may be able to leverage fast-charging stations built for these fleets to spur a transition to electric shared mobility.


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