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    1. Соотнесите правила с дорожными знаками.

1) You have to turn left ahead.

2) You mustn’t turn right.

3) You mustn’t turn round.

4) You have to give priority to vehicles from the opposite direction.

5) You have to stop in 100 yards.

6) You mustn’t go down road.

    1. Заполните пропуски в правилах, используя have to or mustn’t.

  1. You have to slow down.

  2. You ____________ stop.

  3. You __________ keep left.

  4. You __________ allow other vehicles to go first.

  5. You __________ pass other vehicles.

  6. You __________ go more than 30 miles per hour.

    1. Прочтите следующий текст и скажите.

  1. What has Goody got?

  2. What can he do?

  3. What is he doing now?

My robot

I’ve got a robot. He’s nice and his name’s Goody. He’s tall.

H e’s got big head, long arms and legs. He’s got beautiful eyes and nice smile. He hasn’t got any hair.

Goody cannot swim but he can run very fast. Also he can cook meals and wash the dishes. He can tidy the room and play soccer with me.

Look! Goody’s dancing! Now he’s running! Look he’s playing soccer. Goody’s my best friend.

    1. Выберите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол.

a) We should/ can/ may go home now. It’s getting cold.

b) May / Must / Might I start the game?

c) Tim just shouldn’t / couldn’t / can’t speak, he was so shocked.

d) You mustn’t / couldn’t / mightn’t smoke here.

e) Tomorrow I can / might / should go to the beach, but I´m not sure.

    1. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол.

a) When she was younger, she ____________ run very fast.

b) I ____________ understand a word she’s saying.

c) The doctor told me I _____________ in bed. It’s essential, he said.

d) You ______________ smoke. It’s not good for you.

e) I don’t know if I ___________ do this exercise. It’s rather difficult.

f) You ______________ never lie to your parents.

    1. Замените подчеркнутые словосочетания модальными глаголами.

a) I’m not capable of speaking French.

I ___________________________________________________________.

b) You have the obligation to report all incidents.

You _________________________________________________________.

c) My advice is that he follows his father into the medical profession.

He __________________________________________________________.

d) She has the ability to overcome her problems.

She _________________________________________________________.

e) It´s possible that I come late tomorrow.

I ____________________________________________________________.

f) It´s forbidden to turn right on this road.

You _________________________________________________________.

    1. Составьте небольшие рассказы, используя данные слова и необходимые модальные глаголы.

A Visit to a Sick Friend

to ring up, to go to see, how are you, what is the matter, to have a temperature, to feel bad, to have to, to see a doctor, to get a cold, to be sorry, to miss classes

Seeing a Doctor

to feel ill, to have a temperature, to have to, to see a doctor, to get the flu, to advise, to stay in bed, to miss classes, to decide, to ring up

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