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31. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the Verb.

to chisel [‘tSIzl] – вырезать

At the entrance to one of the ruined temples of Petra in Jordan, there is an inscription ______________ (1 – to chisel) into the soft red rock. It looks as if it ______________ (2 – to be) there for centuries. It _____________________ (3 – modal / to carve) by one of King Herod’s soldiers, when they were imprisoned in the town in 40 BC. But closer inspection reveals that it is not so ancient after all. It reads: ‘Shane and Wendy from Sydney were here. April 16th 1996.’

The ruins of Petra were discovered in 1810 by a Swiss explorer, and a recent report _______________________ (4 – just / to conclude) that ‘they are in grave danger of ____________________ (5 – to destroy) by the unstoppable march of tourism’. More than 4,000 tourists a day tramp through Petra’s rocky tombs. They __________ (6 – to wear) away the soft red sandstone to powder and (occasionally!) - _____________ (7 – to scratch) their names into the rock.

It is not just Petra that is under threat of destruction. More than 850 million tourists a year now travel the globe, and vast numbers of them want to visit the world’s most treasured sites: the Parthenon, the Taj Mahal, Stonehenge, the National Parks of Kenya. In Notre Dame in Paris, 108 visitors enter each minute during opening hours. Thirty-five buses, _________________ (8 – to put down) their passengers, wait outside, their fumes _________________ (9 – to eat away) at the stonework of the cathedral.

The tourist industry will soon be the largest industry in the world, and it __________________ (10 – barely / to reach) its 50th birthday. Many places that once ____________ (11 – to be) remote are now part of package tours. Will nothing put a stop to the growth of tourism?

32. Answer the teacher’s questions. Home activities (5)

33. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the Verb.

_______________________ (1 – to emigrate) to New Zealand from South Africa four years ago, Derene ________________________ (2 – currently / to live) with four members of her family. “I pay a boarding fee as in any other flat-share situation. I know some people _________________ (3 – modal / to find) that strange, but I do it out of a sense of responsibility. It __________________ (4 – not / to be right) not to, especially as I’m working.” She feels that she has her own privacy to a certain extent but: “I wish I _______________ (5 – not / to have) to share the living area with everybody which means _______________ (6 – to take turns) with the television remote control for a start. But I just __________________ (7 – modal / to accept) that while we are all still living under the same roof.” Derene _________________________ (8 – currently / to keep an eye out) for a small apartment. Her criteria is simply “near the coast” as she ________________ (9 – to grow up) on a farm and needs a sense of open space around her. This must ______________ (10 – to draw) her to Australia where she took time off from her job in New Zealand to work as a translator during the Sydney Olympics. After that contract came to an end, she decided to stay on with the host family who ______________________ (11 – to put her up) since her arrival. “Once the arrangement became more formal, when I felt they were relying on me for income, I was not so at ease,” she explains. “But I still felt obliged to be sociable and didn’t want to appear rude by _______________ (12 – to keep) myself to myself. All the same, I ___________________ (13 – modal / still / to come and go) as I wished.”

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