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Other useful phrases expressing various kinds of evaluation and emotions

It is/was a shame стыдно, отвратительно; обидно, жалко

a pleasure приятно

a pity к сожалению, жаль


It shocked your parents that the guy should be treating you like that.

Твоих родителей поразило, что парень с тобой так обращается.

It surprised me that he should have given up smoking.

Меня удивило, что он бросил курить.

Other useful phrases expressing various kinds of evaluation and emotions

It astonished поразило, удивило

amazed поразило, потрясло

shocked поразило, потрясло

startled испугало, поразило

puzzled озадачило, поставило в тупик

worried обеспокоило

frightened испугало

pleased обрадовало, доставило удовольствие


The pop star is surprised that nobody should be there to greet him.

Поп-звезда удивлен, что его никто не приветствует.

We were disappointed that we should have lost the game.

Мы были разочарованы, что проиграли.

Other useful phrases expressing various kinds of evaluation and emotions:

astonished, amazed, anxious, concerned, frightened, shocked, startled, puzzled, upset, worried

Exercise 147.Comment on the use of the verb forms in “that” clauses subordinated to the principal clause with it as subject. Translate into Russian.

1. It's very odd that he should be so late. 2. It is understand­able that he should be troubled. 3. But it was indeed strange that I should be constantly hard up. 4. Isn't it odd that he should be so sensitive? 5. It seems odd that he should not have said any­thing about it to you. 6. It was perfectly incredible that she should not have heard the cry. 7. It's quite natural that they should have different views. 8. It is strange that she should have been trapped like that. 9. It's quite right that you should say it frankly. 10. It is only fair that you should give a little information. 11. It was so unfortunate that she should have chosen that phrase. 12. It's a pity that they shouldn't come. 13. It's doubtful that he should be of any help to us. 14. It's unheard of that the children should play such games. 15. It shocked us that he should be liable to a public disgrace. 16. It pleased him that everyone in the house should be dependent on him. 17. It really struck me as curious that such a well-balanced young man should suffer from the delusion that he was going out of his mind. 18. It was singular that Horn should ask him that question. 19. He was annoyed that they should have chosen the day of his departure for the party. 20. I was determined that my enemies should pay. 21. The man seemed astonished that anyone should want to buy the house. 22. It is a nuisance that the tickets should be so expensive. 23. It was a nuisance that I should have got up that early on a Sunday morning. 24. It’s a pity it should be raining so heavily. 25. It’s a shame you’d have come so late.

Exercise 148. Translate into English paying a special attention to the use of present and past forms of the Subjunctive.

(а) Странно, что она так много думает об этом случае. (б) Странно, что ты не подумал об этом раньше.

(а) Жаль, что его здесь нет. (б) Жаль, что он уже ушел.

(а) Ужасно, что ей приходится так много работать. (б) Ужасно, что ей пришлось потратить на эту работу столько времени.

(а) Вполне естественно, что она так расстроена. (б) Вполне естественно, что на твой звонок никто не ответил, их не было дома.

(а) Не может быть, чтобы они ничего не знали о моем приезде. (б) Не может быть, чтобы ему ничего не сказали о случившемся.

(а) Может ли быть, чтобы ты не знала адреса своей собственной сестры? (б) Возможно ли, чтобы ты не узнала собственную сестру?

Exercise 149. Compare the following pairs of sentences and say which of them express the facts more emotionally and why:

(a) It's rather surprising that he has never bothered much about it. (b) It was surprising that he should think of the event at all.

(a) It is typical of him that he should ask me to blood-test his entire herd for Brucellosis. (b) It's typical of them that they don't show any outward emotion.

(a) It was strange that he should be satisfied with my answer. (b) It was strange that he didn't want any changes.

(a) It's a pity that you can't see the problem, (b) It's a pity his words should affect you so.

(a) It was queer that he should be asked that question again. (b) It was queer that he didn't want to see me.

(a) At the time it seemed quite natural that he should have told you nothing. (b) It is natural that he has kept away from them.

