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43. Give the English for:

судиться друг с другом (подавать в суд друг на друга); споткнуться; счет за медицинское обслуживание; фен; общительный, дружелюбный; супружеские проблемы; нарушать что-либо (ограничения); наотрез отказался; принимать гостей с размахом, на широкую ногу; сердечный, радушный; нежно, ласково относиться к кому-либо.

44. Find the Russian for:

to start things rolling; to prescribe (glasses); bathroom tiles; Unplug after every use; unconfined culture; stunned silence; And there lay the irony; to poke fun at sb; in good humor; to gel and spike one’s hair; development company.

45. Answer the questions.

1. What was Sami’s background? What was his first language? What language did he speak? Did he have a foreign accent? Why didn’t he speak Farsi? 2. Why did he poke at American ways? What did he and his relatives find ridiculous in Americans? 3. Why do you think Sami’s mother thought that he would marry an American girl? When and where did he meet Ziba? What did Ziba look like? Do you think she was a typical Iranian girl? Why did Sami and Ziba understand each other without discussion? 4. What was Ziba’s background? Why did the Hakimis seem both familiar and alien to Sami? What was his mother’s attitude to the Hakimis? 5. What kind of career did Sami’s mother expect her son to make? Did the Hakimis approve of his chosen path? Why didn’t they? Why do you think Sami gave up his studies? 6. Do you think it was natural that Sami should have married an Iranian girl? Sami was born and raised in the USA. Did he perfectly fit in American cultural pattern or was hem in a way, culturally confused? Support your viewpoint.

46. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the Verb.

Looking at Dave Maryam said: “Did you see how people _____________ (1 – to edge) away from Sami and Ziba and me at the airport tonight? No, you didn’t. You wouldn’t even _________________ (2 – to notice). But that’s what it ________________ (3 – to be) like ever since September eleventh. Oh,” she said, “sometimes I get so tired of _____________ (4 – to be) foreign I want to lie down and die. It’s a lot of work ________________ (5 – to be) foreign.” – “Work?” – “A lot of work and effort and still we never quite manage ________________ (6 – to fit in). Susan said this past Christmas, she rode home with me after school one day and she said, “I wish we _____________________ (7 – modal / to celebrate) Christmas the way other people do. I don’t like ____________ (8 – to be) different,” she said. It broke my heart ______________ (9 – to hear) that. I’m far too sensitive about my foreignness. You believe that your life __________________ (10 – to define) by your foreignness. You think everything _____________ (11 to be) different if only you _________________ (12 – to belong). ‘If only I ______________ (13 – to be) back home,’ you say, and you forget that you ____________________ (14 – not / to belong) there either, after all these years. It ________________ (15 – not / to be) home at all anymore.”

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