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Food and drink in Modern Britain

These days a lot of British people love cooking. In modern British supermarkets you can find all kinds of interesting international food. There are cookery programmes on TV every night, and some chefs are popular TV stars. Tea is a very popular drink in Britain. Some people drink it with every meal, and most people put milk in it!

And old British tradition is to have afternoon tea at about 4 o’clock. Afternoon tea usually consists on tea, sandwiches, and cake. These days British people do not have time for this meal, and most people don’t eat in the afternoon. But a lot of cafés in Britain still serve afternoon tea because people like to have it on special occasions and when they are on holiday. Tourists love it, too!

In multicultural Britain today, you can find restaurants that serve food from all over the world. Even in very small towns you can often find a Chinese, and Indian, or Italian restaurant, because these types of food are particularly popular. In big cities you can also try Thai, Mexican and Japanese cookery, and in London you can probably try food from every country in the world!

1) What do British people usually add to tea?

2) What time do they have tea as a tradition?

3) Do people have time for this meal these days?

4) Why do many cafés in Britain still serve tea?

5) Is it popular among tourists?

6) What kind of food can you try in London?

  1. Прочитайте следующий текст и раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Simple Tense.


Australia … (be) one of the seven continents of the world. Can you remember the names of the other six? Please put them down here ____________


Almost seventeen million people …. (live) in Australia. They … (speak) English because many of their families came from England two hundred years ago.

The first people in Australia were the Aborigines, but there … (be) only 160,000 in Australia now.

Australian farmers … (have) very big farms. They … (have) many sheep on the farms. There … (be) crocodile farms too.

There … (be) many other interesting animals in Australia: wild dogs called dingos, kangaroos, and koalas.

  1. Прочитайте текст и догадайтесь, о каких странах идет речь (Canada, South Africa, Australia). Заполните пропуски соответствующими глаголами.

A: exports enjoy immigrants huge

B: favourite variety has only

C: elephants grows black climate


This country has quite a small population, just 22 million, but the country is ______. The people are mainly of European descent, but there are also aborigines and a lot of south-east Asian_________. People live in towns on the coast, not so much inland, because it is so hot. They live a lot of their lives outdoors, and ______ sports, swimming and having barbecues. This country ______ wine and wool – it has more than 60 million sheep!

B: ________________

This is the second biggest country in the world, but it has a population of ______ 30 million. It is so big that there is a _______ of climates. Most people live in the south because the north is too cold. It is famous for its beautiful mountains and lakes – it ____ more lakes than any other country. Their _______ sports are baseball and hockey.

C: _______________

This country has a population of about 45 million. Of these, 76 per cent are _______ and 12 per cent white. It has a warm _______. Either it never rains, or it rains a lot! It is the world's biggest producer of gold, and it exports diamonds, too. It ______ a lot of fruit, including oranges, pears, and grapes, and it makes wine. In the game reserves you can see a lot of wildlife, including lions, ______, zebras, and giraffes.

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