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Методическое пособие- Английский 1 курс.docx
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5. Объясните употребление предлогов, прочтите предложения и устнопереведите их.

1. The lectures delivered by the professors of our Institute are interesting. 2. I write my exercises with a pen. 3. Our assistant’s experiments were successful. 4. He pays great attention to his studies. 5. This book was written by a famous writer. 6. The article was about doctors. 7. He gave the textbook to his friend. 8. The patients of this doctor were children. 9. Children’s parents asked many questions.

6. Устно переведите следующие словосочетания.

Institute library, winter holiday, spring session

7. Прочтите и устно переведите предложения, обращая внимание на местоимения.

1. We live with our parents. 2. Her son works with my uncle. 3. I live not far from you and your sister. 4. Their flat is on the second floor. 5. She finished our school. 6. Our doctor is young. 7. We have a dog. We like it and it likes us.

8. Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующую форму личныхместоимений.

1. (I) friend sends (I) many letters. 2. (He) brother knows (you). 3. (I) often see (they) in the park. 4. Don’t ask (he) about (he) wife. 5. (He) met (she) at the party. 6. (We ) teacher greets (we) every morning. (We) greet (she) too. 7. (You) son studies together with (I).

III. Лексический минимум по теме «ABOUT MYSELF».

Устно переведите и запомните следующие слова и выражения.

Man – ( мн. число ) men

woman – ( мн. число ) women [wi:mən]

child – ( мн. число ) children

baby – (мн. число) babies

Parents Children

mother = mum daughter [do:tə]

father = dad son

mother – in –law = daughter – in – law

father – in – law = son – in – law

grandparents = grandchildren / grandgrandchildren

grandmother = granny granddaughter

grandfather = grandpa = grand-dad grandson

Relatives Occupation = job

wife schoolgirl / schoolboy /student

husband to go to school

sister to study at the college

brother to be good at Maths

aunt [a:nt] to work as a doctor

uncle to work hard


niece [ ni:s ]

nephew [ nevju: ]

Hobby to be fond of / to like + reading

Запомните следующие слова и выражения.

What’syourname? – Как Вас (тебя) зовут?

Where are you from? – Откуда вы (ты)?

IamfromNovosibirsk,Russia. – Я из Новосибирска, из России.

Howoldareyou? – Сколько вам (тебе) лет?

I am thirty (years old). – Мне 30 лет.

What’syourjob? – Кем Вы работаете?

I work as a doctor. – Я работаю врачом.

What’s your favourite pastime (времяпрепровождение) / hobby? – Чем Вы увлекаетесь?

I am fond of music / playing computer games / knitting [nitiŋ]. – Я увлекаюсь музыкой/игрой в компьютерные игры/вязанием.

Is your family large? – Ваша семья большая?

No, it isn’t. We are four. – Нет, нас четверо.

Areyoumarriedorsingle? – Вы женаты / замужем или холост / незамужем?

Occupations: engineer, pensioner['pen∫әnә], housewife, secretary, schoolgirl, student, teacher, doctor, worker, businessman, businesswoman, manager, military man, actor, artist, nurse

Favorite pastimes: reading, singing, dancing, watching TV, collecting stamps, knitting, playing the guitar [gita:], music, sport, fishing, pets ( питомцы, домашние животные).