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47. Find the Russian for:

the job interview; to sign on the dole; a revelation; out of the boot; a venue; we went on a pub crawl; a wedding at the registry office; to go (all serious) on sb.; to have one’s ups and downs; things were ... tight; to face up to one’s responsibilities; to clear a few debts; I can’t commit to dates; it’s freezing inside.

48. Find the English for:

в придачу вы получаете кучу денег; смотреть, раскрыв рот; кон­сультант по трудоустройству; угрюмый; замкнутый, углубленный в себя; истребление коренного населения; не успел я оглянуться, как…; отвести кого-то в сторонку; родить ребенка; возражать; беззаботный; принять решительные меры; безуспешно/безрезультатно; мешаться под ногами; идти против ветра/плыть против течения.

49. Answer the questions.

1. Why is being on stage the greatest job in the world? 2. Why did Richard call Guy the luckiest man in the world? 3. Why did Guy decide to check the two hundred pounds in front of his friends? Why did he pretend to be used to giving autographs? What is the implication of the phrase ‘I was engineering envy’? 4. What career opportunities were open to school leavers in Dorking? Why did Guy refuse to work for Friends Provident? What was everybody’s reaction to Guy’s decision? 5. Why was Paris a revelation for Guy? Why did Guy’s mime shows fall flat on the audiences? Why were they so poorly attended? Do you think Guy was a talented artist or did he overestimate himself? Do you think a mime artist should raise burning social issues rather than entertain the public? What makes you think so? 7. How did Guy’s friends manage to make a career? What social position did they achieve? 8. Why do you think Guy and Carol decided to have a modest wedding at the registry office? What kind of husband did Guy turn out to be? Why didn’t he make a good husband? Why did his wife feel discontent with her position in the town? 9. What made Guy take some drastic action? What kind of work did he start doing? 10. What brought him to Friends Provident? What were his relationships with his former friends like? Was Guy mature enough to face up to the realities of life? Why is the story entitled “Walking into the Wind”? Why is it necessary to find a proper balance between one’s ambition and responsibility

Home activities (8)

50. Retell the text as if you were

  • Guy

  • Carol

  • Guy’s mother

  • Carol’s father

  • Richard

  • school careers adviser

51. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the Verb.

Always a source of affection, my grandparents _____________ (1 – to be) hugely important figures in my life. They would shower my sisters and me with sweets, indulgences and stories, telling tales about my parents as naughty children. When the last of them ____________ (2 – to die), we all wondered who __________________ (3 – to hold) the family together.

People ________________ (4 – to rely) on grandparents in Britain since the Industrial Revolution, when whole families ______________ (5 – to move) into cities from the country ________________ (6 – to get) work in the new factories, taking grandmother along _____________ (7 – to look) after the children. Despite the fact that more grandmothers _________________ (8 – to work) now, grandparents are still the backbone of childcare in Britain. They _______________________ (9 – to report/to provide) 44 percent of full-time care for pre-school children, which makes you _______________ (10 – to wonder) how the country would manage without them.

The traditional image of a grandparent is a smiling old person surrounded by happy children but it _________________________ (11 – not to seem/to match) the facts. What we have now is the so-called ‘beanpole family’, thinly stretched over several generations, with fewer family members in each and with growing number of single-parent families. Grandparents _________________ (12 – to get) younger – more than 50 per cent of grandparents __________________________ (13 – to report/to have) their first grandchildren by the age of 54.

For many of them, grandparenthood means giving up a job, involvement with grandchildren and, sometimes, the care of their own parents. It’s up to us ________________ (14 – to balance) the demands we make on them if we don’t want to wear them out. Grandparents ___________________ (15 – always/to be) such a valuable part of the family pattern that we __________________________ (16 – to be unlikely/modal/to do) without them.

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