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Verb forms following as if, as though

Exercise 117. Translate the sentences into Russian. Mind the difference in use of the Indicative Mood and Subjunctive Mood in predicative and comparative clauses introduced by as if/ as though.

Examples: A. She looks as if she knows what’s going to happen. (maybe she does)

She looks as if she knew what’s going to happen. (Truth: she


Tim looks really awful. He looks as if he’s been up all night. (maybe

he has been up)

Тим выглядит ужасно. Он выглядит, как будто он не спал всю


I feel as if you had never been away. (Truth: you were away)

У меня такое чувство, как будто вы и не уезжали.

It looked as if it was going to rain. (maybe it was)

Казалось, вот-вот пойдет дождь.

It seemed as if the pressure of blood would tear his breast.

(Truth: it wouldn’t)

Казалось, давление крови готово разорвать его грудь.

B. He turned away as if he didn’t know me. (Truth: he knew me)

Он отвернулся, словно был со мною незнаком.

He received them as if he had known them for ages.(Truth: he

didn’t know them)

Он принял их так, как будто знал их много лет.

He stopped abruptly as if he were going to turn back.(Truth: he

were not going to turn back)

Он внезапно остановился, будто хотел повернуть назад.

She stood swaying as though she would fall (maybe she would.) Она стояла, покачиваясь, словно вот-вот упадет.

1. Erik looks as if he were at peace with himself and the universe. 2. Samantha looks as if she had fallen in love. 3. Sindy felt as if she had lived a long, long time. 4. He looks as though butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. 5. Adrian felt as if he were suddenly transported into a different world. 6. The children now felt as if their father had never been away on that terrible war in the Persian Gulf. 7. The girl looked happy as though she had been waiting for that moment all her life. 8. Daniel felt as if he were being reprimanded, as if he had let his friends down. 9. Molly dropped the bracelet instantly, as if it were red-hot coals. 10. Bill behaves as if he had got into a pretty good mess. 11. We began talking as though we were old friends, as if we had known each other for many years. 12. For a second she hesitated as if she were taking the last chance to refuse. 13. The Stones behaved as though we were the bitterest of enemies and hadn't been living next door to each other for twenty-four years. 14. Glan pushed his father's chair closer to the table and tucked a serviette under his father's chin, as if he were a baby in a high chair. 15. Don't act as if you cared nothing for my feelings. 16. They were looking as though someone had died. 17. The milk tasted as if it was not fresh.

Exercise 118. Open the brackets using the correct verb form (the Indicative or Subjunctive Mood).

1. When you watch all those soaps on television, you feel as if people in them (think) only of love and (not have any problems. 2. She walked as if she (be) a Queen, as if the world (belong) to her. 3. He felt fresh and rested as if he (not work) for twelve hours non-stop. 4. In that small dress Miranda looked as if she (be) a teenager. 5. What a fuss and what a mess! It looks as if the last preparations for Christmas (make). 6. He was holding the baby as if it (be) something very fragile. 7. Sometimes it seems to me as though the world (come) to an end! 8. It appears now as if Cora never (love) Martin, as if it (be) a bad dream. 9. While reading the novel I felt as if I also (live) in those times and actually (take) part in the events. 10. When you are looking at the Vesuvius you feel as if it (can erupt) at any minute. 11. Nigel is searching for something. It looks as though he (lose) the key. 12. The agent felt as if he (watch) by somebody. 13. She put on her sunglasses as if she (try) to hide the expression of her eyes. 14. Surprisingly, there were no people in the streets. It looked as if they (stay) at home or (leave) for their country houses. 15. Adrian looked at Pamela so tenderly as if he (forgive) her and (be) in love with her again. 16. She looked as though her mouth (be) full of lemon juice. 17. He kept gazing at her as if she (be) some sort of goddess or something. 18.Snape looked as though Christmas (cancel). 19. In so many ways he felt as though he (know) nothing, (learn) nothing, though he was sixty-eight years old. 20. She looked to him as if she (need) a good meal.

Exercise 119. Answer the following questions according to the example.

Example: How do you like the suit on Peter? (fit; be made to measure)

It fits him as if it were made to measure.

1. Have you seen him after the accident? How does he look? (nothing;

happen to him)

2. How did she take the news? (take it calmly; be nothing unusual

about it)

3. How does this foreign student speak Russian? (study the language

for many years)

4. How did he take our decision? (be a surprise to him)

5. Have you heard anything about the film? (look; be worth seeing)

6. How did he speak about the task given to him? (sound cheerful; be

happy about it)

7. Did he believe the story? (look suspicious; not believe it)

8. How do you feel after the swim in the lake? (drop ten years)

9. How did they treat him? ( be their brother)

10. How did she like the story? (seem; be touched)

Exercise 120. Complete each sentence with as if/as though, using the given idea.

