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DOI 10.36622/MLMDR.2020.31.4.009

UDC 811.111: 35.077.535.6



V.A. Fedorov, O.G. Nekhaeva


Voronezh State Technical University

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Foreign Languages

and Technology of Translation Department

Valery Arkadyevich Fedorov


Voronezh State Technical University

Ph.D (Linguistics), Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages

and Technology of Translation Department

Olga Georgievna Nekhaeva

e-mail: nekhaeva1967@gmail.com


Statement of the problem. The main objective of this research is to show how the problems of transmitting terms in Russian are solved in the modern world of IT professionals. The article emphasizes that the IT-sphere is a special communication environment where various translation strategies are implemented. Analysis of the strategies used, their success or, conversely, possible incorrect application was the area of interest in the study of this issue.

Results. The analysis of scientific and technical translations from English into Russian made by students, master students and postgraduates of the faculty of information technology and computer security (FITCS), as well as students of the program of additional professional education "Translator in the field of professional communication" allowed us to identify a number of difficulties that they face. As a result of comparing the original texts and translatnes, we suggest ways to transfer abbreviations, multi-component terminology combinations (MTC) and English IT terms into Russian language. For the practice of professional scientific and technical translation, tasks aimed at developing translation skills are offered.

Conclusion. The formation of translation skills in the IT-sphere is associated with a number of difficulties, among which the lag of dictionaries and reference manuals from the modern realities of life comes to the fore, when the terminological language literally floods the professional life of information technology workers. Overcoming translation difficulties can be achieved through regular practice of completing tasks. An important role in achieving success is played by the cognitive abilities of the future specialist performing the translation.

Key words: technical language, IT-sphere, IT-terminology, multicomponent terminology combination, translation strategy, abbreviation, equivalency, translation errors, cognitive ability.

For citation: Fedorov V.A. Specifics of translation from the English language into Russian the IT-sphere terminology / V.A. Fedorov, O.G. Nekhaeva // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2020. - № 4 (31). – P. 91-100.

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