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He looked at me as if he found it all hard to believe.

  1. He smiled at me so knowingly that one might think he could see through my thoughts.

  2. Montanelly stood for a moment motionless as if struck.

  3. “What’s wrong with his arm?” Pollack asked as if not knowing the reason.

  4. “I hate secrets and I don’t like to be treated like a child,” said Blanche angrily.

  5. When the war finally broke out in Europe, Pledger felt as if having already heard the news several months before.

  6. Pledger recognized the handwriting. He picked up the letter as though afraid to open it.

  7. Her hands were trembling so that it seemed she hadn’t yet recovered from a great shock.

  8. Very much to one side, his hat didn’t fall down as if glued to his hair.

  9. He looked so that one might suppose he had just come from a very long travel.

  10. Nothing had been moved, but it seemed that somebody had been in the room.

  11. On hearing the news he stood as if dumbfounded.

Exercise 125. Open the brackets using the correct verb form.

1. His manner was cheerful as ever as if nothing (happen). 2. He asked me funny questions, it was as if he (not follow) the story. 3. He didn't pay attention to her cutting remarks as though he (be used) to being treated like that. 4. She walked proudly as though the world (belong) to her. 5. She looked as if she (hurt) by his remark. 6. The line between his eyes deepened as if he (puzzle) over something. 7. They looked as if they (be) brother and sister but not husband and wife, so much alike they were. 8. She was crying as if her heart (break). 9. They treated her as if she (be) a little girl. 10. They met him as if they (expect) him. 11. He introduced her to his brother as though they (not meet) before. 12. I felt funny as if I (start) crying at any moment. 13. She sounded quite cheerful over the telephone as if she (look) forward to the trip. 14. The house looked as though it (not see) paint for a long time. 15. She was listening to me as if she (annoy).

Exercise 126. Translate into English.

1. У него всегда такой вид, как будто он спешит куда-то. 2. Она вела себя так, как будто ей всё было безразлично. 3. Дождь шел несколько дней, и казалось, что ему не будет конца. 4. Они мчались с такой скоростью, как будто их кто-то преследовал. 5. Он говорит об этом так, как будто то, что он сделал, было вполне обычной вещью. 6. Он смотрел на всех нас, как будто был удивлен тем, что увидел нас там. 7. Она смотрела вниз со страхом, и ей казалось, что она вот-вот сорвется (упадет вниз). 8. У нее такой вид, как будто она больна. 9. У него было такое чувство, как будто его обманули. 10. Взрыв был очень сильным. Стало светло как днем. 11. Он выглядит так, как будто он победитель. 12. Она не остановилась, как будто не слышала, что ее зовут. 13. Вы выглядите так, как будто давно не отдыхали. 14. Он часто смотрел на часы, как будто спешил куда-то. 15. Она смотрит на мир, как будто он принадлежит ей. 16. Он уставился на меня, как будто я сказал что-то не то. 17. В комнате был такой аромат, словно в ней был миллион роз. 18. Пирог был таким необычным на вкус, словно в него положили все пряности Востока. 19. Фильм произвел на меня такое сильное впечатление потому, что казалось, что он о моей собственной жизни. 20. Все выглядит так, словно они узнали о моем решении и сейчас пытаются заставить меня изменить его. 21. – Я чувствую себя так, словно я абсолютно счастлив. – Как будто это возможно! 22. Эмма взглянула на него и улыбнулась так, словно опять прочитала его мысли. 23. Вы так загорели, как будто провели на юге не месяц, а всё лето. 24. Он так быстро бросал вещи в чемодан, словно в доме был пожар. 25. Анна всегда говорит, что доверяет своему другу, а сама ведет себя так, словно они враги.

Exercise 127. Complete the following sentences.

