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III. Vocabulary study

3.1. Translate into Ukrainian the following words with common stem and word-combinations:

– accept, acceptable, acceptability, acceptance, acceptant, acceptation, accepted, acceptive, acceptor;

– capacity, capacious, capacitance, capacitate, capacitive, capacitor, field moisture capacity;

– depend, dependable, dependence, dependant, dependency, independence, independent, independently;

– line (n), line (v), lineage, lineal, lineament, linear measures, lineation, lined, lineman, main pipeline;

– space (n), space (v), spacing, spacecraft, spaceless, spaceman, spaceport, space station, space missile, spacious lecture theatre;

– vapour (n), vapour (v), vapoury, vapourish, vaporous, vaporize, vaporable, vaporific, evaporate, evaporation, evaporative losses.

3.2. Match the words from the left-hand column to the corresponding translation from the right-hand column:


accelerated growth

подальше дослідження

poor water quality

прискорений розвиток

continuous maintenance

насичення ґрунту

to reduce

погана якість води


тривале утримування

water sources

водні джерела

soil saturation


further investigation


moisture stress

виноградна лоза

degree of restriction

ступінь обмеження


нестача вологи


3.3. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:

shallow rooted crops, overall water use, to eliminate, portion, fairly heavy soils, wide-spread root system, drippers spacing, acceptance, plants` exact requirements, potential advantages, acceleration, moist root zone, considerable damage, according to, increased yields, light sandy soils, continual cycles, firm and dry area, relatively low water, losses, drip irrigation system.

3.4. Find in the text and write down English equivalents of the following words:

інтервал, здобувати визнання, сприяти отримуванню високих врожаїв, фруктові дерева, довжина мікротрубки, манометр, маленький отвір, вносити добрива, польова вологоємність, вода з високим вмістом солі, пухкий ґрунт, найбільше захоплення, на віддалі, поливна норма, вегетаційний період, втрати через випарoвування, уздовж трубопроводу, низькі потреби у воді.

IV. Get ready to render the text

4.1. On the basis of textual word-building chains with the stems “restrict” and “vapour”, state the number of paragraphs dealing with:

– the factors which influence the rate of water leaving the lateral;

– the considerable reduction of the water use in drip irrigation.

4.2. Answer the questions:

1. What is drip irrigation?

2. Since when has the drip irrigation been gaining acceptance?

3. What are the basic advantages of trickle irrigation system as compared to other methods?

4. What are the main components of the drip irrigation system?

5. How are the drippers spaced on different crops?

6. What is a significant water conservation in drip irrigation due to?

7. Is the use of poor quality water acceptable in trickle irrigation?

8. What are the chief problems of drip irrigation which need further investigation?

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