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Classroom activities (3)


The Participle

Participle I







having examined


being examined

having been examined

Participle II


12. a) Read and find the Participles.

Although all major life changes are difficult to cope with, perhaps none is more traumatic than unexpectedly losing your job. While working, people constantly complain about stress, lack of freedom and so on. Having found themselves without employment they begin to realize how lucky they were to have a monthly pay packet to depend on. Money is not the main problem either. To a certain extent we all define ourselves by what we do. A job gives us a feeling of self- respect, while providing a dependable structure for our day. Having been dismissed people often find themselves wondering who they are and what the purpose of their life is. This is, of course, an illogical reaction since you are still the same person you were while employed. It’s best not to take your dismissal personally because companies all over the world are making drastic labour-cuts. Therefore, if you happen to be one of those employees dismissed, it is probably not because of your personality or the quality of your work. Also, keep in mind, that when you succeed in finding suitable work, your self-confidence will get an enormous boost. A positive attitude is the key to coping with this very difficult and increasingly common problem.

(After Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley, Mission 2)

b) Answer the teacher’s questions.

12. Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian. Comment on the forms of the Participle.

  1. That day we stayed at home watching “Pride and Prejudice” on television. 2. In a few more minutes the first guests will be arriving wearing smiles and carrying presents. 3. Having said what I was obliged to say I want to tell you now how sorry I am that it has come to this. 4. Having discussed some minor problems we proceeded to the main business of the meeting. 5. Having settled this point to your satisfaction you will look round for something to take your mind off business. 6. Holding the child close to her she seemed to be showing him something. 7. Having written the last word she looked up interrogatively. 8. The kitten carried by one of the kids yelped and tried to run away. 9. Deeply hurt, the mother cleared the table without saying a word. 10. The guests looked at the smiling bride. 11. Smiling she showed us her son’s letter. 12. The shopping mall being built here will be the largest in this city. 13. Being asked for her opinion the new intern (стажер) blushed. 14. Having voiced his objection the lawyer sat down. 15. Having been told to wait in the lobby, she waited without objecting. 16. The robbers are reported to have been wearing knitted caps pulled low over their eyes. 17. Despite being poor young Estee was always well dressed. 18. In Victorian England a good child was not supposed to speak unless spoken to. 19. The stranger stood on the corner of the street, as if waiting for somebody. 20. It’s common knowledge that when seen from space, the earth is blue. 21. Who is the man being interviewed by the reporter?

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