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Unit 14 learning to work with broadcast media texts

Task 1. Listen to Audio Track 14. Make use of the word box below.

a motion of no confidence to dissolve parliament Fianna Fáil

What genre is the material?

What aspect of politics does it reflect?

Task 2. Listen to the track again and transcribe it.

Task 3. Analyse the grammatical features of the lead.

a) Find a grammatical construction expressing a planned action.

b) Find an infinitive construction in the brief. What is its function in the sentence?

c) What sentences prevail in the brief – compound or complex?

d) What is the function of the -ing form in the last sentence?

Task 4. What are the Irish political parties, according to the brief?

What caused the political crisis in Éire?

Task 5. Watch Video 39. What new developments in Ireland’s political life it reflects compared with Audio Track 14?

Browse the Internet to see what the Taoiseach [‘ti:Sək] means.

Task 6. What are the English equivalents of the following Russian terms?

Watch Video 39 to find answers.

уйти в отставку (two terms) премьер-министр (ирл.)

партнеры по коалиции правящая партия

руководство страной протестное голосование

(Ирландия) голосует… всеобщие выборы

принять отставку министра вотум доверия

финансовая помощь

партия крайне правых взглядов

перестановка в кабинете министров

выставление кандидатуры на должность

выносить на обсуждение (вотум недоверия)

Task 7. Close the gaps in the sentences below and identify idioms and clichés in them.

Say what lexical and grammatical expressive means are used in the report.

Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. Facing the cameras, and …

  2. Brian Cowen went … fighting.

  3. He surrendered the …1… of his …2… party but he …3… …4… to the leadership of the country.

  4. ­­“I am concerned that …1… …2… criticism of my leadership of …3-4… …5-6… attention from these important debates.”

  5. …1…, …2… everything …3… , and …4… discussed the matter with my family, I have decided …5… , to step …6… as leader of Fianna Fáil.

  6. Ireland …1-2… to …3-4… on March 11.

  7. “We want …1… to this government, …2… to this Taoiseach and …3… to allow the people decide on what formulation of new government.”

  8. Opposition parties …1… now …2… he …3… as PM.

  9. “If you want to step …1… , you must …3-2…”

10. “Because somebody has to pass that …1-2… “

11. “The country has become a …1-2… of Europe” .

12. …1… need of a multibillion euro …2… left its citizens disillusioned with politics.

13. Independent candidates and …1… parties like Sinn Fein …2… …3… on the protest vote.

14. …1… the election looming, the ruling Fianna Fáil party moved swiftly to …2… its leader…

15. This political sidestep marks the …1… of the …2… for the Taoiseach .

16. Critics say history will record him as the …1… man in the …2-3… at the …4-5…

Task 8. Study the words in the box below and listen to Audio Track 15. What is its idea?

What do you know about the Welsh Assembly (when it came into existence, its composition and legislative powers)?

law-making powers scrutiny / to be scrutinised

grassroots campaign opinion polls

Task 9. Listen to Audio Track 15 again and answer the questions.

1. What is True Wales? What does it campaign for?

2. What is the number of political parties in Wales?

3. What is the agenda of No campaign?

  1. What is the common concern for both Yes and No camps?

Task 10. Transcribe the lead of Audio Track 15 and make its grammatical analysis.

Task 11. Make lexical and stylistic analysis of the track. What is the origin of the idiom used in the piece? Why is it used by the journalist?

Task 12. Listen to Audio Track 16. What genre is the piece? What is its idea? What is the link between a local government and a city council?

Task 13. What are the two grammatical constructions used in the brief that are typical of media discourse? Why are they employed in the brief?

Task 14. Listen to Audio Track 16 again and fill in the table below.


Number of job losses


Task 15. Watch Video 40. What are the two peers accused of? Browse the Internet to see what the expenses scandal is.

Task 16.Transcribe Video 40 and make grammatical analysis of its first three sentences.

What is the prevailing syntactical structure of the sentences in the brief?

What type of sentences makes up the piece?

Task 17. Watch Video 41. What is the idea of the clip?

What is wrong with the party under scrutiny?

Task 18. Watch the clip again. What expressive grammatical and lexical means are used by the member of the panel (Simon Hughes, President of the Liberal Democratic Party, MP).

Find grammatical constructions typical of television discourse in the sentences below.

  1. He …1-2… …3-4… till the autumn conference – …5-6… going to be the Labour Party …7…

  2. I …1… think, there’s bigger question than G.Brown, …2…

  3. Labour for … the second time in their history came behind us in share of the vote.

  4. I think the Labour Party …1… beginning to realize …2-8…

  5. They were founded for …1-3… a hundred years ago, …4… , to be …5-8… .

  6. We are in …1-4… …5-8…

  7. I thought …1-3… for the poor and …4-6… between …7-11…

  8. For 11 years they haven’t done that …1-2…

  9. I thought they were going to help …1-3… and not give advantages to the …4-6…

10. It’s the …1… well off who have …2-6… , and the low paid …7… …8… by the 10p.

11. …1… I think the Labour Party are …2… at risk of losing their …3… – Soleford, Hazels – areas used to be …4… Labour, not longer now.

12. I think, in the next 20 years we …1-4… – no longer as the …5-10…

Task 19. Watch Video 41 in class. Make consecutive translation into Russian of the sentences you hear in pauses.

Task 20. Watch the clip again and answer the questions.

  1. What is the Labour Party origin?

  2. What does the party stand for today?

  3. What does the future hold for it?

Task 21. Read the newspaper article below.

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