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Questions & answers ...

My water bill looks too high. Is there a leak at my site?

– The easiest way to test for leaks is to conduct a 'night use test'. You need to turn off all water using equipment and read the water meter after everyone has left the premises. The following morning, before everyone arrives, read the meter again. Compare the two readings. If there is a difference there is likely to be a leak (or a use of water you are not aware of).

Other methods of identifying leaks include examining all water using plant and supply pipework, listening for drips or flows of water, looking for lush vegetation or continuously boggy or damp areas (are these near any pipes?) and employing a leak detection service.

Why should I care about cutting my company's water use?

– Water is becoming an increasingly expensive resource with mains, sewerage and trade effluent charges rising. By using less water you will save money twice on both water supply and wastewater disposal. However, if you get your water from an alternative source such as borehole or river this is likely to be a finite source and therefore increased availability may also be expensive. Managing water more efficiently can prevent any potential site expansion being limited by the availability of water or the need for an increased water supply.

What is a water balance and why would I want to do one?

– A water balance is a numerical account used to show where water enters and leaves your business, and where it is used within the business. It typically contains information about the amount of water used by each main process. A water balance helps you to:

● understand and manage water and effluent efficiently;

● identify the areas with the greatest opportunity for cost savings;

● detect leaks.

Boost your cash flow

The Water Technology List (WTL) gives UK businesses the opportunity to boost cash flow by investing in products that reduce water use. It therefore has a double benefit: saving money, and saving water – an important resource under increasing threat.

UK companies are coming under mounting pressure from the rising costs of utilities and raw materials, and from dealing with wastes generated when manufacturing and delivering products and services.

Products from nine categories are on the WTL:

● cleaning-in-place equipment;

● efficient showers;

● efficient taps;

● efficient toilets;

● flow controllers;

● leakage detection equipment;

● meters and monitoring equipment;

● rainwater harvesting equipment;

● efficient membrane filtration systems.

If these systems meet the criteria, the business making the investment will receive a 'certificate of environmental benefit'.

Moreover, the Environment Agency is delighted to announce the annual Water Efficiency Awards which recognize organizations that cut down on water use, helping to conserve our precious water resources.

Facts about water use

Just about anything we do or touch utilizes water. Switch on a light; water generated the power. Read a newspaper; water made the paper. Drive a car; water produced the steel. Eat a hamburger; water sustained the cow. The United States withdraws an estimated 339 billion gallons of fresh water a day from lakes, streams, and underground sources. That is nearly 10 percent less than the total used in 1980, even though the population has grown. Economic downturn, water-saving technologies, higher water prices, and conservation efforts have stemmed water demand. Still, Americans remain among the world's biggest water users.

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