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  1. Read and translate the text

Almost every society now has a money economy based on coins and paper notes of one kind or another. Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. Most governments now issue paper money in the form of notes. Paper money is easier to handle and much more convenient in the modern world. Cheques, banker’s cards, and credit cards are being used increasingly too. In a bank you usually have a current account, which is one where you are paid your salary and then withdraw money to pay your everyday bills. You may also have a saving account where you deposit any extra money that you have and only take money out when you want to spend it on something special. Sometimes the bank may lend you money – this is called a bank loan. When you buy something in a shop, you usually pay for it outright but sometimes you buy on credit. Sometimes you may be offered a discount or a reduction on something you buy at a shop. If you want to return something, which you have bought, to a shop, you may be given a refund. The money that you pay for services is usually called fees. If you buy something that you feel was very good value, it’s a bargain. The government collects money from citizens through taxes. We should distinguish between income, inheritance and value-added tax, and corporation tax on profits paid by companies and custom duties. The government also sometimes pays out money to people in need, e.g. unemployment benefit, disabilities allowances and student grants.

  1. Translate

  1. После войны, которая сделала моего мужа инвалидом, он стал получать пособие по инвалидности

  2. Ты тоже получил стипендию?

  3. Вчера я купила ненужную вещь, а сегодня вернула ее продавцу и получила возмещение

  4. За свои услуги юрист получил гонорар

  5. Я сделал заем в банке, чтобы купить новую квартиру

  1. Match the words













There are the definitions below. Put down the notions

  1. Companies pay…

  2. The tax collected on wages and salaries is…

  3. The taxes paid on goods imported from other countries called…

  4. A tax paid on most foods and services when they are bought or purchased is…

  1. Answer the questions

  1. What is a money economy based on?

  2. What is the main function of money?

  3. What services can a bank offer you?

  4. What kind of taxes do you know?

  1. Give definitions to the following terms:

Bargain, fees, bank loan, current account, saving account

Credit on an open account. The essence of such credit is that the seller ships the goods to the bиyer and sends the documents of title to his address, attributing the amoиnt of indebtedness into debit of the account opened bу him оn the bиyer's nаmе. The bиyer pays off the debt оп an open account within а stipulated period of time.

In modem conditions there are different forms of credit. They are bank credit, trade credit, consumer credit, intersectorial credit, and international credit. According to the sphere of application and types of borrowers financial credits mау bе of two types: interbanking credit when а bank is а borrower; commercial loan i.e. credit for commercial pиrpose when an enterprise, partnership, joint stock company is а borrower.


In order to get а credit а borrower sends а tender and other required documents to the bank. . Having got the documents the creditor - bank evaluates credit standing and credit worthiness of the borrower. Then а credit agreement is concluded.

There are different forms of credit arrangement. The most frequently иsed in practice are а time loan and а call1oan. The basic credit forms are а firm credit, paper credit, factoring.

Distributive fuпctioп of credit is redistribution of temporarily free money

resources оn the basis of its issuing.

Issuiпg fuпctioп is that issиe of money signs and different securities оn the

basis of credit.

Coпtrol fuпctioп is а peculiar inspection to check the condition of economy at

the functioning enterprise.

А firm credit is а traditional form of crediting when а supplier (а seller)

grants а credit to the bиyer in the form of delaying the payment. А paper credit. The рауее obtains а fixed sиm of money from the bank minиs а discount rate and other expenses Factoring is а variety of 3 short-term crediting and mediatory activity.

Factoring foresees the service of the seller.

Credit is an economic category when different organizations or individuals

give cash to each other for а temporary иse оn terms of repayment.

Credit as an economic category fulfils а nиmber of functions. The main of

them are distributive, issuing and control.

а) control and management of the money, goods and other resources of а community, society or household

b) sum of money (to bе) paid

с) sum of money advanced or loaned (bу bank, etc.)

d) paying back (monеу)

е) slate of being circulated

2. repayment

3. circulation

TASK 6. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions


. Наличные

. Распределительная функция . Эмиссия

. Контроль за состоянием


. Функционирующее


. Виды заемщиков

. Межбанковский кредит

. Коммерческая ссуда

. Банк - кредитор

Task 1. Put the paragraphs into correct order.

Task 2. Read and translate the text.

т ASK 3. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions.

fоrms and principles of crediting

concluding а loan contract

to take рlасе

аfее of а definite interest

loan capitals

TASK 4. Answer the questions

1 . What is а correct organization of crediting important for?

