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5 Information based on past customer choices

  1. a system where customers buy by post

  2. a number of different choices

  3. a system where a computer understands spoken instructions

2 Match the headings below to the paragraphs in the article .

There is one heading you don't need.

What consumers really want

'Real' e-commerce

Consumers want more than just convenience

Why e-commerce isn't working

The virtual shopping assistant

Goodbye to the keyboard

Shopping from home

What forms of e-commerce will dominate the next millennium? What is it that the consumer really wants and will pay for? For a while, companies believed that consumers wanted convenience more than the best price. Catalogue shopping works on this principle, but it makes up only two per cent of the economy.

Consumers really want things to be simple, easy and fast. They want to be entertained when they shop. They want to comparison shop. They want the best service. They want great prices. The Internet and e-commerce can provide all of this.

High definition graphics and video will be part of the everyday online shopping experience. People will be able to virtually shop and interact with their friends without leaving home. Artificial intelligence will put a virtual shop assistant at the service of every online shopper She will suggest colours, sizes and other features that match the shopper's preferences. These will be stored on the company's computers.

The biggest obstacle to the Net is the keyboard. Voice recognition will make it obsolete. The consumer will access the network from anywhere -from home, the car, or perhaps even from a pair of glasses.

The consumer will say,' I'd like to buy a red sweater today, something in the $25 to $30 range. The network will take that request, along with any other historical preferences the consumer has - such as size, style and fabric. It will assemble a range of options at different prices from a variety of stores. All in the consumer's exact size. Then the consumer will be able to virtually try on the different sweaters using a 3D model of herself stored in the computer And that is real e-commerce.

3 Complete the sentences below with the vocabulary items in task1

a They should completely redesign the computer .

It's uncomfortable and badly organised.

b I would never buy a suit online. I love going to shops and having the

opportunity clothes and feel the quality of (he


С may be popular in the USA but nobody buys things

that way in my country.

d I don't like the idea of . I feel silly talking to a

machine and it probably wouldn't understand me well.

e I never have time . If I see something 1 like. I usualy

buy it on impulse.

f I think 1 will always prefer to go to a high street clothes store than

g I like shopping in big shopping centres because they offer that small shops can't compete with.

h I object to the way some websites leave 'cookies' on your computer which

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