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Раздел 4. Профессиональная сфера общения

Тема 1. Chosen area of professional activity


Sports related careers are aspired by a huge number of people who are skilled and talented in some type of sport. There are a number of careers related to the various sports. Not only the sports persons or players can make a career in this very field, but also, the coaches, umpires, referees, physiotherapists etc. However, like the entertainment industry, the rate of success in this field entirely depends on the skill of the professionals. The tasks of the professionals in sports related careers depend on the role and job type. The athletes, coaches, umpires, doctors, all have different tasks to perform.

The athletes are the key aspect of these careers. They are required to practice and perform (play) thoroughly. They are supposed to obey their coaches and trainers for better results.

The coaches train and teach the players various tactics and techniques to win. They make them practice and help them to enhance their physical stamina. They induce unity and sportsmanship within the players. The coaches hold major part of the responsibility of the victory or defeat of the team.

Umpires (referees) are present on the ground along with the competing teams. They keep a keen observation on the players and declare decisions like dismissals, winning points, faults, fines, penalties etc. They play a crucial role in keeping the players in discipline and ensuring a fair play.

Doctors, physiotherapists and remaining medical team assist and accompany the players at all venues and locations. They provide immediate help to the players in case of injuries, bruises, cramps, muscle-pulls etc.

Team managers, board members are the professionals who take care of the official work and arrangements of the team, coaches and other assistances. They organize and schedule various events and leagues. They handle the department of hiring and firing the players and other professionals. They even take care of the profits and losses of the boards, leagues or business of the same.

Commentators are the professionals who give a live or recorded description of the sports events that are taking place, or which have already occurred. Their task is to give a vivid elaboration of all the action that took place in the game.


Sport and physical activity are important in maintaining a healthy existence, and for many individuals sport is the focus of much of their leisure time.

There are many reasons why you should study Sport or Exercise Science. For example, you may be a sportsman, sportswoman or coach interested in improving individual and team performance, or you may seek to become a healthcare professional concerned with the fitness, health and rehabilitation of general or specific populations. Within a good Sport or Exercise Science degree you will find the disciplines of exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor control and sports psychology, all of which address many participant, coach or healthcare professional.

The exercise physiologist studies how the body functions during exercise, and how it responds to long term exercise training.

The biomechanist applies the principles of Newtonian mechanics to human movement and the muscular and skeletal systems; from which the biomechanist will seek to understand the reason for failure.

Motor control is the study of movement, and the techniques used to study this have much in common with those used in biomechanics. The student of motor control will examine the mechanisms that enable movements to be produced, and the processes that underlie control, skill acquisition and retention.

The sports psychologist is concerned with the thoughts, feelings and emotions of individuals and how these influence human behaviour in sport and exercise settings. Together, all of these disciplines develop your understanding of how the mind and body work, which can then be applied to a sporting or rehabilitation context.

However, studying Sport and Exercise Sciences is also an exciting way to develop your understanding of the biological sciences and the interaction of the individual with the environment. A good scientific education will act as a springboard for your future career, whether within sport and exercise or another graduate profession.

"Sport defines us as a nation. It teaches us about life. We learn self- discipline and teamwork from it. We learn how to win with grace and lose with dignity. It gets us fit. It keeps US healthy" (Tessa Jowell, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, UK.)

Учебное пособие


Ярмолинец Лариса Григорьевна

(кандидат филол. наук, профессор)

Агафонова Наталия Тимофеевна

(кандидат филол. наук, доцент)

Редактор - корректор С.С. Деркачева

Технический редактор Г.В. Горбань

Составители С.И. Акимова, Е.В. Степанова

Оригинал – макет подготовлен Л.Г. Ярмолинец, Н.Т. Агафонова

С.И. Акимова, Е.В. Степанова

ЛР 021340 от 19.05.99 г.

Подписано в печать 14.09.09

Формат 60 × 90/ 16

Бумага для офисной техники.

Усл. печ. л. 3,8. Тираж 374 экз. Заказ 66 (383)

Отпечатано на множительной технике.

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физической культуры спорта и туризма