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IV. Vocabulary Study

4.1. Translate into Ukrainian the following words with common stem:

– color, colorless, colorful;

– physics, physical;

– chemistry, chemical, chemicals;

– describe, description;

– a result, to result, resulting;

– a charge, to charge;

– a stick, to stick, sticky;

– a shape, to shape, ball shaped;

– a form, to form;

– to solve, solvent, dissolve, dissolved;

– acid, acidic;

– base, basic;

– nature, natural;

– an act, to act, to interact;

– dense, density.

4.2. Match the words from the left-hand column to the corresponding translation from the right-hand column:

1. unique

1. притягувати

2. electrical charges

2. смак

3. smell

3. краплі води

4. gravity force

4. твердий

5. to dissolve substances

5. електричні заряди

6. taste

6. унікальний

7. liquid

7. сила тяжіння

8. take along

8. рідкий

9. to attract

9. запах

10. water drops

10. розчиняти речовини

11. solid

11. переносити

12. constantly

12. щільний

13. dense

13. виміряти

14. to measure

14. шкала

15. scale

15. постійно

4.3. Give Ukrainian equivalents:

A perfect sphere, a water molecule, positive charge, wherever, either … or … , to attract, hydrogen, the right side diagram, to tend, to clump together, if it wasn’t for … , to dissolve, liquid, basic, steam, to interact, in movement, to freeze, to measure temperature.

4.4. Find in the text and write down English equivalents of the following words:

Негативний заряд, кисень, прикріпляти, називатись, універсальний розчинник, речовина, переносити, цінні поживні речовини, кислотний, єдиний, три стани речовини, кипіти, щільний.

V. Get Ready to Render the text

5.1. Answer the questions:

1. Has water any taste or smell or color?

2. What is the chemical description of water?

3. What does H20 mean?

4. Are hydrogen atoms attached to different sides of the oxygen atom?

5. What is the charge of hydrogen (oxygen) atoms?

6. What are the states of substances?

7. At what temperature does water boil (freeze)?

8. What temperature scales are mentioned in the text?

9. Why does ice float?

5.2. Ask your groupmates questions in English about:

– які характеристики чистої води;

– з яких атомів складається молекула води;

– чому ми можемо бачити воду у формі крапель;

– чому воду називають універсальним розчинником.

5.3. Add one or two sentences to the given statements using the material of the text:

1. As any other substance, water has some chemical and physical properties.

1. Pure water … 2. …

2. Water’s chemical description is H20.

1. … 2. …

3. Water is called the “universal solvent”.

1. … 2. …

4. Water can be found in three states.

1. … 2. …

5.4. Speak on the points:

– chemical properties of water;

– physical properties of water.

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