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Shares and stocks in the uk

The capital of a limited company is divided into shares which may be in units of various value, likej.1 pound sterling or more, or of 0,50, 0,25, or of as little as 0,05. Shares are of divisible. Shares are of two main types:

ordinary shares

preference shares

Ordinary shares generally carry no fixed rate of dividend but receive a dividend dependent on the amount of net profit earned by the company. Preference shares generally carry a fixed rate of dividend which is payable before the dividend on the ordinary shares is paid.

There are some other types of shares. For example, there are deferred ordinary shares which unlike ordinary shares carry a fixed rate of dividend. There are a few types of preference shares. There are cumulative preference shares and participating preference shares, for instance. They give their holders additional privileges.

Shares can be grouped into units of 100. These units are known as stocks. Stocks are usually quoted per 100 nominal value. Stocks, unlike shares, are divisible. It means that fractions of stocks can be bought and sold. There are:

government stocks

corporation stocks

debentures etc.


Exchange- биржа

futures exchange – фьючерская биржа

share- aкция

ordinary share- обыкновенная акция

preference share- привелегированная акция

deferred ordinary share participating - отсроченная привелегированная акция

cumulative preference share- кумалятивная привелегированная акция

preference share- привелегированная акция участия

stock- акционерный капитал

unit- единица

to carry- приносить


profit -прибыль

net profit- чистая прибыль


debenture- свидетельство на часть ссуды


1.Translate into Russian:

Shares, government stock ,corporation stock, debenture, ordinary share, deferred ordinary share, preference shares ,cumulative preference share ,participating preference share, fixed rate, to quote, a stock ,divisible

2. Translate the text into Russian.

3. Sum up what the text said about:

Ordinary shares

Preference shares


Финансовая деятельность компании.

Грамматика: сослагательное наклонение (Subjunctive Mood). Повторение и закрепление умений и навыков.


A company's share capital is often referred to as equity capital. Part of the company's profit is paid to shareholders as a dividend according to the number of shares they own. If shareholders sell their shares they get more or less than the face value. It depends on the fact if the company is doing well or badly. If the company wants to turn some of its profit into capital or capitalise some of its profit it can issue new shares at no cost to the existing shareholders. This issue is called bonus or capitalisation issue. Companies often issue such shares instead of paying dividends to the shareholders.

A business must be supplied with finance at the moment it requires it. If there is a regular inflow of receipts from sales and a regular outflow of payments for the expenses of operation there are no serious problems. But in many cases a considerable time must elapse between expenditure and the receipt of income. It is the purpose of financial institutions to assist in the financing of business during this interval. Business companies turn to the capital market and the commercial banks to assist them.


Capital-капитал share capital –акционерный капитал, syn. equity capital, joint stock capital, stock

Face-лицевая сторона

face value-номинальная стоимость

to elapse-проходить(о времени)

elapse-промежуток времени.

Receipts-денежные поступления

expenses-расходы syn expenditures


to depend on-зависить от

to raise-собирать,занимать


to turn into –превращать в

to capitalise –капитализировать capitalization-капитализация, превращение в капитал


inflow-приток- ant. Outflow-отток


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