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Упражнения на закрепление грамматического материала

        1. Замените сложноподчиненные предложения простыми, употребляя сложное дополнение.

Образец: I think that he is a good specialist. – I think him to be a good specialist.

1. Everybody saw that he left the hall. 2. I believe that you are wrong. 3. I know that she is very hardworking. 4. We expect that he will come at 7 o’clock. 5. Do you expect that he will ring us up? 6. I consider that she is the best journalist in our editorial staff. 7. I suppose that he is about 40. 8. I find that the book is very dull. 9. We knew that he was a clever man. 10 the doctor said that he was out of danger. 11. We suspect that she has broken the cup. 12. I thought she was your sister. 13. I believe that he is right. 14. They thought that he was a seaman. 15. We expect that the ship will arrive in a week.

2. Перефразируйте предложения, используя сложное дополнение.

Образец: She wants the magazine back. Bring it tomorrow. – She wants you to bring the magazine tomorrow.

1. She ill arrive next Friday. We expect her. 2. Don’t leave so early. I don’t want it. 3. You must help her with her work. She expects it. 4. They will enjoy the performance. We expect it. 5. He is a kind man. Everybody knows it. 6. She is afraid that it may happen again. She doesn’t want it. 7. You must promise not to do such things again. I want it. 8. It’s good advice, I believe it. 9. He was at home, I believe. 10. She will come by the evening train. They expect her. 11. She loses much time in talking. I don’t want it. 12. You mustn’t say such things to them. I don’t like it.

3. Замените сложноподчиненное предложение простым, употребляя сложное дополнение.

Образец: She watched how he went away. – She watched him go away.

1. He heard how the woman addressed to the shop-assistant. 2. He saw that the door of the room opened and his sister entered. 3. I have never heard how he spoke of his life in India. 4. I saw that the man was running down the street. 5. We heard how he said that he had done everything. 6. The teacher saw how the students went away.

4. Заполните пропуски частицей to перед инфинитивом там, где это необходимо.

  1. We should allow them … come next week. 2. Most people suppose him … be innocent. 3. I waited for my friend … get off a bus. 4. Did anyone hear John … leave the house? 5. They made me … do it. 6. We can’t … let the matter … rest here. 7. He ordered the car … come at 5 p. m. 8. We all thought the plan … be wise. 9. These events caused him … leave the country. 10. We can’t … allow them … behave so badly. 11. You won’t have me … do that. 12. At last they got him … write a letter to his nurse. 13. Don’t let him … drive so fast. 14. Let us … be friends. 15. I would rather … speak to my Dad. 16. I never saw you … look so well before. 17. What makes you … think so? 18. I felt this…be true. 19. I felt my heart … jump. 20. If one can’t … have what one loves, one must … love what one has.

  1. Найдите в данных предложениях Complex Object и переведите их на русский язык.

1. Everybody expected her to marry Nick. 2. I would like them to come as soon as possible. 3. I expect you to join us. 4. I don’t want you to be in this company. 5. We would like you to visit us. 6. Nobody noticed her make a mistake. 7. She saw them get into a car and go away. 8. We didn’t hear him say these words. 8. Soon they made him talk. 9. I heard the door of the entrance hall open. 10. The sound of her voice made him happy. 11. His parents got him to study medicine. 12. I’ll have the porter bring the things tomorrow. 13. I asked her to help me about the house. 14. We had nothing to do all day. 15. I suppose him to be about 50. 16. He ordered the documents to be brought. 17. We expect the children to be protected. 18. I like to hear her sing. 19. They made me believe that there was no danger. 20. Do you think this trip to be dangerous?