Exercise 150. Fill each gap in the sentences of the right column with the verbs in the Subjunctive and Indicative Mood and explain what meaning has either of them.

1. I think it’s wrong that a wife … on her spy


2. It was odd that they … the same opinion have

3. It was perfectly incredible that she … that not hear

appeal for help.

4. It is vital that I … a truthful answer. have

5. It seemed odd that he … to live in the country; come

he had so clearly lived in town all his life.

6. It was very queer that all the time the clue to be

the whole thing … in our hands.

7. It is incredible that a woman … a career want

8. It was singular that the boy … his duty. neglect

9. It was perfectly incredible that she … your accept


10. It’s not right that the lad … such late hours. keep

11. It was typical that he … an inaccurate attempt make

at the scientific word.

12. It was queer that so soon in their investigation come

they … upon the traces of such a thing.

Exercise 151. In the following sentences find the forms of the Subjunctive and Indicative Mood as well as modal phrases with may/might and explain the use and meaning of each.

1. It is necessary that he be more tolerant. 2. Is it so important that the whole family should be present? 3. It's rather a shame that you didn't come at all. 4. It is possible you may be interested to hear that I happened to see him today. 5. It was flatly impossible that they should have stopped the train. 6. It was important that every­body be in good form. 7. It was curious that one could never guess the truth. 8. It's just possible she may have noted down her appoint­ment for that day. 9. It's absolutely essential that I'm there tomor­row afternoon. 10. It seemed strange to me that Maxim should sit down to this breakfast, enough for a dozen people. 11. It's odd that you're saying all this. 12. It was obligatory that he make his applica­tion without delay. 13. Now it was more important than ever that he do his duty. 14. It was quite probable that he might be telling the truth. 15. But why is it so important that it be done this way?


What a pity

that smb should do/should have done

How awful

Exercise 152. Translate into Russian.

1. What a pity you should have missed the scene! 2. What a shame that you should behave like this! 3. How strange that he should have come too! 4. How annoying that they should be so noisy. 5. What a nuisance that you should always be talking scandal! 6. How wonderful that everything should have gone all right again! 7. How strange that you should know Strickland! 8. Wonderful that they should have come back again so soon, isn’t it? 9. Impossible that you should believe all that nonsense. 10. Strange you shouldn’t have thought of that before.

Exercise 153. Translate into English paying a special attention to the use of present and past forms of the Subjunctive.

(а) Как удачно, что весной у нас будет только один экзамен. (б) Как удачно, что зимой у нас был только один экзамен.

(а) Как неприятно, что все говорили об этом как раз, когда она вошла. (б) Как неприятно, что ей придется ждать столько времени, прежде, чем её примет врач.

(а) Какая жалость, что лето уже прошло. (б) Какая жалость, что сейчас уже осень.

(а) Как странно, что они тебе еще не звонили. (б) Как странно, что они звонят тебе каждый день.

(а) Какой стыд, что ты не сделала того, что обещала. (б) Какой стыд, что ты говоришь неправду.

(а) Как здорово, что машину уже чинят. (б) Как здорово, что машину уже починили.

Reviewing (THAT clauses)

Exercise 154. Put in the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:

