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4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.

1. I’m happy (to hear) of Tom’s success. 2. Mary was happy (to see) them. 3. I’ll be happy (to visit) you soon. 4. Tom’s happy (to succeed) so well. 5. They were happy (to see) Mary. 6. Bill will be happy (to find) his watch. 7. I’m glad (to see) you again. 8. Mary was glad (to borrow) Tom’s gramophone for her party. 9. I’ll be glad (to lend) you my dictionary for a few weeks. 10. I’m glad (to see) Tom again. 11. Tom was glad (to buy) a new gramophone before Mary’s party. 12. Next week-end I’ll be glad (to finish) all my examinations. 13. He’s pleased (to be) in London again. 14. They were pleased (to see) Mary. 15. Bill will be pleased (to see) you again. 16. They’re pleased (to visit) Europe. 17. Tom was pleased (to lend) his gramophone to Mary. 18. She’ll be pleased (to invite) you to her party. 19. I’m delighted (to meet) you. 20. She was delighted (to meet) Mr. Brown. 21. I’ll be delighted (to have) dinner with you. 22. I’m delighted (to meet) your sister. 23. Mary was delighted (to ask) them to her party. 24. They’ll be delighted (to pass) their examinations.

5. Переведите на русский язык, определите форму инфинитива.

  1. Jesse was happy to have reached Kansas City at last. 2. It was lovely to be skating on such a wonderful morning. 3. Ernest was happy to have won the competition. 4. I expected to have come at 3 p.m. 5. It was very wise of you to support this plan. 6. The advertisement was to be answered by letter. 7. To tell you the truth it’s not so different from what I saw. 8. Strange to say, he has never been to the Bolshoi. 9. That you mustn’t do. 10. In your own interests to say nothing of me. 11. Britt refused to come. 12. I want you to help me. 13. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. 14. I consider him to be wrong. 15. I’m proud to be a member of this club. 16. Mary was sorry to leave so early. 17. He’s relieved to have passed his examinations. 18. Tom will be excited because he will be asked to sing at the concert. 19. They were angry to have missed their buses. 20. To have known him and talked to him is a great pleasure.

  1. Дополните предложения, используя инфинитив.

  1. The question is whether anyone will volunteer … 2. Surely you would never like … 3. Our reporter has just telephoned to say that rescue teams will endeavor … 4. Last year miners in South Wales managed …. Next year they aim … 5. As soon as the volcano first showed signs of activity, the entire population of the village prepared … 6. You needn’t bother …. . I’ve already arranged …. 7. It’s many years since I went to my home town. I’m longing … 8. I hesitated …, since I didn’t know him very well. 9. It tends … in winter in the north of England. 10. A rather officious policeman demanded … 11. I’m sure you’ll like him when you get …him better. 12. The idea proved … very unpopular.

  1. Переведите на английский язык, используя инфинитив.

  1. Спроси его, кто пришел первым. 2. Дай мне воды попить. 3. Элиза первая узнала, что граф продал свой замок. 4. Ему предстоит сдать трудные экзамены. 5. Есть еще два вопроса, которые следует обсудить. 6. Он сдавал экзамены последним. 7. Я видел, что он выходил из комнаты. 8. Я никогда не слышал, чтобы она говорила по-английски. 9. Не знаю, куда пойти сегодня вечером. 10. Надеюсь, вы понимаете, что мне очень неудобно оставаться в Лондоне летом. 11. Я подожду, пока ты дочитаешь книгу. 12. Она говорила слишком быстро, чтобы мы могли ее понимать. 13. Я не рассчитывал, что доклад будете делать вы. 14. Все это настолько просто, что каждый может сделать это сам. 15. Потом они обсудили вопрос, не рассказать ли все маме. 16. Он, кажется, сейчас работает в своем кабинете. 17. Они непременно придут. 18. Мы хотим, чтобы нас информировали. 19. Она рада, что ее встретили на станции. 20. Он не любит, когда его прерывают.



  1. Open the brackets.

  1. They are glad (to invite/ to be invited) to the party.

  2. I don’t like (to interrupt/to be interrupted).

  3. He will be happy (to see/to be seen) you.

  4. I was glad (to meet/to be met) at the station.

  5. Children like (to tell/to be told) tales and always (listen/be listened) to them with interest.

  1. Change the sentences according to the examples.

a) Example: It is simple to solve this problem. – This problem is simple to solve.

  1. It is expensive to buy a mink coat.

  2. It is impossible to get a good dinner in our canteen.

  3. It was difficult to start an engine in such cold weather.

  4. It is dangerous to stand on this ladder.

  5. It is difficult to deal with difficult people.

b) Example: He came to the party the last. – He was the last to come to the party.

  1. He is the only one among us who gave up smoking.

  2. I was the next who spoke on the topic.

  3. He was the first who raised this question.

  4. She was the second who got an excellent mark.

  5. Paul was the last who greeted me.

  1. Fill in the blanks with the particle to where necessary.

  1. I’d rather (listen) to the radio than (see) this soap opera on TV.

  2. You are cold. You’d better (sit) near the fireplace.

  3. She’d prefer (fly) rather than go by train. The plane serves time.

  4. I’d rather (not go) to the country tomorrow. The weather leaves much to be desired.

  5. You’d better (take) an aspirin. You look bad.

  1. Open the brackets.

  1. He seems (to read) a lot.

  2. I want (to take) you to the concert.

  3. He seems (to read) all the books in the library.

  4. She hoped (to help) her friends.

  5. He expected (to Help) by the teacher.

  1. Translate into English.

  1. Я рад, что рассказал вам эту историю.

  2. Наши спортсмены гордятся тем, что выиграли первый приз.

  3. Мы очень счастливы, что пригласили его на вечер.

  4. Я хочу познакомить вас с этой актрисой.

  5. Я только хочу, чтобы мне позволили помочь вам.


  1. Open the brackets.

  1. I didn’t think (to interrupt/to be interrupted) you.

  2. He is glad (to send/to be sent) abroad.

  3. He likes (to ask/to be asked) his professor questions.

  4. He does not like (to ask/to be asked) questions because he doesn’t know how to answer them.

  5. Be careful with him. He is a very resentful person. He can’t bare (to joke/to be joked at).

  1. Change the sentences according to the examples.

a) Example: It is simple to solve this problem. – This problem is simple to solve.

  1. It is dangerous to drive a car in big cities.

  2. It is interesting to meet new people.

  3. It is simple to communicate with people due to Internet.

  4. It was unpleasant to watch their quarrel.

  5. It is always funny to listen to him.

b) Example: He came to the party the last. – He was the last to come to the party.

  1. She was the first who was fired.

  2. He was the only one who jumped with a parachute.

  3. I am the next who will be interviewed.

  4. He was the only one who could speak Japanese.

  5. I was the first who noticed the mistake.

  1. Fill in the blanks with the particle to where necessary.

  1. He preferred (put on) a brown suit.

  2. She prefers (not wear) shoes with high heels.

  3. I want to get thinner so I’d rather (walk) than (go) by car.

  4. You’d better (buy) a mobile telephone, it’s more convenient.

  5. I’d prefer (go) there in July.

  1. Open the brackets.

  1. He seems (to read) since morning.

  2. I want (to take) to the concert by my father.

  3. I hope (to see) you soon.

  4. I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday.

  5. I am sorry (to break) your pen.

5. Translate into English.

  1. Он попросил, чтобы его проводили в актовый зал.

  2. Он был счастлив, что вернулся домой.

  3. Она рада, что присутствовала на лекции.

  4. Дети любят, когда им рассказывают сказки.

  5. Он очень доволен, что закончил свою книгу.