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Dialogue 2 Мы намерены вести оживленную торговлю We intend to drive a good trade

(Charles Macdonald, a well-known American wholesale dealer and Boris Kovaljuik, a suppliers manager have a debate on the subject concerning the problem of reviving the trade)

  • Do you drive a good trade?

  • I can't say that we drive a good trade. Thanks to the wide selection and high quality we offer our permanent range. It includes ladies' coats and suits, blouses, skirts, dressing gowns, men's suits, trousers and shirts.

  • As I see you have a wide range of goods.

  • Sorry, but well assorted stock is not yet an implication of a bricjc trade.

  • And who are your main materials suppliers?

  • Many cotton mills, silk and haberdashery factories are our main materials suppliers.

  • By whom is your clothes designed?

  • Most of the clothes are designed by our in-house designers.

  • Does anybody restrict your trade?

  • Nobody does. The commercial business is recovering, but slow.

  • If the commercial business is not suspended and the trade is not on the decrease I'm sure everything will be all right.

  • May be you are right. The shops are very busy before the New Year.

  • Are the sales up this year?

  • Comparing with the last year the sales are down this year.

  • What regions is your production delivered to?

  • Our production is delivered to the market of many regions of Urals and Siberia, Japan.

  • And is it in popular demand?

  • Yes, it is. The production of our firms is in popular demand because of the original taste and beautiful design.

  • What total volume of selling will be next year?

  • The next year the total volume of selling will be about 50 million dollars.

  • Are you going to satisfy meeting of the customers' needs in any way?

  • With the purpose of more complete meeting of the customers' needs we propose business cooperation with foreign companies.

2. Выучите диалог №2 по ролям.

Методы современной торговли. Покупки по Интернет

1 Complete the sentences using the phrases in the box. Do you agree?

  • you're interested in quality

  • who cares?

  • you're interested in price

  • you're interested in quality and price

1When you buy something for yourself with your own money


2When you buy something for someone else with your own money,


3When you buy something for yourself with someone else's money.


4When you buy something for someone else with someone else's money,

2.Discussion Work with a partner. Ask each other the following questions.

a When was the last time you bought something for:

  • yourself?

  • somebody else?

  • a customer or client?

  • your company?

  • What did you buy?

  • What factors influenced your decisions?

  • What kind of shopping do you like/dislike?

  • Have you ever bought anything on the Internet?

The future of e-commerce

Vocabulary 1 The words and phrases a-h are from an article on the future of e-commerceс Match them to the explanations 1-8.

a to comparison shop

b catalogue shopping

с voice recognition

d a keyboard

e a range of options

f historical preferences

g to virtually shop

h to try on

  1. to compare the products offered by different suppliers

  2. the thing you use to type text into a computer

  3. to see if clothes fit you and suit you

  4. to buy things online

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