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To ensure a domestic supply of biomethane for these fuelling stations and vehicles, the government passed the Act on Biomethane Market Development Support in the same year creating the following subsidies for domestic biomethane production (Government of Estonia, 2017b):

EUR 100 per MWh, minus the average market price of natural gas from the previous month, for biomethane delivered to the final consumer as transport fuel

EUR 93 per MWh, minus the average market price of natural gas from the previous month, for biomethane delivered to the final consumer in the natural gas system.

This multipronged approach addresses demand, logistics and supply of biomethane, and could increase the renewable share in transport based on domestic fuels. However, it requires building and maintaining an efficient biomethane supply chain and a market demand for biomethane that is large enough to displace a significant percentage of transportation fuel consumption. The government should track the progress of biomethane development closely and determine if the existing subsidies are effective in promoting the growth of biomethane in transport.

There are no clear plans for electrification of transport in Estonia’s renewable energy policy documents. Given the conditional 2030 target for up to 50% renewable electricity, electrification of transport presents an attractive path to cover a significant share of transport demand with renewable energy (see Chapter 7).


Estonia has already exceeded the 2020 target of 25% renewable energy in gross final consumption. The share of renewable energy in heat production also exceeded the 2020 target in 2017. However, achieving the targets for renewables in electricity and especially in transport will require additional efforts. Initial data for 2018 show an increase due to the introduction of a biofuel mandate and subsidies to launch the market for biomethane in transport.

The limited share of renewables in transport can be attributed to the lack of a government incentive regime, very limited domestic renewable fuel production and the high costs of imported biofuels. The government is attempting to address these issues with biofuel blending obligations and a support scheme for domestic production and consumption of biomethane in transport. There are concerns, however, that these measures may not be enough to achieve the 2020 targets. The government should examine options to increase electrification of transport as a complementary strategy to accelerate the growth of renewables in transport.

The government is confident that ongoing strong growth of renewable energy is feasible and has established a 2030 target of 42% renewables in gross final consumption in the draft NECP, noting that EU flexible collaboration mechanisms could support a 50% renewables target as set in the NEDP 2030.

However, these targets appear to be based on general expectations or political judgements, rather than on a robust assessment of least-cost renewable deployment pathways and resource potential. Given the relatively and deliberately low ambition of the 2020 targets, and the apparently extensive wind (onshore and offshore) and biomass




resources, further assessment of the renewable energy targets based on a detailed and comprehensive analysis of deployment potential and barriers is warranted.

The renewable deployment achieved from 2007-17 was supported by a feed-in premium guaranteed to qualifying projects for 12 years. In line with an EU requirement and reflecting the declining cost of renewable energy technologies, Estonia is preparing a post-2020 feed-in premium auction regime. Auctions have proven to be successful in other countries, but require a transparent and well-designed process that needs to be effectively managed to ensure renewable deployment is on track to meet targets. Current planning documents do not adequately define the auction support scheme. The government should clearly set out auction parameters such as budget, timing and technology mix in advance.

There is also a concern that a strict focus on technology-neutral auctions could result in suboptimal renewables deployment dominated by a single technology with the lowest per project cost. Such a deployment could fail to leverage the advantages of a diverse mix of renewable generation, might not result in the lowest overall system cost and could create operational concerns for the electricity grid. The government could consider an auction process that allows locational or performance requirements or some level of technology-specific tenders. The design of an effective auction process would be greatly assisted by the recommended analysis of least-cost renewable deployment pathways.

The deployment of wind from 2007-15 seemsed to have been relatively smoothly. However, significant and widely acknowledged administrative barriers have emerged. Further, onshore and offshore wind power development is now in conflict with national defence radar effectiveness, which has triggered bans on wind deployment in multiple zones. Environmental protection rules (e.g. Habitat Directive, Natura 2000 zones) have also started to constrain permitting of new projects. Wind power is likely the lowest cost technology for large-scale renewable energy projects in Estonia and a strong and sustained deployment of wind power projects could be necessary to achieve 2030 targets. As such, there is need to quickly resolve the barrier to wind power deployment in a manner that clearly addresses all national security and environmental concerns.

Neither the transmission system operator nor the dominant distribution system operator indicate that there are any technical constraints in the near future to an open-ended integration of wind and PV into the grid. However, the plans for up to 4 GW of wind projects by 2030 and the unexpected and rapid growth of PV call for development of a clear mediumto long-term strategy for securely integrating growing shares of variable renewable generation.

Despite the significant use of biomass in CHP and district heating systems today, the government believes that the biomass contribution to renewable heat and electricity can continue to grow. This raises concerns from both an industry and an environmental perspective. Industry is worried that LULUCF rules and national sustainable land-use and forestry plans will constrain the supply of biomass for energy. In contrast, environmental groups believe that current forestry and biomass harvesting activities are excessive and unsustainable and that the new LULUCF rules must be thoroughly and properly enforced. These concerns warrant an analysis confirming what level of biomass supply is sustainable and clearly establishing the role that biomass can play in



least-cost renewable energy deployment. An interesting subject for this analysis would be diversification of the renewable energy mix in heating, which currently relies almost exclusively on biomass.


The government of Estonia should:

Undertake a robust analysis of least-cost renewable energy deployment pathways with a comprehensive scope covering: domestic renewable resource potential; the role of all viable renewable energy technologies and supporting infrastructure; and an examination of policy, regulatory and market barriers to renewables deployment, including pre-developing potential wind farm sites.

Set transparent requirements and a clear timetable and parameters for future tenders and the auction process. Consider the merits of locational and performance requirements and technology-specific tenders to ensure an optimal mix of renewable energy generation.

Co-ordinate spatial planning and support for wind energy, in particular with neighbouring countries, in view of efforts to jointly develop grid connectivity to reduce costs.

Urgently clarify with relevant parties, including the Ministry of Defence, how to resolve the current impasse of developing wind energy sites related to the issue of radar interference.

Provide clearer guidance on the procedures for verifying the compliance of wind (and other) energy sites with all necessary environmental legislative and planning requirements (including LULUCF assessment and rules).


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