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  1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

1. Mike can run very fast. 2. They can understand French. 3. Kate can speak English well. 4. He may be at home now. 5. May I use your telephone? 6. Can you brother help me with mathematics? 7. My friend cannot come in time. 8. I can sing, but I cannot dance. 9. You must work hard at your English. 10. You must learn the words. 11. You must not talk at the lessons. 12. Everybody must come to college in time. 13. Don’t ring him up: he must be very busy.

  1. Прочитайте следующие словосочетания, обсудите их с одногруппниками и скажите, что вы можете и что не можете делать.




speak English

drive a car

ride a bike

play soccer (football)

play the piano



  1. Закончите следующие вопросы и ответьте на них.

  1. ________ you __________________ two languages?

  2. ________ your father _______________ very fast?

  3. ________ your mother ______________ the piano?

  4. ________ your best friend ___________ underwater?

  5. ________ your grandfather __________ jokes?

  6. ________ your teacher _____________ in English?

  1. П

    Look at that girl! She is Julia Jefferson. She is Canadian. Julia is 16 years old. She is a student at Brighton Comprehensive. She is a very good student. She can speak three languages well: English, French and Spanish. She is also very good at sports. She can swim and dive. She´s and excellent diver, in fact, she´s Canada’s Diving Champion.

    Julia’s family is big. She has got two brothers and a sister. Her sister´s name is Rachel. Rachel is 7 years old. She can play tennis very well. Rachel has got a new racket. It is green and yellow. She loves it!

    рочтите следующий текст и исправьте предложения, данные ниже

  1. Julia Jefferson is sixty years old.

  2. Julia is bad at sports.

  3. Julia can’t swim.

  4. Julia’s sister can dive.

  5. Rachel hates her new racket.

  1. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола must / mustn’t.

  1. It’s cold. You ……………………….. leave without your jacket.

  2. You …………………. eat fruit and vegetables to stay healthy.

  3. I ……………………… go to the post office. I have a letter to send.

  4. You ……………………….. speak rudely to your parents.

  5. You ……………………….. park here – it’s illegal.

  6. We ………………………. hurry or we’ll miss the bus.

  1. Скажите, что вы должны, не должны делать.




tidy your room

cheat on the exams

do your homework regularly

listen to the teacher

visit the teacher

run in the halls

talk during the test

wake up early at weekends

get to class late

wash your hand before meal

wear a tie at the parties

  1. …. I must tidy my room. ………………………………………………….

  2. …. I mustn’t cheat on the exams. ………………………………………….

  1. Закончите следующие предложения, вставив подходящий по смыслу глагол и соответствующую форму глагола must.

Go eat stop believe tell

Steal be read park listen

  1. You __________ at the curb and look before you cross the street.

  2. Children _________ to the teacher if they want to learn.

  3. You _________ everything people tell you.

  4. You __________ the question carefully before you write the answer.

  5. If you want to be healthy, you ______ a lot of vegetables.

  6. You _______ out on your own at night.

  7. We ________ because it is wrong.

  8. Drivers __________ their cars in the middle of the road.

  9. If you want people to be nice to you, _______ nasty to them.

  10. You _________ always ________ the truth.

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