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Text b. Specific heat index and surface tension.

5.5. Read the following text and say what other characteristics of water you’ve learned about. Write down unknown words and their translation:

Water has a high specific heat index. This means that water can absorb a lot of heat before it begins to get hot. This is why water is valuable to industries and in your car's radiator as a coolant. The high specific heat index of water also helps regulate the rate at which air changes temperature, which is why the temperature change between seasons is gradual rather than sudden, especially near the oceans.

Water has a very high surface tension. In other words, water is sticky and elastic, and tends to clump together in drops rather than spread out in a thin film. Surface tension is responsible for capillary action, which allows water (and its dissolved substances) to move through the roots of plants and through the tiny blood vessels in our bodies.


1. Specific heat index

показник теплоємності

2. Surface tension

поверхневий натяг

3. Сapillary action

капілярне підняття

5.6. Write a short summary (6-8 sentences) about water’s qualities: test 3

Find the correct variant:

1. There … one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen in a water molecule.

а) am; c) is;

b) are; d) were.

2. Have you … CDs with English lessons?

а) some; c) any;

b) no; d) anything.

3. You study at the Faculty of Hydrotechnical Engineering, … ?

а) doesn’t you; c) don’t you;

b) isn’t you; d) aren’t you.

4. There … 25 pupils in our class at school.

а) is; c) were;

b) was; d) are.

5. … you study at school or at the university?

а) Do; c) Is;

b) Does; d) Are.

6. Water is constantly … .

а) movement; c) moved;

b) moves; d) moving.

7. We had … classes on May 1.

а) any; c) anything;

b) no; d) nothing.

8. … 30 or 31 days in August?

а) Are there; c) Is there;

b) Were there; d) Was there.

9. … Petrenko present yesterday?

а) Is; c) Were;

b) Was; d) Are.

10. Charge

а) Заряд; c) Завод;

b) Підряд; d) Вихід.

11. Oxygen

а) Олово; c) Водень;

b) Кисень; d) Окисел.

12. To attract

а) Пристосувати; c) Переносити;

b) Прикріпляти; d) Притягати.

13. To dissolve

а) Розчиняти; c) Розкривати;

b) Розповідати; d) Змішувати.

14. Liquid

а) Рідина; c) Ліквідація;

b) Ліквідність; d) Лікер.

15. Heat

а) Холод; c) Жаркий;

b) Тепло; d) Хітер.

16. Surface tension

а) Тонка плівка; c) Поверхневий натяг;

b) Поверхневий показник; d) Розчинені речовини.

17. Acidic

а) Лужний; c) Луговий;

b) Кислотний; d) Земляний.

18. Boiling point

а) Точка замерзання; c) Пункт призначення;

b) Поворотна точка; d) Точка кипіння.

19. Sticky

а) Пухкий; c) Еластичний;

b) Клейкий; d) Синтетичний.

20. – How do you feel?

а) – That’s nothing; c) – I’m a student;

b) – I’m a bit tired; d) – That’s good.

21. Clump together

а) Скупчуватися; c) Відділятися;

b) Витягуватися; d) Падати.

22. – I’m tired. It took me half a night to prepare for the test.

а) – Oh, poor you. I hope you passed it;

b) – That’s good. I’m pleased to hear it;

c) – Good luck;

d) – Have a good time.

23. – I feel nervous. I’m going to speak to the dean today.

а) – That’s great;

b) – Good luck. Do your best;

c) – Why don’t you go home to bed?

d) – It’s so cold and wet today.

24. Water freezes at …

а) 100º F; c) 32º F;

b) 5 º C; d) 95 º C.

25. Are there … hostels in the campus?

а) some; c) no;

b) any; d) anyone.


I. Everyday English:

Social Expressions – 2.

II. Grammar:

1. Quantitative Pronouns many, much, (a) few, (a) little, a lot of.

2. Possessive Pronouns: conjoint and absolute forms.

3. The verb to have.

ІІI. Texts:

1. Earth’s Water: Ground Water.

2. The advantages and disadvantages of ground water.

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