1. The situation was as if .... 2. The weather looked as though .... 3. The policeman nodded as if .... 4. Thorn feels as if... . 5. She always looks smart as though ... . 6. Dan always interrupts people as if ... . 7. The sheriff spoke firmly as if... . 8. Why is Nell looking at Ted as if ... ? 9. The child was scared as though ... . 10. Why are you crying as if ... ? 11. She looked nervous as if ... 12. They met again as if .... 13. I know London so well as if ... . 14. You are asking so many questions as if .…15. Margaret did the job as if.... 16. The inspector behaved as though ... . 17. She felt his pain so acutely as if... .

Verb forms following IT IS (HIGH/ABOUT) TIME.

Exercise 128. Translate into Russian. Mind that the structure It’s time you did means “you should have done it already or started” It is often used to criticize or to complain. It’s high/about time… makes the criticism stronger.

Examples: It’s time he knew the truth.

Ему пора узнать правду.

It was high time we went home.

Нам уже давно пора было идти домой.

It’s about time we were getting along.

Нам, пожалуй, уже пора уходить.

1. Your car is absolutely filthy! It's high time you had it washed. 2. Well, well, young man, it's time you settled down, had a wife and nice kids! 3. It's time we turned over a new leaf in our life, my darling. 4. Isn't it time we put an end to this horrible war? 5. It's high time you forgave me. 6. Well, it's high time you realized that times have changed. 7. Sergeant, it’s high time you reported to the captain. 8. Isn't it time the children switched off TV and went to bed? 9. It was high time she got used to his strange ways. 10. Don't you think it's high time you changed your manner оf dressing? 11. It's time you earned your own living.

Exercise 129. Paraphrase the sentences using It's time.

1. Marina should think of her future. 2. Oleg must consult a specialist. 3. The family ought to have a holiday. 4. The house needs to be given a new coat of paint. 5. We need to call an electrician. 6. I must become independent of my parents. 7. The children should go to bed and switch off the light. 8. You ought to feel responsible for your family. 9. Will you stop asking me provocative questions about my personal life? 10. Why should you live throwing your parents' mоnеy around? 11. I'm sorry, I have to say goodbye and leave. 12. How can you watch that boring programme? 13. You are a modern woman. Don't you want to learn to drive a car? 14. Your parents need your support. Why don't you help them? 15. Will you get down to business, all of you! 16. It’s necessary to put an end to this pointless talk. 17. You do not seem to realize the importance of the matter. 18. Why can’t you express such simple things in English yet? 19. She should get her hair cut. 20. You ought to stop smoking. 21. That team hasn’t won a match for ages. 22. You should wash that sweater.

Exercise 130. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb.

1. It's time you (take) better care of your health. 2. She said it was time you (get) rid of this bad habit. 3. It's high time something (be done) about your discipline. 4. It's about time she (learn) to do without your help. 5. They said it was time he (tell) us what he was after. 6. It is time you (stop) wasting your efforts and (get) down to real work. 7. I call it a waste of time. It's time somebody (put an end) to it. 8. It's high time you (learn) to be more particular about how you speak to people. 9. Isn't it time you (leave) him alone? 10. It’s time you (understand) it is no joking matter. 11. It’s high time you (change) your opinion of him. 12. It’s about time he (express) his own point of view for once. 13. You’re still sleeping, aren’t you? It’s high time you (have) breakfast. 14. You are not a child. It’s time you (feel) some responsibility. 15. Dinner is ready. It’s time we (sit down) to table.

Exercise 131. Paraphrase the following sentences using It's time.

1. He looked at the clock on the station building and understood that it was time for him to get on the train. 2. It's time for you to stop fussing. You make everybody nervous. 3. He was so much in the book that he didn't notice it was high time for him to leave. 4. You are no longer a young man. It's time for you to settle down. 5. I think it's time for us to get down to business. 6. It's high time for the new method to be introduced into our work. 7. Isn't it time for you to be more sensible? 8. It’s time for you to act without prompting. 9. It is time for them to give the signal. 10. It was time for him to return, and we began to watch the road. 11. It’s about time for the team to start practising. 12. It’s time for her to understand that she is no longer a child and to seriously think of her future. 13. It’s about time for you to start on a research. 14. It’s high time for the second course to be served. 14. It’s about time for the train to pull out. 15. Isn’t it time for us to be moving up front? We are getting off at the next stop.

