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  1. Istrin V.A. Vozniknovenie i razvitie pis'ma / V.A. Istrin. – M. : Prosveshchenie, 1965. – 407 s

  2. Vinokur G.O. O iazyke khudozhestvennoi literatury / G.O. Vinokur. – M. : Vysshaia shkola, 1991. – 447 s.

  3. Reformatskii A.A. Vvedenie v iazykoznanie / A.A. Reformatskii. – M. : Prosveshchenie, 1967. – 318 s.

  4. Ivanova V.F. Istoriia i printsipy russkoi punktuatsii / V.F. Ivanova. – L. : LGU, 1962. – 156 s.

  5. Catach N. La ponctuation / N. Catach // Histoire et système. -1-éd. –P.: Hachette, 1994. – 417 p.

  6. Garbovskii N.K. Teoriia perevoda / N.K. Garbovskii. – M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 2004. – 544 s.

  7. Mackey W.F. Bilinguisme et contact de langues / W.F. Mackey – Paris: Klinckesieck, 1976. – 97 p.

  8. Vainraikh U. Iazykovye kontakty / Uriel' Vainraikh. Kiev: Vishcha shkola, 1979. – 263 s.

  9. Alimov V.V. Interferentsiia v perevode: na materiale professional'no orientirovannoi mezhkul'turnoi kommunikatsii i perevoda v sfere professional'noi kommunikatsii: dis. ... d-ra filol. n. Moskva, 2004. - 260 s.

  10. Makhmud M. Evoliutsiia znakov prepinaniia v arabskom iazyke // Akademiia arabskogo iazyka. – 2016. – Nazaret, № 7, – S.151-215.

  11. Kuznetsova I.N. O leksicheskom smeshenii, ili interferentsii / I.N. Kuznetsova // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. 2005. №4. S. 55-64.

  12. Popin J. La ponctuation / J. Popin. - P.: Hachette, 1998 .− 128 p.

  13. Vedenina L.G. Punktuatsiia frantsuzskogo iazyka / L.G. Vedenina. – M.: Vysshaia shkola, 1975. – 192 s.

  14. Vasil'ev V.V. A. Akhmad Zaki – rodonachal'nik punktuatsii v arabskom iazyke // Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost'. Vypusk 2, Moskva. – 2016. – S.202-211.

  15. Russkii iazyk: entsiklopediia / gl. red. Iu. N. Karaulov. Izd-e 2-e, pererab. i dop. M.: Bol'shaia Rossiiskaia entsiklopediia, 1997. – 703 s.

Analyzed sources

[1*] F. Gen. There-There / F. Gen. - SPb .: Publishing House Limbus Press, 2006. - 160 p.

[2*] F. Guène. Kiffe-kiffe demain. / F. Guène – Paris, hachette littérature 2004. − 188 p.

Dictionaries used

[1**] Le Robert pour tous / rédactionde Danièle Morvan, Françoise Gérardin. - Paris: Dictionnaires Le Robert, 1994 . – 1277 p. 1481

[2**] Slovari i entsiklopedii na Akademike. Perevod: s frantsuzskogo na russkii https://translate.academic.ru/kif-kif/fr/ru/ (vremia obrashcheniia 23.03.2020)

[3**] Site de la société Éditions Larousse. Accueil - langue française - dictionnaire - kiffer URL: https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/kiffer/10909977 (дата обращения 24.05.2020).

Scientific overview

DOI 10.36622/MLMDR.2020.31.4.012

About the all-russian educational online-conference 2020 "learning german-opening up the world"

For citation: Chechetka V.I. About the All-Russian educational online-conference 2020 "Learning German-opening up the world" / V.I. Chechetka // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2020. - № 4 (31). – P. 122-126.

On the 16-th, 17-th and 18-th of October 2020, Goethe-Institute organized the All-Union Educational Online Conference "Learning German – Opening Up the World" with the support of the Interregional Association of Teachers of German (IATG) in the framework of the Year of Germany in Russia 2020/2021, implemented by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Moscow by the German-Russian Trade-Industry Chamber and Goethe Institute.

The Conference in the digital format brought together the experts in the field of education from Germany and Russia, teachers and lectures of the German language, and the heads of the educational organizations. The Online Meeting participants exchanged some views on the innovations in the educational field, discussed some current trends in teaching German as a foreign language, shared their experience and ideas in the field of educational policy, and also spoke about the prospects being opened up for German language learners in Russia and Germany.

