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5.2. Read the text. Text b. Movement to save seas and oceans.

1. The living resources of the seas and oceans are renewable. If managed rationally they could provide food and materials probably for ever, but even here, we have a history of overexploitation.

2. In spite of international regulation of intergovernmental organizations, we have failed to protect the world’s fisheries which are dying because their raw materials are coming to an end. This and some other problems are now being thoroughly discussed and the calculations necessary are being made.

3. The only way to overcome a catastrophe is to put the ocean under greater international control, perhaps under that of the United Nations. The freedom of the seas has been too often interpreted as a permission to destroy. The territorial waters of most nations are already being spoiled, but the individual nations must be prevented from ruining the waters beyond their own limits.

4. Waters outside these limits should come under a new ocean regime of the United Nations who should allow the exploitation of the biological resources only with permission and according to strict rules. Under this regime the mineral and other resources of the oceans would become reserves and not for use by this or the following generations.

5. As for our country, concern is expressed for the fate of the Sea of Azov which is located in the south of Ukraine and is connected with the Black Sea by the Kerch Strait. The surface area of Azov is small – only 38,000 km2. And its average depth of 8 metres makes it unlike most seas. But that is why it is warmed through by the sun.

6. Obeying the law of communicating vessels, through the Kerch Strait the waters of the Black Sea poured into the Sea of Azov. They brought hundreds of millions of tonnes of salts, which abruptly altered the sea’s biological regime. Together with the salts came voracious jelly-fish.

7. Scientists and economists sounded the alarm. Some researchers expressed the fear that if urgent measures were not taken, the Sea of Azov could degenerate into a swamp. So saving the Sea has become a key task.

8. Now the calculations are being done by computers into which biological, hydrological and other data obtained through the exploration of different parts of the Azov are fed. Operation “Jelly-fish” is also under way.

9. It was proposed that this organic matter may be put to economic use. It was discovered that after processing the jelly-fish could serve as high-calorie livestock fodder.

10. In addition, the gelatinous mass goes into the manufacture of sturdy binding material needed in the construction industry.

5.3. Find in Text b English equivalents of the following:

різко змінити, основне завдання, висловлювати побоювання, ненажерлива медуза, висококалорійний корм для худоби, органічна речовина, зменшуватися, забити тривогу, всупереч, дозвіл, заповідник, вживати заходи, будівельна промисловість, занепокоєння, міжурядові організації, робити розрахунки, рибний промисел, рятувати, єдиний засіб, територіальні води, за межами, наступні покоління, середня глибина, використовувати у народному господарстві, скріплюючий матеріал.

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