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Методическое пособие- Английский 1 курс.docx
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II. Выполнение заданий по теме: Словообразование: суффикс –ion.

4 формы глагола и времена группы Simple.

1. Прочитайте и устно переведите следующие слова.

Consultation, occlusion, attention, commission, session, occupation, obstruction

2. Напишите IV формы глаголов.

To get, to become, to mean, to read, to know, to tell, to be, to have, to do, to write, to come, to make, to take, to begin, to pay, to teach, to see, to understand

3. Прочитайте и устно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на форму глагола.

2. Our doctors perform numerous experiments.2. Our doctor usually performs numerous experiments. 3. This doctor performed numerous experiments last month. 4. Our doctors will perform numerous experiments next week. 5. The man performing this experiment is our doctor. 6. The experiment performed interested everybody.

4. Перепишите предложения, раскрывая скобки и употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

My working day (to begin) at seven o’clock. I (to go) to the bathroom, (to take) a shower and (to clean) my teeth. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o’clock. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o’clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

5.Произнесите правильный вариант, следуя образцу.

Дано: It takes me about an hour to get to the Medical University. (yesterday)

Требуется: It took me about an hour to get to the Medical University yesterday.

  1. We often see each other in the lab. (last month)

  2. He feels bad, I’m afraid. (last week)

  3. I wake up very early. (yesterday)

  4. We’ve got a lot of work. (last month)

  5. We haven’t got enough time to discuss all the problems. (last time)

6. Перепишите предложения, ставя глаголы в Past Simple или Future Simple в зависимости от смысла.

1. They (to meet) each other next year.

2. We (to finish) school two years ago.

3. He (to visit) his friend in the hospital tomorrow.

4. My sister (to be) a schoolgirl last year.

5. He (to get) a stipend next year.

6. You (to study) at the surgical department in three years.

7. She (to get) the necessary knowledge of medicine in our University some years ago.

8. I (to complete) the theoretical course soon.

9. We (to read) scientific articles in medical journals.

7. Переведите устно на русский язык данные предложения, обращая внимание на наречия времени.

1. My parents always wait for me late at night.

2. They rarely find new friends during their vacations.

3. She sometimes visits us in autumn.

4. Her neighbours often see her son in the garden early in the morning.

5. I always help my grandmother at the weekend.

6. I shall never say so again.

7. Our teacher can sometimes work in this room.

8. I am always here оn Tuesday.

9. They are never absent from their lessons.

10. He usually speaks English with his students.

8. Перепишите предложения, изменяя предложения согласно наречиям времени.

1. We have several lectures today, (yesterday, tomorrow). 2. Our doctors perform numerous experiments (last month, next week). 3. Medical students take several credit tests at the end of the term. (at the end of the last term, at the end of the next term)

9.Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в необходимой по смыслу временной форме.

1. Я встаю без четверти семь. 2. У меня большая семья 3. Мой брат работает в больнице. Он врач. 4. Моя сестра говорит по-английски. 5. Наша лекция по биологии была 7 сентября. 6. На первом курсе студенты будут изучать в основном теоретические предметы. 7. Три месяца назад я поступил в медицинский университет.8. На следующей неделе у меня будет свободное время.

III. Лексический минимум по теме «MY WORKING DAY».

to enter the university [entЭ]- поступить в университет

alarm clock [q’lRm] - будильник

to wake up - просыпаться

to take a shower [SQuq] - принимать душ

to get dressed - одеваться

cheese - сыр

sausage [‘sLsiG]- колбаса

to leave (left, left) - уходить, покидать

underground station - станция метро

It takes me … to … - мне нужно …, чтобы

favourite subject [‘feivqrit ‘sAbGqkt] - любимый предмет

to move [mHv]- переезжать

to be hungry [‘hANri] - быть голодным, хотеть есть

to do home assignment [q’sQinmqnt] - делать домашнее задание

hour [Quq] - час

favourite activities [q’ktivitiz]- любимое занатие

tolookforward[‘fo:wЭd] - с нетерпением ждать