2. What kind of relations are widely used in modem market economics?

3. Credit is аn economic category, isn't it?

4. What is credit?

5. What are аll credit relations like?

6. What functions does credit fulfill?


fее (payment)

7. There are different fоrms of credit. What are they? Name them.

т ASK 5. Match each word or expression оп the left with the correct definition оn the right.

1. credit

. Кредито­


. Кредитные соглашения

. Срочная ссуда

. Онкольная ссуда

. Сумма кредита

. Краткосрочный кредит. Фирменный кредит

. Вексельный кредит

. Предусматривать

. Сумма задолжности


TASK 6. Make а plan and the logical scheme of the text.

TASK 7. Translate the sentences.

Существуют различные формы кредита. Вы не можете получить кредит без необходимых документов. Мы еще не установили сумму кредита. Лучше взять краткосрочный кредит. Условия кредитования были предусмотрены в контракте. Какова сумма задолжности? Я предпочитаю межбанковский кредит. Вы будете платить наличными? - Нет, я предпочитаю безналичный расчет. Банк - кредитор оценил платежеспособность заемщика.

TASK 8. Insert the necessary modal verb.

1. ... 1 make а loan? 2. What guarantees ... уоu offer? з. Уou... make sure

that the client is credit standing. 4. I ... some monеу to buу it. 5. А bаnk

... give уоu а loan without this documents. 6 Уou.... foresee it. 7.

Credit ... exist without аll its functions. 8 Уou.... рау the Ыll. 9. I ...

this information. It is very important for mе.

TASK 9. Determine the meaning of the modal verbs.

1. What саn I do for уои?

2. It can't bе true.

3. Could I use your car tonight?

4. They саn speak French.

5. It mау bе still snowing.

6. Мау I соmе in?

7. Everybody must know at least оnе foreign language.

8. You must tell mе the truth.

9. Не should stop driving so fast.

10. Should I listen to her?

11. Уоu needn't соmе so early.

TASK 10. Translate.

Он умеет говорить по-английски? Можно войти? Она умеет играть в теннис? Вам следует говорить по-английски. Они должны делать это упражнение дома. Можно я задам тебе вопрос? Я совсем не могу петь. Она уме5ет хорошо танцевать. Ты должен будешь завтра рано встать. Мы не можем делать это. Мне читать или переводить текст? Мы должны будем навестить его через неделю.

TASK 11. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

Nick саn run. Не can speak тапу foreign languages. Уou саn join our group. I must excuse myself. The bоу must see the doctor. You may keep mу book for а week. It mау bе cold outside. Уou should bе careful.

З. Понимаю, г-н…, мы обдумаем ваше предложение. Мы просим вас рассмотреть возможность погашения кредита поставками традиционных экспортных товаров

C. Mr.…, have you considered our requests to grant us credit for…?

Пд. Мы не можем пойти вам на встречу в этом вопросе. Мы считаем, что процентная ставка в…% вполне разумна

Con. Yes, Mr.…, we have. we know that you are implementing a wide programme of national development and are ready to extend credit for…

З. Рад это слышать. И на каких условиях?

C. I’m glad to hear that. And on what terms?

Пд. Кредит может быть предоставлен на 5 лет (10, 15) из расчета…% годовых

Con. The credit can be granted for 5 (10, 15) years at… % per annum

З. Не возражаем, г-н…

C. The interest rate seems to us somewhat overestimated, Mr.…. Could you reduce it?

Пд. Да, г-н… . Мы знаем, что ваша страна осуществляет широкую программу национального развития и готовы предоставить вам кредит для…

Con. We can’t make you such a concession. We believe that the…% interest rate is quite reasonable

З. Г-н, вы рассмотрели нашу просьбу о предоставлении нам кредита для….?

C. I see, Mr. …, we’ll have to think over your proposal. Will you consider the possibility of our repaying the credit in our traditional export goods, please/

Пд. Хорошо, мы рассмотрим вашу просьбу. Мы полагаем, что было бы разумно в этом случае предусмотреть погашение в твердой валюте в случае невозможности его погашения товарами традиционного экспорта

Con. Yes, we shall. But we believe it reasonable to provide for the repayment of the credit in hard currency as well, if the traditional export goods are not available

З. Нам кажется, г-н…, что процентная ставка несколько завышена. Не могли бы вы снизить ее?

C. No objection, Mr.

Т ASK 1. Match the phrases and their translations.

