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3. Answer the following questions:

1. How old are you?

2. Where and when were you born?

3. At what age did you go to school?

4. Where does your family live?

5. How many members are there in your family?

6. Have you any brothers or sisters?

7. Where do your parents work?

8. What do your grandparents do?

9. How old are your parents?

10. Does your father help you with your homework?

11. Does your mother like her work?

12. In what way do you help your parents?

13. What does your mother like besides reading?

14. What kind of books do you prefer to read?

15. Do you go in for sports? What kind of sports do you like?

16. How do you spend your leisure time?

17. What are your favourite subjects?

18. Why did you apply to National University of Water Management and Naturel Resources Use?

19. What are your impressions about the students’ life?

20. Where would you like to work after graduating from the University?

4. Speaking about yourself.

Step 1. Finish the following sentences:

* When I have some free time I like … .

* In school I have always been (was) good at … .

* It has always been very difficult for me to … .

* I would describe myself as a … and … person.

* I enjoy going to parties where … .

* When I go out with my friends we usually … .

* When I am short of money I sometimes … .

* I am sometimes envious of people who … .

* I like (do not like) to have pets in my house because … .

* When I feel out of sorts (in a bad mood) I … .

* When I want to enjoy myself I usually … .

* I am not very interested in … .

* I find it very easy to … .

* I learn English because … .

* I like people who … .

* I try to avoid people who … .

* I am very proud of … .

* One day I hope to … .

* I don’t like films which … .

* I think I look like … .

Step 2. Answer the following questionnaire and find out how ambitious you are.

1. In 10 years do you hope to

a) be a married person with a family?

b) have an interesting but not very well-paid job?

c) have a well-paid job that isn’t very interesting?

2. In 20-year time do you hope to

a) have enough money to pay your bills?

b) have quite a lot of money?

c) have a lot of money?

3. Here is a list of ten jobs. Which would you like to do? Put number 1 next to your favourite job:










actor / pop star

4. Is improving your standard of living important to you?

a) Yes b) No

5. Do you think people who have money should help people who do not have money?

a) Yes b) No

6. How old do you want to be when you have children?

a) 18 – 20 b) 23 – 26 c) 27 – 30 d) over 30

7. When you are playing a game, do you always want to win?

a) Yes b) No

8. Can you tell a white lie?

a) Yes b) No

9. Do you think that rich people are happier and more interesting than other people?

a) Yes b) No

10. Do you work hard because you want to be successful?

a) Yes b) No

11. If you have some work to do, do you do it immediately, or do you wait until the last moment?

a) Immediately b) I wait until the last moment

12. Would you have more money than your parents?

a) Yes b) No

13. Do you agree with the philosophy “Every man for himself”?

a) Yes b) No

14. Do you like hard work?

a) Yes b) No

15. Which of the following is the most important for you?

a) love b) happiness

c) money d) health


1. a) 0; b) 5: c) 10.

2. a) 0; b) 5; c) 10.

3. nurse, artist – 0;

builder, policeman, teacher, journalist – 2;

engineer, actor, pop star – 5;

politician – 10.

4. a) 10; b) 0.

5. a) 0; b) 10.

6. a) 0; b) 2; c) 5; d) 10.

7-14. a) 10; b) 0;

15. a) 0; b) 2; c) 5; d) 10.


0 – 50. You are not very ambitious! You are happy with a quiet life.

50 – 100. You are quite ambitious, but you do not want to work too hard.

Over 100. You are very ambitious! Good luck and try to be nice to people.

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