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Videoscript to «Look Ahead» Unit 53 Banks and Money Chris Bailey at the Bank of English

Крис Бейли работает в Центральном банке Англии. Он рассказывает о том, как важна работа этого банка и как печатаются деньги. Крис сравнивают ситуацию с использованием банкнот 30-40 лет тому назад с сегодняшней ситуацией, а также говорит об услугах, которые банк оказывает своим служащим. Из рассказа Криса учащиеся узнают и об изменениях, происшедших в работе коммерческих банков.

  1. Listen to the cassette and answer the following questions

  1. Who owns the Bank?

  2. What advice do they give the Prime Minister?

The Bank of England.

The Bank of England is Britain's central bank. Every country has a central bank. We are the government's bank and we are the issuers of the money, of the notes that circulate in Britain.

Some countries have independent banks where, by constitution or by law, the central bank is set up separately from the government. But in this country the Bank of English is owned by the government. They own all our shares; we are a part of the government team. So we give advice to the Treasury, and to our Chancellor of the Exchequer, and to the Prime Minister on monetary policy: what would be an appropriate policy, how fast to let the money supply grow.

Once the elected politicians, once our democratic government have reached policy decisions, based on our advice, we then carry out those policies.

New words

Appropriate= right

To be set up separately – функционировать отдельно

Treasury – гос. Казначейство; Министерство Финансов

Chancellor of the Exchequer –канцлер казначейства (министр Финансов в Англии)

Elect – избирать

Carry out – проводить

2.Read the text and continue the sentences, choosing the right answer.

The printing of bank notes is a very complex function. We have to be sure that our notes are as secure against counterfeiting and forgery as they possibly can be, so we want to use the latest printing techniques that are available. We re-issue the currency notes about every ten to 15 years in Britain. If we didn't do that, there's a risk that notes could easily be forged because printing technologies change.

We need to be ahead of the counterfeiters. For example, on of the problems which all central banks face these days is that of the colour copier simply by putting them into the machine and people having a go. We keep ahead of that, partly because of the very complex paper, and partly by the intense patterns and colour combinations in the bank notes which make it very difficult for a copying machine to reproduce them accurately. We have to be ahead of the technology, which means we have to re- design the product every ten or 15 years.

New words

Secure against- защищен против

Counterfeiting- изготовление фальшивых момент

Forgery- подделка документов и т.д.

To be available- быть в наличии

To be ahead- быть впереди, не отставать, быть в курсе

Intense patterns- сильные, интенсивные структуры

To reproduce accurately- тщательно воспроизводить

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