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Учебник бакалавр 1 курс.doc
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8. Упражнения для закрепления материала

Разделите предложения на именные группы. Выделите подлежащее и сказуемое. Сделайте частеречный анализ. Разберите сказуемое по схеме (стр 12).

Упражнение 1. Обратите внимание на признаки явного сказуемого.

1. This experience will serve to maintain interest and rise motivation. It will also serve to promote adult participation in athletics.

  1. Within the framework of talent identification training, the technical process is an essential element of talent selection.

  2. By the end of the nineteenth century, professional running had taken a firm hold in some of the country areas of Australia, where some of the world’s fastest sprinters ran in the Stawell Gift Handicap.

  3. Without exception the authors of these reviews have noted that our knowledge of the determinants of exercise behavior in free-living adults is limited

  4. Fatigue is more closely associated with the accumulation of hydrogen ions as a consequence of the high rates of lactate formation.

  5. Vitamin preparations are frequently taken by athletes.

Упражнение 2. Обратите внимание на признаки неявного сказуемого.

  1. We base our calculations on the aerobic power of each athlete, measured on the field with the Conconi Test.

  2. Words such as performance, competitions, record, training, self-restraint, personal achievements express the essence of the world of athletics.

  3. Most children between the ages of 10 and 18 years attend school. Many of them regularly participate in sport.

Упражнение 3. Обратите внимание на омонимичные формы глагола с окончанием -ed (V2-V3).

  1. In the running events the physiological aspects are most important and the basic parameters presented in our reports have only an orientational value.

  2. In almost all cases the cited studies employed a research design in which a modified approach to physical education was compared with a normal or control physical education program.

  3. The training of advanced athletes is characterized by an increase in volume.

Упражнение 4. Обратите внимание на омонимию форм с окончанием


а) обстоятельство образа действия (как? каким образом?) и определение (какой?):

  1. Depending on the athletes’ current ability and their ultimate potential the training will vary from athlete to athlete, for all must be treated as individuals - physically, mentally and emotionally.

  2. It is now accepted in sport pedagogy that achievements, particularly achievements boardering on the limits, contribute greatly to the instruction and education of young (and not so young) men.

b) герундий (чаще всего prep + V4) переводится существительным, образованным от основы производящего глагола, или неопределенной формой глагола в функции обстоятельства цели (для чего?): for achieving - для достижения, чтобы достигнуть:

1. Modern athletics stadia are usually equipped with photofinish electrical timekeeping, which is increasingly used as a means of deciding both the results and the timing of the competitors.

2. A sport doctor plays an active part in all spheres of sports: in improving projects or sports facilities, in organizing the diet and so on.

Упражнение 5. В группу сказуемого входит модальный глагол.

1. Biomechanical study of juniors and seniors can gradually build up a more exact picture of the technical development in a given event.

2. The improvement of anaerobic endurance must be the main objective of physical training during this phase of life.

Упражнение 6. Обратите внимание на сигналы придаточных предложений: союзы, союзные слова, относительные местоимения (that, when, while, which, where, that, after):

1. If it is watched on television the commentary may refer - often without opportunity for explanation - to technical devices, equipment, outstanding performers, events, clubs and studies, of which the most important are mentioned above.

  1. The following table shows the training volume and the performance which should be achieved in the main training exercises.

Упражнение 7. Нижеследующие предложения представляют собой «глокую куздру», т. е. искусственные предложения, имеющие все формальные признаки английского предложения.

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