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Самостоятельная работа

  1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. ____ are doctors (we, she, it).

  2. ____ is a hat (he, it, you).

  3. ____ are books (he, it, they).

  4. ____ are sisters (we, I, he).

  5. ____ am Mark (I, you, they).

  6. ____ are friends (you, he, she).

  1. Ответьте на вопросы, используя личные местоимения.

  1. Where is Ann? ______ is at school.

  2. What is this? _____ is a bird.

  3. Who is Mark? _____ is my friend.

  4. Where is the cat? ______ is in my bedroom.

  5. Where are the teachers? _______ are in the classroom.

  6. How old are you? _____ am 16.

  1. Выберите правильную форму притяжательных местоимений.

1) Is this (your, your) car? – Yes, it’s (my, mine).

2) These are (my, mine) friends. And those are (your, yours).

3) This is (our, ours) English teacher. That is (their, theirs).

4) (My, mine) name is Terry, (her, hers) is Mary.

5) This is (my, mine) telephone number. What’s (your, yours)?

  1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу личными и притяжательными местоимениями.

1) ____ sister and __ are different. _____ is tall, _____ am short. ________ hair is blond and __________ hair is dark.

2) Peter and Philip are ___ cousins. ________ parents are very nice people, we love _______ very much.

3) Jim and Mary were born in England. ____ are English and _____ hometown is Liverpool.

4) Ann is a friend of _____.

  1. Заполните пропуски необходимыми местоимениями.

I’m Bill Lambert. I’m ten. This is a picture of … family. … is a very good picture. This is my mother. … name is Jenny. … is a housewife. … doesn’t work. This is my father. … name is John. … is a computer programmer. Jenny and John are … parents. I love … very much.

I have a brother and a sister. … brother’s name is Peter. … is five years older …, … is 15. … sister’s name is Kate, … is 13.

These are … grandparents, … grandmother and … grandfather. … are retired. … live in the country. … house is nice. I like …. I visit … every summer.

And this is … dog. … name is Spot. … all love … dog very much. Spot is very clever.

  1. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях.

    1. I like Mary. She is my best friend.

    2. Look at he. He is crying!

    3. Is that Ben? – Yes, it’s he.

    4. Why is Mary with him?

    5. Mark is busy. I think him needs help.

    6. Them want your phone number.

    7. Susan doesn’t like I.

    8. Don’t tell them anything, please.

Unit 4. Глагол to be

(The Verb to be)

    1. Прочитайте, переведите и разыграйте диалог по ролям.

Tone: Is that you, Alison?

Alison: Yes, it’s me.

Tony: Are you all right?

Alison: Yes, I am fine, thanks. And what about you?

Tony: I am great, thank you very much. Is your dad in?

Alison: No, he isn’t. He is at work.

Tony: Is your mum in?

Alison: No, she is not. She is out.

Tony: Let’s go to the park.

Alison: Yes, ok.

    1. Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола to be:

1. Paul __________ a new student.

2. Susan and I _______ at the same school.

3. Linda ________ from England.

4. The children __________ in class.

5. You and Tom _________ nice.

6. The cat __________ in the kitchen.

7. The pencils __________ on the desk.

8. My father _________ a lawyer.

9. Mrs Brown __________ a doctor.

10. Jim and Mary __________ with Paul.

11. The red car _________ in the garage.

12. Mary’s mother _________ tall.

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