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I. Выполните упражнения, обращая внимание на временную форму Present Perfect


  1. Не has travelled a lot.

  2. Не has never been to St Peterburg.

  3. He has always wanted to have a computer.

  4. We have already done our work.

  5. They have just finished reading the text.

  6. I haven't seen him this week/lately/ for the last few days, etc.

  7. I have known him since 1990. Ex.2

Model: you / ever / to be / to Bolivia? Have you ever been to Bolivia?

No /1 / never / to be / to Bolivia. No, I have never been to Bolivia. But /1 / to be / to Argentina But I have been to Argentina.

  1. you / ever / to play / cricket no /1 / never / to play / cricket but / I / to play / baseball

  2. she / ever / to eat / Indonesian food?

No / she / never / to eat / Indonesian food But / she / to eat / Thai food

  1. they / ever / to meet / your brother? No / they / never / to meet / my brother But / they / to meet / my sister

  2. he / ever / to be / in an aeroplane

no / he / never / to be / in an aeroplane but / he / to be / in a helicopter

  1. you / ever / to swim / in the sea? No /1 / never / to swim / in the sea But /1 / to swim / in a river

  2. you / ever / to drive / a train? No /1 / never / to drive / a train But /1 / to drive / a car

Задание на дом

1. Поставьте глагол в скобках в форму Present Perfect

  1. Export to Western Europe (increase).

  2. The chief Accountant (make) a report on this situation.

  3. It (become) necessary to reduce sales of manufactured goods.

  4. There (be) an increase in custom duties.

  5. I (buy) a new PC on credit.

2. Переделайте следующие предложения из Present Continuous Active в Present Continuous Passive.


The salesman is offering a discount.

A discount is being offered.

  1. I am writing a business letter now.

  2. They are opening a new hotel.

  3. We are enclosing a price-list of goods.

  4. The company is sending us new catalogues.

Презентация. Виды презентаций. Клише, необходимые для устной презентации. Презентация товара.

Практикум Подготовка к выполнению творческой работы по презентации товара

Teмa . Презентация. Виды презентаций. Клише, необходимые для устной презентации. Презентация товара.

Topic: Presentation. Preparation and introduction. Kea – phrases


  1. Познакомиться с видами презентаций, фразами начала, конца и основной части презентации, советами для проведения успешной презентации

  2. Научиться использовать фразы-клише в устной или письменной речи.

1. Введение лексики по теме

Изучите следующие виды презентаций. Дайте русские эквиваленты.

- Press conference

- Demonstration

- Product launch



- Seminar

- Workshop

Cопоставьте виды презентаций и примеры. Match the types of presentations and the examples

1) Press conference - A general manager gives information to other

2) Demonstration managers what marketing strategy they are

3) Product launch going to undertake

4) Lecture - A car company announces a new model

5) Seminar - A financial consultant gives advice about investments to eight people

6) Workshop- A yoga expert tells people now to improve their breathing techniques

7) briefing аnd gets them to practice

- A university professor tells information about economics to 300 students

- Two chief executives tell journals why their company have merged (слились)

- The head of research and development department tells colleagues how the new machine works

Подготовка к презентации Preparation.

Translate the following tips for a stand-up presentation:

  1. Find out about the audience: how many people there will be, who they are, why they will be there, how much they know about the subject.

  2. Find out about the facilities: the room, the seating plan, the equipment, etc.

  3. Plan the content and the structure but don't write the text of the presentation

  4. Write notes on sheets of paper

  5. Try to memorize the first five sentences of your talk

  6. Prepare visual aids: pictures, diagrams.

  7. Rehearse your presentation

Experts say that you can the audience attention in a presentation by:

- Telling an anecdote or a story mentioning a surprising fact or statistic

- Stating a problem

- Asking a question

Tips on body language:

- Make eye contact

- Don't speak to the equipment or the screen: face the audience all the time

- Use gesture to emphasize kea points, smile, but not too much

- Stay more or less in one place

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