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Arterial system

The arterial system is composed of arteries and arterioles (smaller arteries). Starting with the largest artery, the aorta, the arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the arterioles, and then on to the capillaries, where the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) takes place.

The pulmonary artery, with its two branches, is the exception of the arterial

world. Instead of carrying oxygen-filled blood to other parts of the body, its branches carry oxygen-deprived blood to the right and left lungs.

Venous system

The venous system is made up of veins and venules (little veins). The veins are the workhorses of the vessel system, carrying oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart. The journey ends with the blood from the head and upper body being returned to the heart via the body’s largest veins, the superior vena cava, and from the lower body via the inferior vena cava, received into the right atrium. The pulmonary veins carry oxygen-rich blood from the lungs back to the heart.

Capillaries are incredibly small and look tiny, like hair. These super-tiny vessels (one cell thick, to be exact) bridge the gap between arterioles and venules to keep blood flowing in a continuous motion.

Answer the questions about the text and translate the text in writing.

  1. What are some functions of blood?

  2. Do you think blood is a tissue?

  3. What sort of cells does blood contain?

  4. What are the functions of the three types of blood cells?

  5. How can we define blood types?

  6. What is the function of the blood vessels?

  7. Is there a difference between arteries, veins and capillaries?

  8. Why is blood coagulation vital?

  9. Which molecule carries oxygen in blood? In which cell is it found?

Text 2

The Heart

Word List


перикард(ий), околосердечная сумка


внутренняя оболочка полости сердца, эндокард


эпикард, висцеральный листок перикарда



atrium (pl, atria)

полость; пазуха; синус

ventricle (pl, ventricles)


septa (pl of septum)


interatrial septum

межпредсердная перегородка

interventricular septum

межжелудочковая перегородка

bicuspid valve (also called mitral)

двустворчатый клапан (сердца), митральный клапан (сердца)

pulmonary semilunar valve

полулунная заслонка клапана легочного ствола

aortic semilunar valve

полулунная заслонка клапана аорты

tricuspid valve

трехстворчатый клапан

pulmonary circuit

малый круг кровообращения

systemic circuit

большой круг кровообращения





sinoatrial (SA) node

синусно-предсердный узел, синусный узел, узел Киса – Флека

(AV) node

предсердно-желудочковый узел

AV bundle (bundle of His)

пучок Гиса, предсердно-желудочковый пучок

left and right bundle branches

левый и правый атриовентрикулярный пучок

Purkinje fibers

волокно Пуркинье


сфигмоманометр (прибор для измерения кровяного давления)