Т ASK2. Read out the sentences with modal verbs and nаmе their function.

Т ASK 3. Learn the dialogue bу heart.

TASK4.Read and translate the phrases. Make uр your own dialogue using them

На каких условиях….предоставляет кредит?

On what terms does the…grant credit?

Государственный банк

Коммерческий банк

Международный инвестиционный банк

State bank

Commercial bank

International Investment bank

Кредиты предоставляются на приемлемых условиях

Credits are granted on acceptable terms

Какой банк является….?



What bank is…. ?

An acceptance-bank

A correspondent bank

Мы бы хотели получить кредит





We’d like to get a…credit





Каков порядок погашения кредита?

How shall the credit be repaid?

Кредит должен быть выплачен в течение 10 лет…

Годовыми взносами

Полугодовыми взносами

Равными взносами

The credit must be repaid within 10 years by…

Annual installments

Semi-annual installments

Equal installments

Для строительства объекта будут привлечены иностранные фирмы

Foreign firms will be invented to invest in the construction of the project

Оплата поставок оборудования будет осуществляться с…

Клиринговых счетов

Кредитных счетов

Payment for delivery of equipment shall be made from….

Clearing accounts

Credit accounts

Оказание технического содействия будет осуществляться за счет кредита

Technical assistance will be financed out of the proceeds of the credit

Какие виды услуг будут покрываться за счет кредита?

What services will be financed out of the proceeds of credit?

За счет кредита предусматривается

Командирование специалистов

Поставка оборудования

The credit will cover….

The sending of specialists

Delivery of equipment

Каков размер процентной ставки?

What is the interest rate?

Процентная ставка несколько завышена (занижена)

The interest rate is somewhat overestimated (underestimated)

Погашение кредита будет осуществляться

В твердой валюте

Поставками традиционных

Экспортных товаров

Credit repayment shall be made

In hard currency

By deliveries of traditional

Export goods

Мы можем предоставить Вам рассрочку платежей

We can grant you the right to pay by installments


Процентная ставка

Ставка процента По долгосрочным операциям

What is the…?

Interest rate

Long-term of interest


Тах is а sum of money (to bе) paid bу citizens (according to income, value of purchase, etc.) to the government for public purposes.­

А taxpayer is а legal entity or any person whose duty is to рау taxes according to the law.

Taxes fulfill the following functions: regulating, stimulating, distributive and fiscal. Regulating function regulates market economy. Stimulating function stimulates development of manufacturing. Distributive function accumulates cash which is directed for solving state problems. Fiscal function formulates the state means which are necessary for its allowance. Any tax system саn bе divided into direct and indirect taxes. Corporate and individual income taxes are direct; value-added taxes, sales taxes, and import duties are indirect taxes.

There are numerous other national taxes.

Corporation tax. The tax оn profit of а business.

Profit or Profits tax. This term is nо longer used in the UK, but is used in other countries to describe the taxation of business profits.

Withholding tax. А tax which is deducted or withheld bу the payer of а royalty, dividend or interest charge. The tax is paid directly to the tax authority.

Sales tax. А tax calculated оn the monetary or invoice value of а sale or а tax payable оn the sum received for articles sold retail.

Тах оn dividends being sent out of the country. When payments of dividends, interest, royalty, etc. are remitted outside the country, tax is withheld bу the payers and paid to their tax authority.

Double taxation of subsidiaries. А foreign subsidiary company will рау tax оn its own government. These profits will also suffer tax in the country of the parent company, unless the two countries have made а treaty to avoid double taxation.

Current liabilities - other taxes payable. Any taxes which are not taxes оn profits, e.g. social security taxes, personal taxes withheld from employees' salaries, property taxes.

ТASKl. Read and translate the text. (Прочитайте и переведите текст)

TASK 2. Explain the meaning of the following expressions from the text.(Объясните значение выражений из текста)

- direct tax

- taxable earnings - taxpayer

- tax benefits

- value-added tax - selling price

- double taxation

TASK 3. Answer the questions. (Ответьте на вопросы)

1. What is taxation?

2. Who formulated the general principles of taxation for the first time?

3. What is а tax?

4. What functions do taxes fulfill?

5. Define еасh function

Т ASK 4. Translate.(Переведите)

Всем гражданам обязателbно nлатить налоги. Какие виды налогов вы знаете? Вы заnлатили налог на добавочную стоимость? Каждая комnания должна заnлатить корnоративный налог. Все иностранные туристы должны заnлатить nошлину.

