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31. Paraphrase, translate or explain.

explain: He may be a college drop-out and ‘computer geek’...

paraphrase: ... rivals have often underestimated his abilities in the cut

throat world of business.

translate: Gates has come to be known for his aggressive business

tactics and confrontational style of management.

paraphrase: Lakeside offered students the opportunity to explore their

own interests.

paraphrase: Mathematics, business and computing were fields in which

Gates had keen interests.

explain: Gates began computing as a 13-year-old at Lakeside school.

translate: At Harvard, Gates and his fellow student Paul Allen teamed up

to write the first computer language program.

translate: ... it provided microcomputer software.

paraphrase: The big break came in 1980 ...

explain: An employee with little experience would have no bias.

explain: Gates has never been engaged in conspicuous consumption.

paraphrase: The Gates family lives in the exclusive suburb of Medina...

translate: In one respect though it is more like an 18th or 19th century


paraphrase: Gates is an avid reader, and enjoys playing golf and bridge.

translate: ... a comprehensive digital archive of art and photography

from public and private collections around the globe.

translate: Bill Gates has been the subject of numerous parodies...

paraphrase: This has in turn led to pop-culture of Gates as a tyrant or evil

genius, often resorting to ruthless business techniques.

translate: Gates and Melinda have been giving increasing amounts of

money to charity, with his father running a foundation.

paraphrase: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has committed more

than $3.2 billion to organizations working in global health...

explain: ... training to public libraries in low-income communities in the

United States and Canada.

explain: Over the past five years, the Foundation has invested more than

$250 million ... to advance the goal of raising the state’s

graduation and college-readiness rates.

paraphrase: The grants are designed to galvanize communities...

32. Answer the teacher’s questions. Home activities (5)

33. Get ready to retell Text 1.

34. Complete the sentences using participles as adjectives.









Monday was a school holiday and, unfortunately, it rained all day, so the children kept telling me they were ________________ (1) and there was nothing _________________ (2) to do at home. I was trying to write up some of my reports, but they kept interrupting me every five minutes and just became very _______________ (3). I am _________________ (4) that their teachers can keep them busy and __________________ (5) in their lessons every day. After only one morning with them, I was extremely __________________ (6) because of the constant noise and squabbling. I was ready to throw them out in the rain. Instead, I decided to take them to the cinema. It’s really _________________ (7) to see how calm they can become in a dark cinema. The film seemed rather _________________ (8) but at least it kept them quiet.

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