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1. Haйдите эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

yчастник интеграционных процессов, один из важных факторов экономического развития, хорошая реклама наших достижений, в paмкax OMЭC, кaк в пpoмышленности ,так и в сельском хозяйстве, получают много зaпpocoв нa наш товap, имеют право торговать напрямую, вести торговлю косвенно через посредников, вести торговлю по тендерам (торгам)

2. Answer the questions:

1. What is one of the major factors in economic development of any country?

2. How can you characterize Russia from the point of view of international economic activities?

3. Does Russia take part in international fairs and exhibitions? And why?

4. What do our foreign trade associations do during fairs and exhibitions?

5. Who has the right to do business with foreign firms nowadays?

6. What is the main principle of work of all our enterprises now?

7. What methods of foreign trade do you know?

3.Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов:

To develop, to exhibit, to participate, to divide, advertize, to achieve

4. Retell the text.

Read about European International organizations

Governments can control international trade. The most common measures are tariffs (or duties) and quotas. A tariff is a tax on imported goods, and a quota is the maximum quantity of a product allowed into a country during a certain period of time. These measures are protectionist as they raise the price of imported goods to protect domestically produced goods.

International organizations such as the WTO (World Trade Organization) and EFTA(European Free Trade Association) regulate tariffs and reduce trade restrictions between member countries.

Read and learn the abbreviations

EEC- the European Economic Community or the Common Market (1957)

Европейское Экономическое Сообщество(Европейский Союз)

The membership allows imports to enter member countries either free of duty or at lower customs duties

duty- пошлина

free of duty- беспошлинно

GATT- General Agreement on Tariff and Trade

Генеральное Соглашение о тарифах и торговле ( Bceмирная Организация Торговли)

It is an international body established in 1947.

The general aim of the Agreement is to reduce the trade restrictions, or tariffs, and to increase the volume of international trade.

to reduce- уменьшать


increase- увеличивать


The European Economic Community, or the Common Market, or the EEC was established in 1957. The original six member countries of the Community were France, West Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxemburg and the Netherlands. Then a few other countries joined the Community. Britain, together with the Irish Republic and Denmark, joined the E.E.C. on 1st January, 1973. Now the Community forms an enormous trading area of almost 250 million people, and accounts for two fifths of the world"s trade.

The membership allows imports to enter member countries either free of duty or at lower customs duties.

All member countries contribute to a common budget for certain purposes, based on relative total output of goods and services, or gross national product.

Under the Community regulations, people of member countries may freely enter another member state to travel or to work there.

The Community has the following institutions:

The European Parliament

The Council of Ministers

The Court of Justice

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