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DOI 10.36622/MLMDR.2020.31.4.005

UDC 811.111 (075.32)

Criteria instrumentation for assessment the foreign language speech competence of future economists g.V. Sorokovykh, a.O. Andrukh


Moscow City University,

Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Professor

at the Department of French language and Linguodidactics

Galina Viktorovna Sorokovykh

e-mail: sorokovykh@mail.ru

Moscow Polytechnic University,

Senior teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages

Alina Olegovna Andrukh

e-mail: alinaandrukh@mail.ru


Problem statement. The article deals with the problem of conducting an objective procedure for assessment foreign language speech competence in a Technical University on the example of Economics students. Given the complexity of the procedure of assessment of foreign language competence, namely the competence structure is heterogeneous, it is necessary to consider the interdisciplinary base of the formation, competence is characterized by quantitative and qualitative criteria for the implementation of this process special attention should be given to the criteria instrumentation which would be directly correlated with the content of the educational program, reflect its and would be suitable for self-assessment of speech competence of the subjects.

Results. The article presents the criteria instrumentation for assessment the foreign language speech competence of students of the economic direction in a systematic form. Based on the experience of scientists from foreign and domestic practices, as well as in accordance with the content of the educational program, group and individual criteria are identified, forming a criteria instrumentation for assessment this competence. For objective assessment at each stage of learning a foreign language, group and individual criteria are assigned a different weighting coefficient, derived from a survey of faculty staff of Moscow Polytechnic University.

Conclusion. Given the complexity of the assessment of professional foreign language speech competence of an economist a rational use of the principle of criteriality asssessment of educational achievements allowing to get an idea about the level of development of different components of competence and the principle of vosprizvodit to ensure equality of ratings by teachers (self- assessment of students) in relation to the subject of evaluation.

Key words: criteria instrumentation, assessment, diagnostics, forming of foreign language speech competence, indicators of forming foreign language speech competence.

For citation: Sorokovykh G.V. Criteria instrumentation for assessment the foreign language speech competence of future economists / G.V. Sorokovykh, A.O. Andrukh // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2020. - № 4 (31). – P. 45-54.

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