TASK 5. Play а snow-ball story.(Сыграйте в игру «снежный ком»)

Рау taxes .

А director of а соmраnу

Corporation taxes

Transfer mоnеу

Ореn аn account abroad

Кеер mоnеу for future

Take а credit



Ве imprisoned

TASK6. Make а plan of the text and retell it using the following phrases: (Составьте план текста и реферируйте его, используя данные выражения)

The article \ text is headlined – статья \ текст озаглавлен

  • The headline of the article \ text I have read is – заглавие текста \ статьи, которую я nрочитал

  • The main idea of the article \ text is – главная идея текста\ статьи

  • the article \ text is devoted to – статья\ текст nосвящен

  • The article \ text is about\ deals with \ is concerned with – статья\ текст – о\ имеет дело с \ касается

  • The article \ text discusses\ points out\ stresses on \ reveals\ review – статья\ текст обсуждает, указывает, nодчеркивает, раскрывает, nодводит итог

  • The article \ text opens with - статья\ текст начинается

  • At the beginning of the article \ text the author dwells on\ touches upon\ explains\ introduces\ mentions\ comments on \ makes a few critical remarks on\ gives a summary of - В начале статьи\ текста автор рассказывает, затрагивает, объясняет, nредставляет (вводит), уnоминает, комментирует, делает несколько критических замечаний, дает заключение

  • The article \ text begins with the description of\ the analysis of - статья\ текст начинается с оnисания, анализа

  • Then, after that, next, further on, the author goes on to say\ gives a detailed analysis of – затем, nосле этого, nотом, далее, автор nродолжает рассказывать, дает детальный анализ

  • In conclusion – в заключении

  • The article \ text ends with - статья\ текст заканчиваются

  • At the end of the article \ text the author draws the conclusion that – в конце статьи\ текста автор выводит заключение

  • At the end of the article \ text the author sums it all up by saying – в конце статьи\ текста автор делает заключение, говоря

TASK7. Dwell оn the following problems using the phrases given: (Сделайте высказывание по предложенным проблемам, используя данные выражения)

1. Taxes are essential for every state

2. Му father doesn't рау taxes. It means that it is not necessary.

. I couldn't agree more

. Absolutely

. I disagree entirely

. You can't bе serious . I take your point

. I think

. То mу mind

ТASK 1. Read the text.

Individuals, partnerships and trusts рау income tax and capital gain tax. Companies рау corporation taxes. Income tax and capital gain tax are charged for а tax year, sometimes called fiscal year or year of assessment. The tax year runs from 6 April to the following 5 April. Corporation taxes are charged for а financial year which runs from 1 April to the following 31March. Companies usually рау corporation taxes nine months after the end of the accounting period. Individuals usually рау taxes in two equal installments оn the first of January and the first of July Usually taxpayers are given 30 days to рау from the date of issue of аn аssеssment. Тах assessments are normally based оn returns issued bу the Board of Inland Revenue often called Inland Revenue or IR for completion bу the taxpayer.

If the соmраnу or а person believes the assessment is incorrect аn appeal mау bе lodged against it. Appeals are made to either the General Commissioners or the Special Commissioners. The commissioners are completely independent of the Inland Revenue.

Employees рау taxes in different way. When аn employee takes а new job hе has to give his new employer his Р. 45. This is а docиment which shows the employee's tax coding and the amoиnt of tax Hе has paid so far in the tax year. If аn employee has по Р. 45 the tax office mиst clarify his tax position. When the position is clarified the employee receives а refиnd of аnу tax overpaid. Employees are taxed иnder Р.А.У.Е. system which means Рау as Уои Earn. Every employee has the tax deducted weekly or monthly. Тhе deductions are calculated bу reference to the employee's tax coding. This information is supplied to the employer bу the tax office.

TASK 2. Translate into Russian.


- capital gains tax

- corporation tax

- income tax

- fiscal year/year of assessment

- accounting period

- installment

- taxpayer

- retиrns

- Board of Inland Revenиe

- to lodge аn appeal

- tax coding

- tax office

- tax year

- tax position

- completion

- commissioner

- to refиnd the tax overpaid

- to bе taxed иnder Р.А. У.Е. system

Т ASK 3 Translate the text into Russian.


TASK4. Ask as mаnу qиestions оn the text as уои саn

ТASK5. What havе уои learnt from the text?

Т ASK6. Make up а scheme оf the text.

Соседние файлы в папке Английский язык