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Elektrilevi, the country’s largest distribution grid operator, were caused by weather conditions. Just under one-third of the country’s medium voltage grid was considered weather-proofed in 2016, compared to the 75-80% that the Estonian government considers to be the optimum share of all distribution grids to be weather-proofed by 2030.


The government of Estonia should:

Accelerate dialogue with Nordic and Baltic partners to understand regional trends with respect to adequacy of generation capacity beyond the mid-2020s, and design common responses to shortages, where needed.

Improve transparency in, and access to, balancing and reserve market mechanisms, in part through continued work in the MARI project.

Share analysis and information and organise meetings on the likely impacts of the Baltic-Central European synchronisation project with relevant stakeholders throughout the process to ensure a smooth transition.

Assess experience in neighbouring countries, in particular Finland, regarding emergency response to blackouts and the role of blackstart capability within the network.

Continue efforts to improve the transmission network, including weather-proofing and line upgrades, to ensure that security of supply is maintained.

Further develop the use of smart metres as a means for enhancing security of supply through preventative maintenance and system balancing.


Agan, K. (2017), Digitalization of the Energy Sector: The Case of Estonia, Enefit, www.wec- france.org/DocumentsPDF/Evenements/6-Forum-Europeen-Energie/K.Agan.pdf

CEER (Council of European Energy Regulators) (2018), CEER Benchmarking Report 6.1 on the Continuity of Electricity and Gas Supply, CEER, Brussels, https://www.ceer.eu/documents/104400/-/-/963153e6-2f42-78eb-22a4-06f1552dd34c.

Competition Authority (2018), Electricity and Gas Markets in Estonia Report, Competition Authority, Tallinn, https://www.konkurentsiamet.ee/public/Electricity_and_Gas_Markets_in_Estonia.pdf.

EC (European Commission) (2017), Communication on Strengthening Europe's Energy Networks, EC, Brussels, https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/communication_on_infrastructure_17. pdf.

Elering (2018a), Security of Supply Report 2018, Elering, Tallinn, https://elering.ee/sites/default/files/public/Infokeskus/elering_vka_2018_web_trc_ENG_v4.pdf.

Elering (2018b), Balance Management: Rules on Balancing in Estonia 01/2018, Elering, Talinn, https://elering.ee/en/balance-management#tab1.

Elering (2018c), Elering Annual Report 2018, Elering, Tallinn, https://elering.ee/sites/default/files/public/Investorile/Elering_web_EN.pdf.




Elering (n.d.), Data Exchange, Elering, Talinn, https://elering.ee/en/data-exchange.

Elering (n.d.), Smart Grid Development, Elering, Talinn, https://elering.ee/en/smart-grid- development#tab1.

ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) (2019),

Manually Activated Reserves Initiative, ENTSO-E, Brussels, https://www.entsoe.eu/network_codes/eb/mari (accessed on 24 May 2019).

EU (European Union) (2018), “European solidarity on energy: Synchronisation of the Baltic states’ electricity network with the European system strengthens security of supply”, press release, EU, Brussels, 28 June, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-4284_en.htm.

IEA (International Energy Agency) (2018), Monthly Electricity Statistics, (database), IEA, Paris, www.iea.org/statistics.

IEA (2019a), World Energy Balances 2019 (database), IEA, Paris, www.iea.org/statistics. IEA (2019b), Electricity Information 2019 (database), IEA, Paris, www.iea.org/statistics. IEA (2019c), Prices and Taxes 2019, IEA, Paris, www.iea.org/statistics.

MEAC (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications) (2017), National Development Plan of the Energy Sector until 2030, MEAC, Tallinn, www.mkm.ee/sites/default/files/ndpes_2030_eng.pdf.

Riigi Teataja (2014), Electricity Market Act, Riigi Teataja, Tallinn, https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/eli/528082014005/consolide.


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