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  1. Замените сложноподчиненные предложения простыми, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

EXAMPLE: It happened that his parents had come. – His parents happened to have come.

  1. It seemed that she sensed the purpose of his question.

  2. It appeared that George was talking to Mr. White.

  3. It doesn’t seem that he understands this letter.

  4. It happened that he was present at the congress.

  5. It turned out to be that Jack had arrived in New York.

  6. It seems that you don’t believe me.

  1. Переведите на русский язык, используя сложное подлежащее.

  1. She seemed to be speaking to herself.

  2. He proved to be an excellent musician.

  3. Nobody appears to have mentioned her name.

  4. I happened to be there.

  5. He seems to know her desire.

  6. She is supposed to be engaged to him.

  7. He is believed to be a scientist with a bright future.

  8. He is expected to give an answer the day after tomorrow.

  9. She is known to have been working for a week.

  10. He is thought to live in Moscow.

  1. Переведите на английский язык, используя сложное подлежащее.

  1. Полагают, что этот дворец построен в XVIII веке.

  2. Сообщают, что путешественники еще не вернулись.

  3. Говорят, что этот модельер готовит новую коллекцию.

  4. Объявлено, что эксперимент завершен.

  5. Сообщили, что конгресс состоится в понедельник.

  6. Я случайно встретила его в аэропорту.

  7. Известно, что Китай – самая населенная страна.

  8. Сообщают, что археологи нашли очень интересные предметы.

  9. Новые книги оказались очень полезными.

  10. Мы не ожидали, что снег выпадет в ноябре.


  1. Замените сложноподчиненные предложения простыми, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

EXAMPLE: It is said that she has gone away. – She is said to have gone away.

  1. It is believed that she has written a good report.

  2. It is believed that he is writing a new book.

  3. It is understood that all the members have agreed to come at 9 o’clock.

  4. It is expected that she is a woman of forty.

  5. It is supposed that the girl is at school.

  6. It is said that he wants to leave the town.

  1. Замените сложноподчиненные предложения простыми, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

EXAMPLE: It happened that his parents had come. – His parents happened to have come.

  1. It happened that the doctor was at home.

  2. It appears that they have known all about this event.

  3. It seems that she is writing a new novel.

  4. It turned out that the weather forecast was correct.

  5. It seems that he doesn’t recognize this problem.

  6. It happened that the way to his house was not long.

  1. Переведите на русский язык, используя сложное подлежащее.

  1. He happened to be her cousin.

  2. She appeared to be a good teacher.

  3. Her house turned out to be in the center of the city.

  4. She doesn’t seem to know this rule.

  5. They happened to be there at that time.

  6. This statesman is known to hold a different opinion in this question.

  7. He is thought to live in Moscow.

  8. This experiment is said to have been completed successfully.

  9. She is believed to be one of the best dancers in this theatre.

  10. The state of his health is considered to be normal.