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James Randi - The Faith Healers .rtf
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Selling the Snake Oil

Following this, Popoff offered an inducement to send in “a love offering of $30 or more.” Viewers could obtain a vial of very special “anointing oil” which the Popoffs had obtained for them “in the Holy Land, walking in the footsteps of Jesus,” along with “instructions on how to use it.” I certainly hope that purchasers didn’t use it on salads. Unknown to all but a few of the Popoff staff who prepared it, it was a mixture of olive oil and Old Spice Shaving Lotion. That mixture, plus three of Popoff’s cassettes, would be accompanied by a special print of Jesus (drawn by Rod’s wife, Elsa) with His arms spread wide. The picture, viewers were told, had been on the wall of Popoff’s office when the terrible vandals broke in, and the proof of its power was the fact that those vandals had been “unable to pass this holy picture” to get further into the premises. Mind you, they had been able to get to the Russian Bibles and had wet them down, but this drawing had stopped them. Said Popoff: In this day, when Satanic spirits are literally on the loose, isn’t it good to know that Jesus with His outstretched arms covers you, your loved ones and your home?

But Popoff wasn’t quite finished making a point. As we’ve seen, he was never satisfied with his flock merely sending in whatever loose cash they had available. He wanted every dollar that he could root out of them. An unemptied wallet was an abomination to him. On this tape, we hear:I believe that some of you have something in land, in cars, in houses, and your savings accounts, money that you were going to use for something else. You’re going to loan it to Jesus now ... and God’s going to give it back to you many, many, many, many times over.

There we have evidence not only of insatiable greed and avarice, but there is a promise that the money sought is just a loan which will be repaid. It is also a promise of financial return made through the media, and in the opinion of several experts we have consulted, making such a promise may constitute a crime.

The Damning Evidence of Popoff’s Personal Involvement

But between the segments of the May 12, 1985, tape is some very interesting incidental conversational material, following a microphone test of voice level. With no video on the screen, we hear.Peter Popoff: No, we can’t tell you that right now. We need to let the kids come in and tape them, and then we want to get out by the van and do some taping out there. Elizabeth Popoff: What time is the window guy comin’? Volmer Thrane: At four. Rod Sherrill: Well, he’ll be here a little earlier, but that’ll be all right. Peter Popoff: Okay. That’ll just take a minute. All we’re going to do is just one shot. Volmer, which window’s cracked? Volmer Thrane: We’re not going to break it, ’cause I’m going to make a ventilation system out of it. [Giggling in the background] I’ll just bust the one in the door. Elizabeth Popoff: (Giggles.) Peter Popoff: Okay. Volmer Thrane: Yeah, that’ll be fine. That’ll be such a mess to clean up. I’ll have to pull everything out, and— Peter Popoff: Okay. Volmer Thrane: I think we’ll get the point across with the door. Peter Popoff: Okay. I think so, too. Rod Sherrill: Are we ready? Peter Popoff: Volmer, are you going to help me bust this door? Or— Volmer Thrane: Yeah, I’ll be back on it. Peter Popoff: Okay. Come back down in five, ten more minutes. We’ll be done.

This conversation seems to indicate that the interior video shots were obtained before the window was broken by Volmer and Rod. The Popoff Miracle Crusade program ended that day with one more appeal to shake loose any money that the faithful might still have been holding onto. Popoff reminded them once more of all the many sources of cash they might have that he might tap into:It may be part of your savings account, some antiques that you have, some real estate, a car that you’re not using. Pray about loaning it to Jesus. Remember, God will do for you what you cannot do for yourself, if you will do for God what you can do.

The picture of a tear-streaked Peter Popoff standing with his faithful, distraught wife, Elizabeth, froze on the TV screen and slowly faded. Then, on the original tape, but unheard by the home viewers, Elizabeth is heard to give a great sigh of impatience: “Whew! I was already at the store!” The poor dear had apparently become restless with the taping and wanted to get away for some important shopping. Using her Visa card, no doubt.

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