The Conference Program included various thematic blocks: methodological-and-didactic online seminars for teachers and lectures of German; the presentation of Goethe-Institute projects in Russia.

The reports of the experts in the field of education in Germany and Russia were presented in five sections:

  • Profession: Teacher of the German Language;

  • Motivation to Learn German;

  • The group of Goethe-Institute Partners in Russia;

  • Foreign Languages /German as a Foreign Language in Educational Institutions;

  • Innovative Approaches to Teaching the German Language.

As part of the All-Russian competition for teachers and lecturers 2020, the successful practices in teaching German were presented, and the winners of the competition were awarded. It should be noted that all the Conference events were broadcasted without translation.

On the first day of holding the Conference, the plenary report was presented and some interactive workshops were held.

I had a unique opportunity to participate in the webinars held by Stefanie Fischer, teacher and methodologist of Goethe Institute / Frankfurt / Germany, on the theme: "Blended Learning– a New Magic Formula in Language Teaching!" (Blended Learning-die neue Zauberformel im Sprachunterricht!)and by Dr. Rainer E. Wicke, an independent expert, methodologist of Goethe-Institute / Odenthal / Germany, on the theme: "Additional Opportunities for Working with Textbook"(Erweiterung der Lehrbucharbeit).

Ms. Fischer, in particular, noted that despite the fact that the last few months have changed our world in many areas, they have also, above all, contributed to the rapid development of the process of digitalization of education.


© Chechetka V.I., 2020

These changed educational worlds are reflected in the concept of the modern textbook "Momente" (Hueber), thanks to its integrated and interactive version. The Momente, a new textbook, is successfully entering this new world. This textbook, designed from a scratch, opens the doors to the online networked worlds of the internal instruction and allows one to smoothly turn the attention from the textbook to the mobile devices, and from the real to virtual classroom as well. All the training material is available in both printed and electronic forms. This simplifies the internal differentiated work and the use of the technologies such as" blended learning" or "inverted classroom".

Dr. Wicke emphasized the importance of the communicative approach in language learning and the key role of modern textbook, which opens up some new opportunities. He showed how to expand the work with textbook having included the creative activities (poems, songs, drawings, articles of students) that require alternative and possibly non-traditional approaches to completing tasks. In this case, a reference was made to the series "Learning to Teach German" (Deutsch lehren lernen (DLL) of the German Cultural Center named after Goethe and to the "Klasse!" A1 and Netzwerk (Klett) textbooks for teenagers.

The introductory report prepared by Professor Dr. Michaela Sambanis, head of the Department of English didactics at the Free University of Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin) on the theme: "Learning Languages during Puberty – Interesting Facts from Didactics and Brain Research" (Sprachen lernen in der Pubertät – Wissenswertes aus Didaktik & Hirnforschung), was dedicated to puberty – a complex and grueling stage of development, but at the same time especially a valuable one when the brain really needs new experience ("waiting for experience") and has a potential that is not yet available in younger students. The author of the report revealed some aspects of this potential. The practically-orientated information from the field of foreign language didactics, psychology and neurobiology was presented in an accessible, compact and concrete form.

The second day of holding the Conference was particularly busy.

On October 17, the official opening of the Conference took place, where Ulrike Würz, head of the Goethe Institute Language Department in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, gave a welcoming speech to the participants.

Further work was carried out in 5 sections. With great interest, I managed to take part in the section "Innovative Approaches to Teaching German" (Innovative Ansätze für Deutschunterricht), where 4 scientific reports were presented, covering various innovative approaches to teaching German. How can a German lesson with current and up-to-date content be planned? How can students be motivated to learn German, taking into account their interests and requirements? How can a "golden mean" between the professional activity and everyday life of a person be found, while achieving his/her professional success and striving for his/her self-development? What are the most pressing issues at the moment? What influence does the development of digital culture have on education? Experts in the field of German as a foreign language try to answer all these questions.

