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2.5. Ask all possible questions to the following sentences:

1. Elizabeth II is the queen of Great Britain.

2. Last year my brother was a schoolboy.

3. The Crimea is situated in the south of our country.

4. They are first-year students from our University.

5. There are nine faculties at our University.

6. Our classes begin at 8.15.

7. This man works at a large plant.

8. His younger brother can play the guitar well.

9. Peter has a brother and two sisters.

10. These students are preparing for the seminar now.

2.6. Complete the disjunctive questions:

1. There are sports grounds near the stadium, … ?

2. Your parents live in Rivne, … ?

3. John is reading a book, … ?

4. His hobby is diving, … ?

5. It is the 15-th of October, … ?

6. Ann was a monitor of the group last year, … ?

7. Mary and Nick finished school last year, … ?

8. There are two cathedrals in Rivne, … ?

9. Your working day begins at 8 a.m., … ?

10. Your Mom usually leaves home at 7.30, … ?

2.7. Ask general questions and questions to the subjects:

1. Earth’s water is constantly in movement.

2. Water molecules attract each other.

3. Water boils at 100º C.

4. Ann is reading a newspaper now.

5. She reads the morning papers every morning.

6. My brother studies interesting problems in physics.

7. My mother is a teacher of chemistry.

8. Water has a very high surface tension.

9. We must study water’s chemical and physical properties.

10. We are studying grammar now.

2.8. Ask general questions and give negative answers of two types paying attention to the pronoun “some”:

1. I have some original English books in my library.

2. There is some milk in the pot.

3. There are some dean’s assistants at our faculty.

4. They have some pets at home.

5. There were some interesting articles in the newspaper yesterday.

6. We have some language laboratories in Building 7.

7. There have been some new performances in our theatre this year.

8. This substance has some specific characteristics.

9. The year 2000 was one of some climatic extremes.

10. Ann has some sticks on her schoolbag.

2.9. Translate into English:

1. У нашій квартирі є три кімнати.

2. Хто працює в цій лабораторії?

3. У твоєму портфелі є червоний олівець?

4. У цій аудиторії немає стільців.

5. Молекула води має два атоми водню і один атом кисню.

6. Ви першокурсники, так?

7. У тебе є кіт чи собака?

8. Скільки факультетів є у вашому університеті?

9. Вода постійно знаходиться у русі.

10. Коли ти зазвичай прокидаєшся?


III. Reading exercises

3.1. Read aloud and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following international words:

unique, physical, chemical, positive, negative, opposite, electrical, molecule, atom gravity, sphere, universal, form, substance, minerals, neutral, temperature, diagram.

3.2. Memorize the spelling, pronunciation and translation of the following words:



to bind (bound)


to attract


to clump together

скупчуватися, групуватися


поживні речовини

pure water

чиста вода

to boil


to freeze



клейкий, липкий


кислота (хім.)


основа (хім.)

hidden qualities

приховані особливості (якості)

to attach


a charge








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