Example: I wasn’t run over by a ten-ton truck.

I feel terrible. I feel as if (as though) I had been run over by a

ten-ton truck.

  1. English is not her native language. - She speaks English … .

  2. You didn’t see a ghost. – What’s the matter? You look … .

  3. His animals aren’t people. – I know a farmer who talks to his animals …

  4. His father is not a general in the army. – His father gives orders …

  5. I didn’t climb Mt. Everest. – When I reached the fourth floor, I was winded. I felt … instead of just three flights of stairs.

  6. He does have a brain in his head. – Sometime he acts … .

  7. We haven’t known each other all of our lives. – We became good friends almost immediately. After talking to each other for only a short time, we felt … .

  8. A giant bulldozer didn’t drive down Main Street. – After the tornado, the town looked … .

  9. I don’t have wings and can’t fly. – I was so happy that I felt … .

  10. The child won’t burst. – The child was so excited that he looked … .

Exercise 121. Complete the sentences, containing the sentiments expressed by a woman who was both blind and deaf but who learned to speak and to read Braille, with as if/as though.

Use your eyes as if tomorrow you … become blind. Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, as if you … become deaf tomorrow. Touch each object as if tomorrow you … never be able to feel anything again. Smell the perfume of the flowers and taste with true enjoyment each bite of food as if tomorrow you … never be able to smell and taste again.

Exercise 122. Open the brackets using the correct verb form (the Indicative or Subjunctive Mood).

1. She was breathing heavily as if she (run) a long distance. 2. It seemed as though he (know) it long ago.3. She looked at him as if she (see) a ghost. 4. He looked as if he (want) to say something but (be) afraid to begin his speech. 5. She behaved as though nothing (happen). 6. It seemed as if he never (hear) of it before. 7. They met as though they (see) each other for the first time. 8. They talked as if they never (meet) before. 9. They talked as if they (know) each other for ever so many years and it (not be) the first time they met. 10. He nodded slowly as if he (agree) to her suggestion but she knew he would never do it. 11. Her eyes were swollen and had shadows as if she (not sleep). 12. They stared at each other in silence, and it was as if they (listen) for distant footsteps. 13. He speaks French as if he (be) a Frenchman. 14. Nothing had changed in the room but it seemed as though somebody (be) there. 15. She looked very tired as if she (work) from early morning till late at night.

Exercise 123. Translate into English.

1. Жизнь протекала гладко, словно никогда ничего не происходило. 2. Будь я на твоем месте, я бы попытался вести себя так, словно ничего не случилось. 3. Она чувствовала, словно что-то необычное должно было случиться с ней. 4. Почему ты ведешь себя так, словно что-то скрываешь от нас или словно совершил что-то плохое? 5. Мы не обратили внимания на слова Чарльза, словно они не были важны, словно никто их и не слышал. 6. Он понимающе улыбнулся, словно прочитал мои мысли и знал обо всем. 7. Я уже взрослый. Почему ты все еще обращаешься со мной так, словно я ребенок? 8. Она выглядела так, словно была вполне довольна своей жизнью и не перенесла такого страшного шока. 9. Все это выглядит так, словно Николай всю жизнь учит английский язык и все-таки не может на нем говорить. 10. Лектор начал говорить медленно и красноречиво, словно старался с самого начала завоевать внимание публики. 11. Она счастлива, посмотри на нее. Она выглядит так, будто помолодела на несколько лет. 12. Казалось, он пытается что-то сказать, но не может. 13. Он чувствовал себя так, словно его окунули в холодную воду. 14. Было похоже, что скоро тучи совсем закроют солнце. 15. В комнате пахло так, словно в ней давно уже не жили. 16. Я чувствую себя так, словно я здесь совсем чужой. 17. Её голос звучал так, как будто она только что плакала. 18. Ты выглядишь так, словно тебя обидели. 19. Она заслонила глаза рукой, как будто свет был слишком ярок. 20. Казалось, дождю не будет конца. 21. Он почувствовал себя так, как будто у него гора свалилась с плеч. 22. У него было такое чувство, словно его обманули. 23. Он ответил таким тоном, будто он сам открыл горячие источники, и они принадлежали ему. 24. У неё был такой вид, как будто она прождала очень долго и начинала нервничать.

Exercise 124. Express the same idea as in the sentences below replacing the parts in bold type by clauses introduced by as if/as though.

Example: He looked at me so that it seemed he found it all hard to believe.

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