1. It’s only right that they … all about it. (know) 2. It’s queer that you … about him (worry) 3. It will cause her pain, but it’s important that she … everything. (know) 4. Men are different from women. It is natural that they … different views. (have) 5. It is inconceivable that I … all about it. (forget) 6. It’s odd that she … about here (nose) 7. It was so important that everything … all right. (turn out) 8. It seemed strange to him that he … about such things (think) 9. It seemed a mistake that he … at the beach at all. (be) 10. It was a pity that her infirmity …about. (talk) 11. Was it possible that such a person ... among your friends? (be) 12. It is quite probable that he ... the town the very nest day. (leave) 13. It is impossible that he ... you this question. (ask) 14. It is absolutely necessary that I ... her before you do. (see) 15. It was important that the body ... as soon as possible. (identify) 16. It struck me as strange that it ... my destiny always to look a bit of a clown when Helen was around. (be) 17. When I have seen this young lady, it is possible that I ... of more use to you in the matter. (be) 18. It seems queer to me that you ... (fail) 19. "I suppose it's possible you ...", said Ted. (over-react) 20. How odd that it ... on that particular day! (occur) 21. Isn't it quite natural that he ... of their friend­ship? (take advantage) 22. What a pity they ... strangers here! (feel) 23. The law stipulates that new cars … fitted with seatbelts. (be) 24. I suggested to Jim that he … in industry before starting university. (work) 25. We demanded that the money … to the investors. (return) 26. Who suggested that she … that branch of philology? (choose) 27. Don’t you propose that the discussion …? (put an end to). 28. Paul insisted that the new baby … after his grandfather. (name) 29. The students requested that the test … . (postpone) 30. The movie director insisted that everything about his production … authentic. (be) 31. I requested that I ... to change my class. (permit) 32. The governor proposed that a new highway… (build) 33. The day was so beautiful that one of the students suggested we … class outside. (have)

Exercise 155. Translate into English.

1. Возможно, отец вернется в субботу. 2. Как печально, что Энн потеряла вдруг голос. 3. Похоже, вот-вот пойдет снег. 4. Желательно, чтобы книги были сданы в библиотеку до конца семестра. 5. Возможно ли, чтобы Боб провалил последний экзамен? 6. Я думаю, нужно чтобы ты сам позвонил боссу и всё объяснил. 7. Не может быть, чтобы ты не читала ни одного романа Агаты Кристи. 8. Странно, что машина еще не пришла. 9. Какая жалость, что ты пропустила этот концерт! 10. Едва ли возможно, чтобы Мэри удалось прийти до обеда. 11. Удивительно, что никто так и не понял, что же произошло. 12. Вряд ли кто-нибудь из них знает, что же теперь делать. 13. Было предложено, чтобы время начала работы было изменено. 14. Очень важно, чтобы запись была сделана очень аккуратно. 15. Удивительно, что никто не сказал тебе о моем приезде. 16. Как досадно, что машина сломалась еще на пути в город. 17. Меня удивило, что меня никто не встретил. 18. Было неприятно, что детей все еще не было дома. 19. Я думаю, вполне естественно, что девочка хочет во всем поступать по-своему. 20. Едва ли ты когда-нибудь поймешь, почему я так поступила. 21. Как ужасно, что Кейт снова провалила экзамен. 22. Какая досада, что ты не сумел прийти пораньше. 23. Возможно ли, чтобы я тебе об этом ничего не сказала? 24. Было намечено, что вечером все пойдут на дискотеку. 25. Едва ли я вернусь до ужина. 26. Я был встревожен, что он не позвонил мне. 26. Чтобы такое важное событие прошло незамеченным, было для нас тогда не менее странно, чем для вас теперь. 27. Его предложение о том, чтобы внести изменения в организацию производства, было хорошо обосновано фактами. 28. Одна из сторон настаивает на том, чтобы эта статья договора была пересмотрена. 29. Вряд ли возможно, чтобы вы достали билеты на премьеру, да еще в субботу. 30. Первое требование, которое предъявляется к каждому произведению искусства, чтобы оно было понятно широким народным массам. 31. Цель нашей поездки заключалась в том, чтобы студенты ознакомились с культурой Востока.

Exercise 156. Complete the following sentences with the clauses containing present or past forms of the Subjunctive or modal phrases with may.

  1. I was puzzled …

  2. It's supposed ...

  3. It's a pity ...

  4. It was possible ...

  5. It's improbable ...

  6. Isn't it wonderful ... ?

  7. It was so unfortunate ...

  8. It's utterly impossible ...

  9. It seemed very important ...

  10. Is it possible ... ?

  11. It was demanded ...

  12. What a pity ...

  13. Isn't it odd ...

  14. How strange ...

  15. It was suggested ...

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