Exercise 132. Answer the questions using It’s (about/high) time.

  1. What would the teacher say on learning that one of the students has not begun reviewing the material when there is little time left before the examination?

  2. What would you say if looking at the watch you realized that there was not much time left before the beginning of the performance and you were still at home?

  3. What would you say if the question were clear and the people were still discussing it?

  4. What would the librarian say if someone were still keeping the book which he should have returned a long time before?

  5. What would you say if it were already 11.00 pm, but the children were still up?

  6. What would you say if you hadn’t taken a vacation for a very long time and you needed one badly?

  7. What would a passenger say if he were sitting on a train waiting for it to leave the station, and it were already five minutes late?

  8. What would your friend say if she enjoyed having parties, but she hadn’t had one for a long time?

  9. What would you say if the company you work for were badly managed and you thought there should be some changes?

Exercise 133. Translate the following sentences using "it’s time" with the Subjunctive Mood.

1. Пора бы организовать выставку его картин. 2. Пора бы признать его метод как самый эффективный. 3. Пора бы прекратить этот бесполезный спор. 4. Тебе давно пора бы представить мне своих друзей. 5. Вам бы давно пора извиниться. 6. Ему пора бы высказать свою точку зрения. 7. Не пора ли обсудить его предложение? 8. Преподаватель сказал, что всем давно пора начать подготовку к экзаменам. 9. Вам пора иметь чувство ответственности. 10. Ему пора зарабатывать на жизнь. 11. Пора нам включить его в нашу институтскую спортивную команду. 12. Всем давно пора понять, что назад пути нет. 13. Какой стыд, тебе давно пора выучить английский алфавит! 14. Шесть часов. А не пора ли пригласить гостей к столу? 15. — Не пора ли тебе сменить майку и джинсы? — А не пора ли тебе перестать делать мне замечания? 16. По-моему, тебе давно пора переключить телевизор на другую программу. 17. Пора тебе перестать сплетничать о друзьях и коллегах. Разве тебе нечем заняться? 18. А не пора ли нам вытащить торт из печки? Он может подгореть. 19. Ты не думаешь, что тебе пора отремонтировать кухню? 20. Не пора ли установить охрану в твоем офисе?

Exercise 134. Translate the following sentences using "it’s time" with the Subjunctive Mood.

1. Вы водите машину не первый год. Пора знать правила уличного движения. 2. Давно пора зажечь свет. Зачем портить зрение. 3. Ребенку давно пора спать. 4. Не пора ли обратить серьезное внимание на этот вопрос? 5. Не кажется ли вам, что давно пора закончить ремонт? Скоро зима. 6. Вам давно пора обратиться к зубному врачу. 7. Давно бы пора привыкнуть к его причудам. Они ведь знают его не первый год. 8. Чего мы ждем? Нам бы давно уже пора быть в пути. 9. Не пора ли им прекратить эти шутки? Они меня раздражают. 10. Посмотри, цветы вянут. Не пора ли их полить? 11. Уже неделю льет дождь. Не пора ли установиться хорошей погоде? 12. Вам давно пора усвоить, что вы не дома. Так что ведите себя, как подобает. 13. Ну, мои дорогие, всем давно пора умываться и одеваться. 14. Ну и машина! Тебе давно пора купить новую. 15. Я считаю, что нам давно пора перестать встречаться, хотя бы на некоторое время. 16. Тебе давно пора поменять свое отношение к браку. 17. Это плохая идея! Тебе пора понять, что я не приму ее. 18. Адвокату давно пора предъявить главный козырь в этом деле. 19. Давно пора тебе сказать ей, что ты думаешь о ней. 20. А не пора ли вам, детки, идти в школу? 21. Им давно пора перестать обращаться с сыном как с ребенком. В конце концов, он уже взрослый и сам может позаботиться о себе.

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