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Control Questions

1. What is a newspaper?

2. What is a newspaper style?

3. What are the criteria to classify papers into two large groups?

4. What are the synonyms of the terms tabloids and quality papers?

5. Name the major genres of newspaper writing.

6. What are the formal structural elements of the newspaper article?

7. What is the difference between a headline and a lead?

8. Is there any difference between a subhead and a head?

9. What is the basic difference between the news article and the feature article?

10. What is an editorial? How does it differ from an op-ed?

Practical Tasks

Task 1. Video Folder Structure (Unit 1) contains 13 video clips reflecting some British newspapers of different formats.

1. Watch the first four Video clips (1 - 4) to see the difference between the quality paper and the tabloid in terms of their contents.

2. What clip reflects Sunday press review? What Sunday papers are featured in the video?

3. What papers are published exclusively on Sunday in the UK?

Task 2. Watch the remaining nine clips (5 - 13) in Folder Structure.

1. Identify the following structural parts of the newspaper article: headline (caption), lead, by-line, subhead, write them down.

2. Name the clips which contain the above mentioned structural parts of a newspaper article (e.g. Clips 6 and 7 – headline, Clip 10 – caption, etc.).

3. Translate into Russian the headlines and captions you see in the clips.

Task 3. Below go the extracts and full texts of newspaper articles. Read them and determine their genre.

Text A. Cuba stubs out cigarette rations for older people

Government to end monthly handouts of heavily subsidised cigarettes

to over-54s as part of attempts to revive economy

Sam Jones

Cuba’s more mature cigarette smokers will soon discover that economics is no respecter of borders, trade embargoes or even vices.

From next month the Cuban government will cease its monthly handouts of four packs of heavily subsidised cigarettes to around 2.5 million Cubans over the age of 54. The measure has not been prompted by concerns for the health of the island’s senior citizens. Cuban authorities describe it as another measure aimed at jump-starting the spluttering economy.

“The council of ministers has resolved to eliminate cigarettes from the rationed family basket as of September as part of the measures gradually being adopted to limit state subsidies,” read an official statement. Cigarettes, it went on, “are not a primary necessity.”

The president, Raúl Castro, has said the communist country’s ration system will eventually be eliminated as part of plans to modernise the economy. Monthly allotments of chickpeas, potatoes and a pound of sugar were removed from the system this year, and many subsidised items were cut in the 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union plunged the island into a deep recession. But allotments of inexpensive cigarettes for Cubans born before 1956 had until now been kept in place.

The Guardian, August 26, 2010

Text B. Clueless dads arent that funny

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