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4.5. Get ready to speak on the following topics (3-5 sentences):

1. The general methods of applying water.

2. The object of border strip irrigation.

3. Some peculiarities of basin irrigation.

4. Disadvantages of wild flooding.

4.6. Using the Denotative Graph, retell Text a.

V. Additional text

5.1. Memorize the following words:

to convey the water

подавати воду

point of infiltration

місце проникнення (просочування в ґрунт)

soil surface

поверхня ґрунту


зрошуваний, що піддається зрошенню


1) стічна канава; 2) гребля, гатка


дамба, насип


інтервал, відстань


структура, будова, склад

land grading

нівелювання (планування) земельної ділянки

farm ditch

польовий канал (тимчасовий зрошувач)


контрольна ділянка

to pond

запруджувати, загачувати

uniform distribution

рівномірний розподіл


униз, донизу

to moisten

зволожувати, змочувати

gated pipe

труба з отворами, що мають щитки

siphon tube

сифонна труба

low intake rate

невисока швидкість поглинання

lateral distribution pipe

боковий трубопровід

5.2. Read the text. Text b. Surface irrigation.

1. In surface irrigation water is conveyed to the point of infiltration on the soil surface. Surface irrigation can be used on nearly all irrigable soils and most crops.

2. In flooding, water from the distribution system is applied directly to the field from ditches without dikes or levees to control flow. The spacing of the field ditches varies from 50 to 200 ft or more, depending on the slope of the land, texture and depth of soil, size of stream and type of crop. Precise land grading is seldom used to prepare the land for this method of application. Uneven distribution of water and low water application efficiency are common with uncontrolled flooding from farm ditches

3. The border method is a controlled flooding process. The area to be irrigated is divided into strips by constructing border dikes or levees. The border strips are wide, shallow channels in which the water flows from the head ditch to the end of the border strip.

4. A check or basin is an area completely surrounded by a dike. The entire amount of water is applied quickly and ponded in the area until absorbed by the soil. Checks permit high water application efficiencies and uniform distribution of water. Checks are used mainly to irrigate rice fields.

5. With furrow irrigation small channels or furrows are used to convey the water over the soil surface in small individual, parallel streams. Infiltration occurs through the sides and bottom of the furrow containing water. From the point of infiltration the water moves both laterally and vertically downwards to moisten the plant root zone.

6. For applying water to the furrow gated pipe will be most practical, but siphon tubes and ditches may also be used.

7. Corrugations (small furrows) are often used for irrigating close-growing crops on steep or rolling lands. This method is especially good for soils that have low intake rates.

8. Contour furrows enable the irrigator to successfully irrigate steep slopes without erosion.

5.3. Find in Text B English equivalents of the following:

мала швидкість поглинання, зволожувати, просочування, корені рослин, пагористa місцевість, дрібні борозни, давати змогу, подавати воду, ґрунтова поверхня, гребля, система розподілу води, відстань між каналами, механічний склад ґрунту, коефіцієнт корисної дії зрошувальної води, нерівномірний розподіл, глибина ґрунту, неконтрольоване затоплення.

5.4. Finish the following sentences according to the text:

1. Surface irrigation can be used on … .

2. The spacing of the field ditches varies ….

3. Uneven distribution of water and low … .

4. The border strips are wide, shallow channels in which ….

5. Infiltration occurs through the sides and bottom ….

6. Small furrows are especially good for ….

5.5. Divide the text into parts, state the microtopics of each part and express the contents of each part in one or two sentences.

5.6. Write a summary of Text B in English.

5.7. Project work. Work in groups of 3 or 4. Try to collect as much information as possible about methods of irrigation. Summarize all the principal information. Present your summaries to the class and choose the summary that is the best.


I. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct:

1. Irrigation may raise a salt water table so that saline water reach the


root zone.

2. Our University is providing the requisite teaching, research and


recreation facilities for its students.


3. A sprinkling system can apply water to soils at rates equal to, greater


than, or little than the infiltration rate.


4. The irrigation cycle may be 10 to 14 days whereas the time require to


completely irrigate the farm may be only 1 to 3 days.


5. Surface irrigation systems is usually inexpensive to operate when


compared with other methods of application because of low power



6. The beginnings of land drainage in America are unknown, but


probably was along the eastern seaboard.


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