So, Prof. Josef Leisen, an independent expert, consultant, and methodologist of Koblenz Landau University, Germany, in his report "Sparing or Intensive CLILiG Educational Concept of Learning German on the Subject Topics and with Their Help" (Weicher oder harter CLILiG – Deutschlernen an und mit Sachthemen), noted that the CLILiG educational concept of the complex (foreign) language teaching and the (subject) specialized training, in this case, teaching German as a foreign language, can be used in a foreign language lesson into which teachers integrate the aspects of subject classes. CLILiG is an abbreviation formed from the English "Content and Language Integrated Learning in German." Prof. Leisen stressed that the requirements of the curriculum and the conditions for learning the language in educational institutions are so different that there can be no single form of CLILiG. It should be adapted to the situation, both from the conceptual point of view and from the point of view of teaching. This concept is largely determined by the fact how much restrictive are the national requirements to the curriculum, and also by the fact whether or not this curriculum is outcome-oriented and, specifically, on what results.

Dr. Christina Kuhn, academic consultant of Jena University named after Friedrich Schiller, Institute of German as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Studies, in her report "New Perspectives of Professionally-Oriented German Language Teaching" (Neue Perspektiven des berufsorientierten Deutschunterrichts), noted that due to the globalization and mechanization, labor activity is subjected to constant changes, which are currently summarized by the term "VUCA-World" (the world of variability, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguities). The changes affect not only the organization of t he work, but also the requirements for communication in the workplace and, therefore, relate to the activities of (future) employees, as well as teaching foreign languages. Therefore, there is often a lack of teaching concepts focused on teaching specialists the language. On the other hand, the course "German as a Foreign Language" taking into account communication in the workplace from the very beginning of language learning, teaches one flexible use of the language in various situations in which the action is being performed, and it is also an excellent motivating factor for students. The author began her report with the thesis that all the foreign language teaching is potentially a professional training. Using some authentic examples, she showed the areas of the activity related to the profession and to the workplace. She also outlined the current requirements for communication in the workplace. In the process, the target groups, needs and goals of the professional training were identified, also there were presented the new concepts and the examples of exercises for integrating the professional environment in German language classes and in the teaching materials. There was proposed the exchange of the (digital) sources of materials.

It should be noted that since 2020, a lot of new things have appeared in teaching. New developments, new techniques, and new spaces are now available. They should provide training in new conditions, because in the future, the achievements of all the teaching goals will be just in a combined form, according to experts, in person or remotely, in a traditional form or in an electronic format, in a classroom or in a virtual environment.

Bernadett Veress und Antje Hübner, teachers of advanced training courses, workshop leaders, and project coordinators from Jena /Germany, in their study "Collaborative Distance Teaching?» (Kollaboratives Lernen in Distanz?) took a closer look at the combined work with digital applications. They presented their results on finding suitable means for combined work during distance teaching and discussed the prerequisites for their use and the corresponding didactic additional benefits. Thus, the speakers made an attempt to make it easier for German language teachers to choose the appropriate application for a specific educational content. For example, https://app.classroomscreen.com is a convenient means for interactive classes, and www.pic-collage.com or www.menti.com will help you make them visual.

Dr. Thomas Strasser, Professor of Higher Pedagogical School of Vienna/ Austria, in his report, "Internet-Applications for Teaching German as a Foreign Language: the New from the Range of Applications" (Internetanwendungen für den DaF-Unterricht: Neues aus dem App-Sortiment), continued the same topic.

The Seminars considered the following subject areas: mobile foreign languages training, using mobile phone/tablet functions for teaching foreign languages (videos, images), storytelling applications, quiz-applications, survey applications, reference applications, etc. (www.wortwolken.com, https://learn.wakelet.com/, https://cueprompter.com/, https://de.youglish.com/, https://erhebung.de ). Professor Strasser noted the simplicity of the means used. Even the teachers who did not have sufficient knowledge in the field of digital technologies were able to immediately test a wide range of simple applications right in the classroom. A significant point of the seminar was the explanation of the process of application didactization, i.e. how the presented means could be used in language teaching.

Galina Perfilova, Honorary President of the Interregional Association of German Language Teachers and Lecturers (IAGLTL), summed up the results of the second day of the conference. She noted the high significance of the online-meeting of German language teachers in Russia and their foreign colleagues.

On October 18, the participants of the competition of teachers and lectures of German 2020 presented their successful teaching practices in the four categories:

  • The German Language in Schools;

  • German for Career and Profession;

  • Support for Future and Young German Language Teachers;

  • The German Language in Extra-Curricular Time.

