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2. Read jumbled parts of Ukrainian translation and arrange them in a logical order: Канівська гес

4 генератори об'єднуються з одним блочним трансформатором. Кожний блок приєд­нується до системи шин 110 кВ через вимикач. Відкритий розподільчий пристрій 110/330 кВ знаходиться на розділь­ній дамбі поміж відвідним каналом ГЕС і каналом шлюзу.

На Канівській ГЕС, як і на Київській, застосовані горизонтальні кап­сульні гідроагрегати. Довжина напірного фронту Канівського гідровузла-16,1 км.Повний об'єм водосховища – 2,62 км3. Електрична схема Ка­нівської ГЕС побудована за блочним принципом:

Канівська ГЕС – друга сходинка Дніпровського каскаду.

3. Pair-work Role-play.

St. A.

– You are a professor. You are examining one of your students. Ask him questions concerning Kaniv HPS.

St. B.

– You are a student taking an exam. Answer the questions of your professor.

Text 12.

1. Read the texts below and formulate the answers to the following questions.

– Where is Kremenchuk hydroelectric power station built?

– What makes it possible to regulate flow of the Dnipro River and to increase annual electricity production?

– What units belong to the waterworks facility?

– Is there a railway and motorway along buildings of waterworks facility?

– Where is Dnieprodzerzhyns’k HPS situates?

– What units belong to the complex of waterworks facility buildings?

– What is the total length of the waterworks facility?

– Where is the building of hydroelectric power station located?

– By what is the principal connection layout of the hydroelectric power station executed?

Kremenchuk hps

Kremenchuk hydroelectric power station is built up on the Dniepro River above Kremenchuk town.

Kremenchuk waterworks facility is the biggest on the Dniepro River under payload volume, which makes possible to regulate flow of the Dniepro River and without any extra costs to increase annual electricity production at the lower located HPS up to more than 7,00 million kilowatt-hour.

The following units belong to the waterworks facility, viz: building of the HPS, overflow1 dam, lock, and open distribution device 330 and 154 kV, embankment dam.

The length of pressure front of Kremenchuk waterworks facility is 11,3 km. The main electric network of the HPS is: 4 blocks of 3 generators-transformer; 2 autotransformers of 330-154 kV switching substations connection.

There is railway and motorway along buildings of waterworks facility.

Dnieprodzerzhynsk hps

Dnieprodzerzhyns'k hydroelectric power station is built up on the Dniepro River and situated near Dnieprodzerzhyns’k town.

The following units belong to the complex of waterworks facility buildings, viz: a building of the hydroelectric power station, concrete overflow dam, lock, embankment dams and dikes, 154 kV open distribution device.

The total length of the waterworks facility equals 8,5 km. The building of hydroelectric power station is located on the right bank land areas between overflow dam and navigation lock. There are railway and motorway above them along bridges. It is built an embankment dike with 28,5 km length along the left bank of water storage reservoir, which protects from flood of agricultural land in the zones of the Оrel River. The bed of the present river with the help of the channel (57 km) is moved to downstream of the hydroelectric power station. The principal connection layout of the hydroelectric power station is executed by 4 blocks: two generators-transformer; each of them is connected to 154 kV transmission lines.

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