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Unit 17. Оборот There is / There are

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма

Краткие ответы

There is a lamp on the desk.

There is no lamp on the desk.

Is there a lamp on the desk?

Yes, there is.

No, there isn’t.

There were five chairs in the room.

There were no five chairs in the room.

Were there five chairs in the room?

Yes, there were.

No, there weren’t.

There will be classes tomorrow.

There won’t be classes tomorrow.

Will there be classes tomorrow?

Yes, there will be.

No, there won’t be.

  1. Прочитайте и переведите следующий диалог, обращая внимание на оборот there is / there are.

Renting a flat

  • Good morning. I want to rent a flat. Can you show it to me?

  • Of course. Come in, please. Let’s look around. The flat is very cosy and comfortable. There is a light switch here. There is a telephone here. There are keys here.

  • Is there a bathroom upstairs?

  • Yes, there is.

  • Is there a TV set upstairs?

  • No, there isn’t. But there is a TV set in the living-room.

  • Are there any TV programmes for children?

  • Yes, there are programmes for children every day.

  • Are there TV programmes in Russian?

  • I’m afraid there aren’t.

  • Well, I think this flat is very good and it suits me perfectly. I will take it.

  1. Вставьте there is или there are.

  1. ________ _________ an elephant in the zoo.

  2. ________ _________ a tiger in the zoo.

  3. ________ _________ five monkeys in the zoo.

  4. ________ _________ zebras in the zoo.

  5. ________ _________ a giraffe in the zoo.

  6. ________ _________ pretty birds in the zoo.

  7. ________ _________ a peacock in the zoo.

  8. ________ _________ pink flamingoes in the zoo.

  1. Вставьте необходимую форму глагола to be (is or are):

  1. There _______an apple tree in the garden.

  2. There _______ funny monkeys in the zoo.

  3. There _______a fat cat on the sofa.

  4. There _______ chairs in the classroom.

  5. There _______a bird in the tree.

  6. There _______many kites in the sky.

  7. There _______an elephant in the zoo.

  8. There_______ some water in the bottle.

  9. There _______many bees near the flowers.

  10. There _______pretty pictures in the book.

  11. There_______ many people in the street.

  12. There_______ many children in the classroom.

  1. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными.

There is some milk in the fridge. => No, there is no milk in the fridge.

1) There is some butter on the bread. No, there ____________.

2) There is some porridge on the plate. No, there _____________.

3) There is a lot of food in the fridge. No, there _____________.

4) There are two chairs in the room. No, there ___________.

5) There are three people at the table. No, there __________.

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