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DOI 10.36622/MLMDR.2020.31.4.006

UDC 811.133.1-25:37.01

Blended foreign language learning with increased online component: hybridization strategies and educational technologies e.A. Alexeeva, s.Yu. Buryakova

Voronezh State University,

Doctor of Philological Sciences,

Head of the French Philology Department

Elena Albertovna Alexeeva

e-mail: elena.alexeeva14@yandex.ru

Voronezh State University,

Candidate of Philological sciences,

Associate Professor of the French Philology Department

Svetlana Yurievna Buryakova

e-mail: svetlanbulgakov@yandex.ru

Statement of the problem. Recent reports from the OSCE, UNESCO, and the International Association of Universities have attempted to comprehend the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on higher education. A broader use of blended learning is seen in these documents as one of the potential ways for developing university teaching. Based on official recommendations, the authors of the article substantiate the need to create a course of the French language for occupational purposes for students of the MA program "Language support for project development in the field of international cooperation" in a blended learning format with extensive online component.

Results. A survey was conducted among the MA students and teachers in order to carry out needs analyses and analyse the feedback about the experience of learning a foreign language online during the lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic in Russia. The results allowed to identify technical, methodological and personal risk factors that should be taken into account in the course design process. In addition, the review of scientific articles and recommendations of universities supported the process of selection of the principles underlying the course, as well as the approaches and technologies that determine the logic of its implementation.

Conclusions. Blended learning as a transition between traditional face-to-face and distance online learning has great potential in the post-covid higher education. As the survey results has shown, students who have experience in learning a foreign language for occupational purposes in a blended learning format were more satisfied with the quality of online learning during the lockdown related to the spread of Covid-19. At the same time, technical and methodological factors have a decisive influence on the effectiveness of blended learning. They should be imperatively taken into account at the planning stage of the course design. This can be achieved by describing stages of delivery, clear instruction and a careful selection of online tools. The survey results and litterature review allowed to determine the approach, principles and technologies that underlie the course of French for occupational purposes for MA students of the program "Linguistic support for project development in the field of international cooperation."

Key words: blended language learning, the French language, language for occupational purposes, MA course design, online language learning

For citation: Alexeeva E.A. Blended foreign language learning with increased online component: hybridization strategies and educational technologies / E.A. Alexeeva, S.Yu. Buryakova // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2020. - № 4 (31). – P. 55-65.

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