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18. Complete the sentences with the proper modal verbs and the appropriate forms of the verb.

1. There was no reply when I rang him. He ____________________ (to leave) the office already. 2. Jess ________________________ (to tell) about it on the phone last night but I really can’t remember. 3. Harry looks exhausted. He _____________________ (to work) since morning. 4. Keith ______________________ (to get) your e-mail. He hasn’t got access to the Net. 5. You _____________________ (to read) the book attentively if you don’t remember this episode. 6. Shakespeare _______________________ (to write) that play. – No, Shakespeare _______________________ (to write) it because the historical events the author refers to occurred in the 19th century. 7. _________________ _______________ (Liz /still/ to take) driving lessons? 8. ____________ _________________ (they/to meet) in secret? Everybody seems to know about their love affair. 9. He ___________________________ (to walk) so long, it’s far too cold. 10. The child ______________________ (to walk) so far, he is not strong enough.

19. a) Listen to the text London Calling. Read it after the speaker.

b) Get ready to discuss the text in class.

c) Give the English for the following words and word combinations. Write out the sentences illustrating them.

Classroom activities (4)


Modal Verbs with Suppositional Meaning

Для передачи двойного отрицания с модальными глаголами can/could (в значении сомнения, недоверия) используется глагол to fail или отрицательные приставки:

e.g. Can she have failed to see him? – Неужели она его не увидела?

She can't have failed to recognize him. – Не может быть, чтобы

она не узнала его.

Can she really dislike you? – Неужели ты действительно ей не


Модальный глагол must (в значении предположения, граничащего с уверенностью) обычно не употребляется в отрицательной форме. Для передачи отрицания используется глагол to fail или отрицательные приставки:

e.g. He must have failed to understand me. – Он, должно быть, не

понял меня.

He must have misunderstood me. – Он, должно быть, неправильно

понял меня.

20. Paraphrase as in the models:

Model 1: – I can’t imagine that Inga didn’t keep her promise.

– Inga can’t have failed to keep her promise.

Model 2: – Is it true that they didn’t reach a compromise?

Can they have failed to reach a compromise?

Model 3: – I know for sure he didn’t pass his driving test.

– He must have failed to pass his driving test.

1. I can’t imagine that the company didn’t manage to sell their new software product. 2. Is it true that their new product didn’t meet the demands of the clients? 3. I’m almost sure that the manager didn’t give you the details of the project. 4. It is true that they were not able to buy energy saving equipment. 5. We are almost sure that the scientists didn’t manage to uncover the remains of the ancient city. 6. I can’t imagine that green activists didn’t manage to persuade the government to close down the power plant. 7. Didn’t you really see the difference between the original and the copy? 8. I’m sure he didn’t understand the joke, it was too subtle. 9. I can’t imagine that the CEO didn’t understand what we were aiming at. 10. It’s ridiculous that you don’t understand how important it is to revive the economy of the region. 11. I don’t believe that he didn’t read the manual before starting the engine. 12. I don’t believe that he didn’t attend the seminar on global warming. He has always been so environmentally conscious. 13. It’s impossible that he didn’t understand you properly. He is so smart. 14. I don’t believe that he didn’t recognize his defeat. He is almost ruined. 15. Barbara looks depressed. I’m almost sure she didn’t pass the job interview. 16. It’s most unlikely that John was unable to get in touch with the manager.

Text 1

Cross-cultural Notes:

1. Docklands – an area of new houses and offices in East London, on the north side of the river Thames where London’s commercial docks used to be. The old docks were too shallow for large modern ships and this had become a poor area. The London Docklands Urban Development Corporation was set up by the government in 1979 to develop it. The area now includes one of Europe’s tallest buildings, the Canary Wharf tower.

2. lingua franca [LlINgwR'frWNkR] – a language used between peoples whose main languages are different.

3. Big Bang (Brit.) – the name given to the introduction of important changes to the London Stock Exchange rules on October 27, 1986, when some controls were removed and new ways of trading allowed.

4. Dickensian [dI'kenzIRn] – Dickensian living conditions (factories, buildings etc.) are poor, dirty, and unpleasant, like conditions described in the books by Charles Dickens.

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