The nomination "German for Career and Profession" was the most interesting one for me, as a University teacher.

So, Galiya Hizmatullina, lecturer at Bashkir State University (Ufa), organized a conference for young scientists studying German as an accessory subject, "Research for the Future – Reports in German" (Konferenz für junge WissenschaftlerInnen mit Deutsch als begleitendem Fach "Für Zukunft geforscht, auf Deutsch berichtet"), where she stressed that an educated person should know several languages. The development of science and the quality of education in Germany give good advertising to German as a professional language. Scientific conferences for non-germanists are an excellent way to introduce the German language to young people as a language of culture and education, which opens up a great number of ways for professional careers and research. Here, the innovative fact is the joint work of German and non-German students in collaborative research, which allows students of various educational institutions and various specialties to collaborate emphasizing on the German language. This type of work, according to the author, is mutually fruitful: non-germanists get good language support, and germanists become acquainted with the language of another profession.

In our opinion, the report presented by Irina Luzenina, Associate Professor of Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin, "Technology of Teaching "From WORD to TEXT" in Communicative Teaching of Foreign Languages in the Specialty "Translation and Translation Science"" (Die Lerntechnologie "Vom Wort zum Text" im kommunikativen Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Fachrichtung "Übersetzung und Übersetzungswissenschaft") was no less practically significant one .

In her report, the author describes the technology of training "From Word to Text" in action-oriented learning. Using the example of the topic "Happiness" from the "German as a First Foreign Language. 1-5 Semesters" textbook, she demonstrates how to activate students' existing vocabulary, how to deepen the well-known sentence structures, how to acquire skills in work-related communication situations, and how to expand, for example, organizational-and-communication and information-analytical competencies. The development of inter-cultural competence, i.e. the abilities to reflect and to discuss inter-cultural interactions in different situations have been the focus of attention in classes.

Also noteworthy is the presentation of the "Round-the-World Trip» (Weltenreise) project for students. The idea has been originally borrowed from the Odyssey project, but it has been somewhat modified and developed, especially in the aspect of using an IT-application. The authors of the idea are Irina Kotyurova (Petrozavodsk State University) and Sabina Plattner (Brasilia). The main idea of the "Round-the-World Trip" project is that the two student groups studying German can talk about their country and hometowns in different parts of the world and in different native languages, as well as about their inter-cultural peculiarities. The information collected by them about the twin-cities during the four weeks of their activity has been summarized and presented in a video. The following goals have been pursued:

to motivate German language learners to communicate in German;

to better understand foreign culture and, consequently, one`s own culture;

to expand competencies in using the IT-applications: https://learningapps.org/, https://picc.co/products, etc.

The last presentation "Interactive Methods of Learning German" (Interaktive Methoden beim Deutschlernen) in the nomination "German for Career and Profession" was presented by Olga Temezhnikova, Academy of Social Management/Moscow, who teaches young people studying tourism and hotel management German as a second foreign language. The speaker noted that the inclusion of an intercultural component in language teaching contributes to the development of interest and creates a friendly atmosphere in the audience. For example, when studying the topic of food and beverages, students were asked to share home recipes. At the end of the school year, all the students said goodbye to the characters of the “Aussichten A1, Kett Verlag” textbook and made a cartoon about them. They wrote a cartoon script together with their teacher using the phrases from the studied dialogues, and the topic itself concerned the future profession of students.

In the evening, the award ceremony and closing of the conference were held. Ulrike Würz, head of the Language Department and Deputy Director of Goethe Institute in Moscow, made a closing speech. She noted that educational Conference for German language teachers had been holding since 2012, and that year – for the first time in a digital format.

Goethe-Institute supports our work in a variety of ways, including the holding of conferences where participants become acquainted with some new developments in the field of methodology and didactics, and learn together with their colleagues and from them in master classes.

At the end of the Conference, Irina Ganieva, President of the Interregional Association of Teachers and Learners of German (IATLG), Ufa/Bashkir State University, Associate Professor of the Department of German and French Philology, President of the Association of Teachers and Lectures of German and Students-Germanists of Bashkortostan Republic, spoke on behalf of all the participants and thanked the organizers and participants of the Conference for their fruitful work.

Valentina Chechetka,

Candidate of Philological Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of

Foreign Languages and Translation Technologies of

Voronezh State Technical University

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