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5.3. Find in Text b English equivalents of the following:

прокладка паралельних дренажних канав, просочування через ґрунт, вологі регіони, рівнинна місцевість, обмежений гідравлічний ухил, напівпосушливі зони, перебувати під впливом сезонних дощів, відводити зайву воду від кореневої зони рослин, підземна трубчаста дренажна система, кінцева частина бокового трубопроводу, відстань між дренами, водопровідна здатність ґрунту, близькість водоприймача, зовнішнє джерело, підвищити рівень ґрунтових вод, капілярна дія, контрольований процес дренажу, додаткова якість використаної води, меліорувати солончакові і заболочені землі, вертикальний дренаж за допомогою трубчастих колодязів, польовий канал.

5.4. Complete the sentences with the words given below:

1. Drain spacing is usually dependent on a design drainage rate coefficient and … … … .

2. Surface drainage is especially important in humid regions on flat lands with … … … to nearby rivers or other disposal points.

3. … … … are generally installed deeper in arid regions than in … … in order to control salinity.

4. In another process, known as … …, elevated water tables can be maintained with a control structure on the … … .

5. The primary purposes of … … are the same as those of horizontal drains.

6. Horizontal subsurface … … are used to maintain favourable long-term … … … … in the crop root zone.

(limited hydraulic gradients, controlled drainage, humid regions, collector pipe, buried pipe drains, soil hydraulic conductivity, salt and water balances, tube-wells, drainage systems).

5.5. Write a summary of Text b in English. Test 11

I. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentences:

1. None of these basic schemes … the rational water use requirements yet.

a) has met; b) meets;

c) has been meeting; d) have met.

2. There … water quality problems related to the disposal of drainage water.

a) has been; b) was;

c) are; d) is.

3. Either mechanical subsoiling or vibration subsoiling … the permeability of the soil.

a) improve; b) have improved;

c) improves; d) are improving.

4. A number of subsurface drainage systems … in some parts of the world.

a) has been used; b) are used;

c) have been using; d) is used.

5. Mole drainage, along with pipe drainage, … the soil stability.

a) provides; b) provide;

c) have provided; d) is provided.

6. Three tube-wells on these heavy clay soils … enough to remove excess water from the crop root zone.

a) aren’t; b) isn’t;

c) weren’t; d) haven’t been.

II. Match the term to its definition:

1. discharge

1. A pit or tank that catches liquid runoff for drainage or disposal.

2. salinization

2. Wastewater – treated or untreated – that flows out of a treatment plant, sewer, or industrial outfall. Generally refers to wastes discharged into surface waters.

3. sump

3. The amount of water that passes a fixed point in a given amount of time.

4. sewage

4. The movement of water downward and radially through the subsurface soil layers, usually continuing downward to the groundwater.

5. percolation

5. The supply of fresh water found beneath the Earth’s surface, usually in aquifers, which is often used for supplying wells and springs.

6. groundwater

6. A process in which mineral salts accumulate in the soil, killing plants, occurs when soils in dry climates are irrigated profusely.

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