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Revealed: Queen’s dismay at Blair legacy

Andrew Alderson

The Queen has been left “exasperated and frustrated” at the legacy of Tony Blair's 10 years in power, friends have disclosed.

She has been “deeply concerned” by many of New Labour’s policies, in particular what she sees as the Prime Minister’s lack of understanding of countryside issues, her closest confidants reported.

Royal sources said that the Queen also believes privately that Mr Blair and his Government have meddled unnecessarily in Britain’s heritage, including the reform of the House of Lords.

Her other worries are said to relate to concerns from military leaders that the Armed Forces have become “overstretched” by foreign commitments, notably in Iraq and Afghanistan. She suspects that Mr Blair has spent too much time cosying up to America – at the expense of dealing with her beloved Commonwealth.

The Queen, 81, who has ruled for 55 years and worked with 10 prime ministers, is the head of state, head of the Commonwealth and head of the Armed Forces.

Friends of the monarch suspect that Mr Blair may not follow the gesture made by some of his predecessors, notably Winston Churchill and Harold Wilson, and host a dinner in the Queen’s honour when relinquishing the office of rime minister.

Sources close to the Queen said that many of her deepest concerns, particularly those over the countryside, have been repeatedly raised with Mr Blair at their weekly audiences at Buckingham Palace.

They insist that it is entirely appropriate for the Queen to air such worries privately with the Prime Minister. Under a constitutional monarchy, the Queen is entitled to be consulted, to encourage and to warn.

“The Queen has been left exasperated and frustrated by change for change’s sake,” said one of her friends. “Her style is to report back to the Prime Minister the concerns that she has picked up on her travels.”

The Queen is said to worry that certain New Labour policies, such as the outlawing of fox hunting and hare coursing, have divided the nation.

Most friends and acquaintances of the Queen spoke to The Sunday Telegraph on the basis that they would not be identified. However, her concerns are no surprise to John Daw, a farmer and the former chairman of the Devon branch of the National Farmers’ Union. When he met the Queen at County Hall, Exeter, in May 2002 following the foot and mouth crisis, he told her: “I don't think Tony Blair and this Government understand the countryside.”

He said the Queen replied with a rare indiscreet remark: “I know. I tell him that every week when I see him.”

Buckingham Palace declined to comment last night on the relationship between the Queen and the Prime Minister.

The Daily Telegraph, May 27, 2007

Task 4. Make the linguistic analysis of the text above. Make up a list of realia, neologisms, colloquialisms and clichés.

Task 5. What are the grammartical and syntactical features of the article? Is it a feature article? If so, prove it.

Task 6. Watch Video 5 (Folder Unit 4), featuring press review, and fill in the grid as in Task 7, Unit 1.

Task 7. Read the following subheads and restore the headlines.

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